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What happens when you put conditioner in a hair dye (1)

Do you have an idea of the effects of putting<br>conditioner in hair dye? Did you ever think this<br>could be beneficial or could worsen the<br>chemical mix and wash away the hair dye?

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What happens when you put conditioner in a hair dye (1)

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  2. Do you have an idea of the effects of putting conditioner in hair dye? Did you ever think this could be beneficial or could worsen the chemical mix and wash away the hair dye? If you already have your choice of hair day for that special occasion and you have already booked an appointment with your stylist, then that’s great news. The next step would be considering if you want conditioner mixed in your hair dye, or nah. Without further ado, we’ll give you answers if it’s safe to put conditioner in hair dye or just leave it as it is. Enjoy reading. What We Could Expect

  3. Conditioner helps lighten hair dye but…

  4. There’s one way to lighten up your hair dye a bit, and that’s adding a conditioner to the mixture but this doesn’t apply in all hair dyes. For example, you wanted an electric pink. If you add in a conditioner, you’ll end up having cotton candy pink – a softer hue of what you wanted. In other words, it makes the color less intense, and results may end up in a pastel-colored effect. Experts said that adding conditioner – if you’re using a semi-permanent hair dye - might add some protection to your hair. B X U A R C H I T E C T U R E C L U B | 2 0 2 0

  5. If you wanted to moisturize the hair during the process of hair dyeing, this might not be the perfect solution to that. During this process, ammonia and peroxide are mixed together to penetrate the hair cuticle. After the cuticles are up, now your hair is ready for the hair dye. When the peroxide removes your natural color, the new color pigment takes control and joins with the cortex of the hair. If you mix the hair dye with conditioner, it will only hinder the work of the peroxide and the ammonia

  6. Better solution for damaged hair

  7. After you’ve successfully dyed your hair, you’ll probably search for more ways to keep your hair from being damage-free from all the chemicals it underwent. The best solution to that is to either get yourself a purple shampoo to prolong your hair color – or better yet, choose a shampoo that’s sulfate-free shampoos to extend the life of your dye job. Those shampoo brands that contains sulfates can strip the hair of everything, including natural moisture. B X U A R C H I T E C T U R E C L U B | 2 0 2 0

  8. Next best option

  9. SHOWER FILTER The best solution to that is to either get yourself a purple shampoo to prolong your hair color – or better yet, choose a shampoo that’s sulfate-free shampoos to extend the life of your dye job. Those shampoo brands that contains sulfates can strip the hair of everything, including natural moisture. B X U A R C H I T E C T U R E C L U B | 2 0 2 0

  10. HAIR MASK Once a week, you can also give your hair some TLC by applying a hair mask. This will help your hair getting hydrated and moisturized. B X U A R C H I T E C T U R E C L U B | 2 0 2 0

  11. COCONUT OIL Aside from the sulfate-free shampoo, invest in 100% organic coconut oil. It has properties that does not interfere with the work of ammonia and peroxide. As a matter of fact, it helps better dye absorption. Coconut oil is also beneficial especially if you’re going for a swim in the pool. It acts as a conditioning barrier and protectant from the chlorine in the pool. B X U A R C H I T E C T U R E C L U B | 2 0 2 0

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