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Jeopardy. Bio-technology. Economic Activities. Definitions. Green Revolution. Potpourri. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $200. Q $400. Q $300. Q $400. Q $400. Q $400. Q $600. Q $600. Q $600. Q $600. Q $600. Q $800. Q $800. Q $800. Q $800. Q $800. Q $1000. Q $1000.

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Jeopardy Bio-technology Economic Activities Definitions Green Revolution Potpourri Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $200 Q $400 Q $300 Q $400 Q $400 Q $400 Q $600 Q $600 Q $600 Q $600 Q $600 Q $800 Q $800 Q $800 Q $800 Q $800 Q $1000 Q $1000 Q $1000 Q $1000 Q $1000 Final Jeopardy

  2. $200 Question from Green Revolution Which agricultural revolution resulted in the development of high-yield grains?

  3. $200 Answer from Green Revolution Third Agricultural Revolution

  4. $400 Question from Green Revolution What is another name for the Third Agricultural Revolution?

  5. $400 Answer from Green Revolution The Green Revolution

  6. $600 Question from Green Revolution By 1992, what was the most widely grown crop variety on earth, that was a product of the Green Revolution, called IR36?

  7. $600 Answer from Green Revolution RICE

  8. $800 Question from Green Revolution Grain grown in the United States is commonly used for what?

  9. $800 Answer from Green Revolution Livestock feed

  10. $1000 Question from Green Revolution What is the goal of the Green Revolution?

  11. $1000 Answer from Green Revolution To genetically engineer plants to produce higher crop yields; to reduce world hunger

  12. $200 Question from Bio-technology What does bio-technology involve?

  13. $200 Answer from Bio-technology Genetic manipulation of plants and animals

  14. $400 Question from Bio-technology Define organic.

  15. $400 Answer from Bio-technology Food that is grown without the aid of fertilizers, pesticides, herbicides, growth hormones etc.

  16. $600 Question from Bio-technology What does GMO stand for?

  17. $600 Answer from Bio-technology Genetically Modified Organism

  18. $800 Question from Bio-technology Organic food sales make up how much of all food sales?

  19. $800 Answer from Bio-technology 2.5 % of all food sales is in organic

  20. $1000 Question from Bio-technology Are there any laws/restrictions on genetically modified goods? Can you tell if a product is a GMO by looking at it? Who monitors these goods?

  21. $1000 Answer from Bio-technology No laws or restrictions yet No, because they are not required to use labels FDA, EPA, USDA monitor them

  22. $200 Question from Economic Activities Farming is an example of what level of economic activity?

  23. $200 Answer from Economic Activities Primary

  24. $400 Question from Economic Activities A mailman’s job would be classified in what level of economic activity?

  25. $400 Answer from Economic Activities Tertiary

  26. $600 Question from Economic Activities All of the following are indicative of what level of economic activity: pottery, houses, machinery?

  27. $600 Answer from Economic Activities Secondary

  28. $800 Question from Economic Activities A researcher is classified as being in what level of economic activity?

  29. $800 Answer from Economic Activities Quinary

  30. $1000 Question from Economic Activities Information or the exchange of money or goods is classified as what level of economic activity?

  31. $1000 Answer from Economic Activities Quaternary

  32. $200 Question from Definitions What is an invasive species?

  33. $200 Answer from Definitions Species of plant, animal or other organism introduced to a non native ecosystem, where it became harmful to the natural environment or to human health.

  34. $400 Question from Definitions Define commercial agriculture.

  35. $400 Answer from Definitions Producing goods on a high yield basis in order to sell them for profit

  36. $600 Question from Definitions Define debt-for nature swap.

  37. $600 Answer from Definitions When creditors agree to forgive debts in return for the promise of environmental protection (ex: Rainforests)

  38. $800 Question from Definitions Define subsistence agriculture.

  39. $800 Answer from Definitions The raising of just enough food to feed your family with no surplus.

  40. $1000 Question from Definitions Define agribusiness.

  41. $1000 Answer from Definitions Industrialized, corporate form of agriculture organized into integrated networks of agricultural inputs and outputs controlled by a small number of large corporations

  42. $200 Question from Potpourri What does LDC and MDC stand for?

  43. $200 Answer from Potpourri Less developed country More developed country

  44. $400 Question from Potpourri In North America, what frequently consumed item is most likely to be supplied by a trans-national corporation?

  45. $400 Answer from Potpourri Coffee

  46. $600 Question from Potpourri The northern portion of the U.S. is geared towards what particular type of agriculture production?

  47. $600 Answer from Potpourri Dairying

  48. $800 Question from Potpourri Where was corn or maize first domesticated?

  49. $800 Answer from Potpourri Central Mexico

  50. $1000 Question from Potpourri What was the “tragedy of the commons”?

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