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PROPOSAL WRITING Day 2. Dr. Hend Mohamed M. Ibrahim (M.D., Ph.D.) هند محمد محمد ابراهيم Lecturer of Medical Biochemistry مسئول الدعم الفني بوحده اداره المشروعات بالكليه المخرج 6-أ. Outline. Ice Breaking (Name & Interest) General Steps to Apply for Proposal

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  1. PROPOSAL WRITINGDay 2 Dr. Hend Mohamed M. Ibrahim (M.D., Ph.D.) هند محمد محمد ابراهيم Lecturer of Medical Biochemistry مسئول الدعم الفني بوحده اداره المشروعات بالكليه المخرج 6-أ

  2. Outline • Ice Breaking (Name & Interest) • General Steps to Apply for Proposal • Types of Projects and Funding Agencies • Summary of Day 1 • Examples for Projects Application • Complete Project Writing Procedure with Examples

  3. رسالة الكلية • تلتزم كلية الطب جامعة الزقازيق بإعداد أطباء أكفاء للرعاية الصحية الأساسية قادرين على تلبية الاحتياجات الصحية المتنوعة للمجتمع و تنفيذ السياسات القومية للإصلاح الصحي و ذلك من خلال تقديم الكلية لبرامج في التعليم الطبي لمرحلتي البكالوريوس و الدراسات العليا طبقا لمعايير الجودة الحديثة فكلية الطب هي من أوائل الكليات في المنطقة العربية الحاصلة على شهادة الأيزو 2000:9001 في مجال التعليم الطبي لمرحلة البكالوريوس ، كما تقوم الكلية بإجراء البحوث العلمية المتخصصة في شتى المجالات الطبية و تقديم الخدمات الصحية المتميزة للمجتمع.

  4. General Steps to Apply for a Proposal • Idea for Project • Find a Suitable Funding Agency • Do more search about the idea and the agency requirements • Know How to Write a Proposal • Write a Proposal • Submit the Proposal • You receive Confirmation of Submission • Project Review • Project Results and Comments

  5. Why Proposals are Rejected? • Not an original idea • Unmanageable risks • Project unfeasible • Rationale is weak • Writing is vague • Uncertain outcomes, objectives • Does not have relevant experience • Problem is not important • Proposal is unfocused • Project needs bigger budget

  6. مشاريع تطويريه /خدميه • وقد يكون التمويل داخلي او خارجي مثل • مشاريع الإتحاد الأوروبي التطويريه (TEMPUS) • http://www.tempus-egypt.com • Higher Education Enhancement Project Fund (HEEPF) • مشروع تنمية قدرات أعضاء هيئة التدريس والقيادات (FLDP ) • مشروعات تكنولوجيا المعلومات والاتصالات (ICTP) • مشروع التطوير المستمر وتأهيل الكليات للتقدم للاعتماد CIQAP

  7. مشاريع بحثيه أ -مشاريع الإتحاد الأوروبي البحثيهويتضمن برنامج البحوث والتنمية والإبتكار RDI www.rdi.eg.net البرنامج الأوروبى السابع للمشاريع البحثية والتنمية التكنولوجية FP7 http://cordis.europa.eu/fp7 ب - صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجيةSTDF ج - مشاريع الدراسات العليا بجامعه الزقازيق

  8. Example from Funding Agency صندوق العلوم والتنمية التكنولوجية STDF Science and Technology Development Fund • http://www.stdf.org.eg • Young Research Grants • Reintegration Grants • Basic & Applied Research Grants • US- Egypt Grants • Egyptian/German Research Fund (GERF) • Egyptian Japanese Scientific Cooperation • Mobility Grants, GESP Grant

  9. Example of Proposal Format • Zagazig University Graduate Sector Proposal (Draft) • STDF Proposal (Written Proposal & available as example on STDF website)

  10. Example for Proposal Format • Zagazig University Graduate Sector • Laboratory Proposal • Research Proposal You can access from www.zu.edu.eg

  11. Summary of Day 1

  12. Contents of proposal 1-Title العنوان 2-Summary الملخص 3-Introduction المقدمه Background الخلفيه Needs assessment تقدير الاحتياجات Rational عرض الاسباب 4-Goal الأهداف 5-Specific Objectives (purposes) 6- Input (Means) , output , outcome , impact النتائج/المخرجات 7-Assumption & Risks (assumption=feasibility ) 8-Activitiesالأنشطة - Methods & procedures - Action plan & implementation 9-Indicators المؤشرات 10- Time-plan 11-Dissemination الاعلان عن المشروع 12-Sustainability الاستمرارية (اختيارى) 13-Refrences 14-Budget الميزانية 15-Monitoring & Evaluation المراقبه والمتابعه 16-Logical frame matrix مصفوفه العمل المنطقية

  13. Goal and Objectives • Goal: - It is the main single aim • Where we want reach Give example for one research goal and improvement goal • Objectives: - The objectives are the elements which are needed to achieve the goal - The steps needed to get there - Use action verbs • Clone, Identify, Study

  14. Inputs Activities Outputs النتائج الأنشطةالمدخلات Impact Outcomes المردود المخرجات Outputs: Immediate results Outcomes: Remote results

  15. Activities خطة العمل والأنشطة الضرورية لاكتمال المشروعMethods and Procedures, Facilities & Equipment • The core of a proposal تكتب بالتفصيل • Describe the project design, and how to achieve the objectives • It should explain in a narrative way, different activities during the time of the project كل نشاط يشرح بالتفصيل • Must explain the rationale for the activity (relate it to the problem)

  16. Elements of Activities • Should include: • What - Activities to achieve the desired results • Who - Target group • - Responsible for implementing methods • When - Timeline • - When activities will take place • - When objectives will be achieved

  17. Activities • Training, workshop • Place preparation • Conference, meeting • Field work • Laboratory work • Purchase of equipment • Collect samples and data • Data entry • Data analysis • Identify needs

  18. Implementation of Activities • The methods section is often the longest part of a proposal. It should contain: • Description of the methods to accomplish each objective • 2. Description of how to implement these methods. • - Mention who will be responsible for implementation of each objective (title, and background) • 3. Description of the plan of action • 4. Explanation of the reasons for selecting a particular approach

  19. 5. Presentation of activities that can be accomplished within the time and the resources 6. Description of the staffing expertise involved to provide assurance of achievement 7. Development of a sequential procedure required for the project implementation 8. A structure for monitoring and evaluation

  20. Facilities & Equipment • A list of adequate facilities confirms the capabilities of the proposing institution’s strength in the intended field of study. • The description of facilities should include • Any special equipment or unusual asset • Indicating their accessibility • Specialized computers • Library collections • Laboratories • Space

  21. Example of Activity خطة عمل تنفيذ أنشطة المخرج 6-أ خلال الفترة من 1/10/2009 حتى 31/12/2009 أولا: النشاط الأول (6-أ-1) اعداد مكان الوحدة وتجهيزها وتزويدها بالموارد البشرية

  22. Indicatorsالمؤشرات • Measures to verify to what extent the results are achieved. • Specify how the achievement of an objective can be verified or demonstrated • Provide a basis for Monitoring and Evaluation • Indicators for Completion, Indicators for Success and Performance indicators • Completion indicator = Output Success indicator= Outcome Performance indicator = Objective • Quantitative and Qualitative

  23. Quantitative Indicators • Specific number such as • Absolute number • Mean • Median • Percent • Proportion • Rate

  24. Qualitative Indicators • Non Numerical • Attitudes • Beliefs • Motives • Behavior • Perception

  25. Indicators • Related to goals, objectives and achievements • Reflect outputs, outcomes and impact • Reflect the milestones that can measure the success of the project • Should be valid, reliable and sensitive

  26. Characteristics of performance indicators • Clear واضح • Relevant معبر • Economic أقتصادى • Adequateكافى • Monitorableيمكن متابعته • CREAM

  27. How to develop performance indicators? • Carefully consider the results desired • Be specific • (avoid broad results statements) • Develop multiple possible indicators • (during a short brain storming session) • Assess each indicator • (direct, objective, sensitive...) • Select the best performance indicators

  28. Time lineالأطار زمنىGANTT CHART • It is a chart which specify the beginning and end of each activity بداية ونهاية كل نشاط • Usually it is specified in months/Weeks أسابيع/شهور • The activity can be carried out parallel or sequential النشاط على التوازى أو فى نفس الوقت

  29. Budgetالميزانية • Important section • Follow the special distribution by the agency • Directly reflect the cost of the activities: • Staff cost • Equipment Cost • Materials • Transport cost • Unexpected cost (up to 10%)

  30. References • References should appear after the budget • Separate list, numbered as they appear in the text • Each reference listed should include • - Name of the author • Title • Publication or publisher • Volume and issue number • Page numbers • Date of publication

  31. Sustainabilityالأستمرارية Ability to be continued and used after fund is discontinued • اختيارى • حسب طلب الجهة المانحة- وفى نوعية معينة من المشاريع • الهدف منه تحديد الوسائل التى بها او من خلالها سيستمر المشروع بعد انتهاء فترة تمويله من قبل الجهة المانحة

  32. Project sustainability means • Maintaining the outcomes, goals and products • Adopt the process by the institution Project sustainability doesn’t mean • Maintaining staff positions • Maintaining all activities • Depending on grant funding

  33. Dissemination النشر او الاعلان عن المشروع الوسائل التى ستستخدم للتعريف بالمشروع والإعلان عن انشطته: • Meetingsالندوات • Seminars المحاضرات التعريفية • Workshopsورش عمل • Conference مؤتمرات • Web siteموقع الكترونى • Newsletters الجرائد الاخبارية الموجهة • Publication مجلات – نشرات

  34. Monitoring and Evaluation

  35. Monitoring and Evaluation • Monitoringinvolve • Systematic • Regular collection • Occasional analysis of information • Identify and measure progress over a period of time • Evaluation is the analysis of the effectiveness of an activity • - Important for judgment about progress and impact

  36. Purpose of Monitoring Monitoring ensure commitments and provides constructive suggestions to reach goal as • Re-scheduling the project • Re-budgeting the project • Re-assigning the staff

  37. Evaluation • مجموعة من المعايير من خلالها يمكن الحكم على نجاح المشروع وتحقيق اهدافه • خطة التقييم: • Formative evaluation تقييم بينى لتقييم الاداء اثناء تنفيذ المشروع • Summative evaluation لتقييم ما اذا كانت اهداف المشروع قد تحققت بعد اكتمال تنفيذه

  38. Steps of Evaluation Study the proposal Create evaluation plan and indicators Report the plan to audits Review and elaborate the evaluation plan Start evaluation Report the evaluation results

  39. Methods of evaluation وسائل التقييم • المسح Survey • الاستبيان Questionnaire • المقابلة Interview • المناقشة المجموعية الموجهة Focus group discussion

  40. Management Plan PLAN from top to bottom 3,4,5, beyond control of project management 5-Goal Assumptions Implement from bottom to top 4- Purpose PLAN DOWNWARDS 3- Outputs 1,2 under control of project management 2- Activities THINK UPWARDS 1- Inputs Proposal Mission

  41. LOGICAL FRAMEWORK MATRIX (LFM) مصفوفة العمل المنطقية • Systematic planning tool for complete project cycle management • Used to plan, monitor, and evaluateproposals • Result Based Management (RBM) tool for systematic planning, implementation , monitoring, and evaluation of projects

  42. Components of Logical Frame Work Matrix • Goal • Objectives • Outputs • Outcomes • Activities • Indicators • Assumption • Risks

  43. Assumption • فرضية موجودة بالفعل ليست تحت سيطرتي أو سيطرة المشروع لكن وجودها يساعد في انجاز المشروع • أمثلة • محتاج تطوير المقررات الحالية حتى أصل الي الاعتماد • وجود NARS هو Assumption • يتماشي مع رساله و رؤيه الكليه • تفهم الناس لأهمية التغيير

  44. Risk • Refer to danger that could hinder achievement • How to overcome? • مثلا :معارضة الإدارة • الحل: يجب أن تشاركهم في كل شيء يخص المشروع وتوضيح نتائجه • Type of threats/Risks • Project • -cost over-run • -job taking too long • Political • Financial • Technical • Natural


  46. Vertical Logic for LFM • Identifies what the project intends to do and achieve • Clarifies the causal relationship • Specifies important assumptions and risks GOAL Objectives OUTPUTS ACTIVITIES

  47. Logical Frame Matrix Serves the Following Functions • A tool for planning a logical set of interventions • A tool for appraising a program document • A concise summary of the program • A tool for monitoring progress made with regard to delivery of outputs and activities • A tool for evaluating impact of program outputs indicating progress toward purposes and goal

  48. Example from STDF

  49. Summary of Proposal Application Form Contents • Cover Page • Abstract (English & Arabic) • Introduction • Background • Wider Objectives (Goals) • Statement of Proposed Research (Specific Objectives) • Methods & Procedures • Facilities and Equipments (Available & Needed) • Budget Justification • Time • Logical Frame Work Matrix • References • Appendices (Any additional documents, Letter from institution)

  50. Thank You

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