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Introduction to TRANSENERGY- stakeholders needs addressed

Introduction to TRANSENERGY- stakeholders needs addressed. Annamária Nádor. Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary. TRANSENERGY Final Conference June 24, 2013, Vienna. Targets: hot sedimentary aquifers in the Pannonian Basin. Favorable conditions due to Miocene

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Introduction to TRANSENERGY- stakeholders needs addressed

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  1. Introduction to TRANSENERGY- stakeholders needs addressed Annamária Nádor Geological and Geophysical Institute of Hungary TRANSENERGY FinalConference June 24, 2013, Vienna

  2. Targets: hot sedimentary aquifers in the Pannonian Basin FavorableconditionsduetoMiocene basinformation Averageterrestrialheat-flow: 100 mW/m2 Geothermalgradient: 45 °C/km 1

  3. Current utilization and identified gaps • Majority of use is low-temperatureforbalneology • Hardlyanyre-injection: someaquifersarealreadyoverexploited • Manyusersinthetransboundaryregions, no harmonized management strategies • Lowshare of energeticuse: Why? Resource-related? Non-technicalbarriers? Policy-related? • 148 usersfrom 307 wells (2011) • Abstraction of ~ 30 million m3/y of thermalwater (except AT) • 4-6 re-injectionwells

  4. Integrated resource management of hydrogeothermal systems – policy aspects „environment” hydrogeothermalreservoirs ≈ thermalwateraquifer carryingmedium: thermalgroundwater Water Framework Directive – goodquality and quantity status of aquifers - PROTECTION CommonImplementationStrategy Howeverthewaytoreachgoals („good status”) – national – no/littleharmonization Delineation of groundwaterbodies („hydrogeothermalreservoirs”) – differsincountries

  5. Integrated resource management of hydrogeothermal systems – policy aspects „energy” RES goals: increase of geothermal → enhancedabstractionofthermalwater - UTILIZATION NREAP targets of TRANSENERGY countries Hungary

  6. Is itpossibletomatch „energy” and „environmental” goals ? Cantheabstraction of thermalwater be increasedwithoutthreateningthequality and quantity status of theaquifers? Ifyes, whataretheboundaryconditionsforsustainableproduction?

  7. Final goals of TRANSENERGY Assessment of hydrogeothermalresourcesattheW-ern part of thePannoninanBasin – show thepotentialforenergyuse Recommendationsonintegrated, harmonized management strategies and sustainableutilization Identify and dismantlenon-tecnicalbarriers

  8. Where and which depth are the most important potential reservoirs? Geologicalmodel How much thermal water can be abstracted which has natural recharge? (quantify free water resource) Towhichextentabstractioncan be increasedwithoutthreateningenvironmentaltargets ? Impacts? Hydrogeologicalmodel Whicharethe main flow-directons? Anycrossborder? Water-budgetsamongthe main aquifers? Chemical composition of thermal waters: Gases, dissolved content that might restrict utilization (scaling, corrosion)? Can associated gases be utilized?Is water treatment necessary? Hydrogeochemicalinvestigations What is the temperature at certain depths? How much heat is available (resources, reserves)? What sort of utilizations are feasible? Geothermalmodels

  9. Thankyouforyourattention!

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