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Neurovascular Services Ohio

Neurovascular Services Ohio

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Neurovascular Services Ohio

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  1. Neurovascular Services Ohio Neurovascular services typically refer to medical care and treatments related to conditions affecting the blood vessels in the brain and spinal cord. EO hospital neurovascular services ohio are often provided by specialized medical professionals, including neurologists, neurosurgeons, interventional neuroradiologists, and vascular surgeons.Neurovascular specialists use various imaging techniques, such as MRI (Magnetic Resonance Imaging), CT (Computed Tomography) scans, and angiography, to diagnose conditions affecting the blood vessels in the brain and spinal cord. Neurovascular specialists are involved in the diagnosis and treatment of strokes, which can be caused by blockages or bleeding in the brain's blood vessels. Treatment may include administering clot-busting medications (thrombolytics),performing mechanical thrombectomy procedures to remove blood clots, and managing post-stroke care. The neurovascular services ohio include the diagnosis and treatment of cerebral aneurysms, which are weakened areas in blood vessel walls that can balloon out and potentially rupture. Treatment options may include surgical clipping, endovascular coiling, or flow diversion techniques using stents or balloons. AVMs are abnormal tangles of blood vessels that can disrupt normal blood flow and increase the risk of bleeding in the brain. Neurovascular specialists may perform embolization procedures or surgery to treat AVMs and prevent complications.Neurovascular services also involve the management of carotid artery disease, which can lead to stroke if left untreated. Treatment options may include medication management, carotid endarterectomy surgery, or carotid artery stenting. Some neurovascular specialists may also treat conditions affecting blood flow in the peripheral arteries, such as peripheral artery disease (PAD). Treatment may involve lifestyle modifications, medication therapy, minimally invasive procedures, or surgical interventions.Neurovascular services play a crucial role in diagnosing and treating conditions affecting the blood vessels in the brain and spinal cord, helping patients manage symptoms, prevent complications, and improve their quality of life. It's essential for individuals experiencing symptoms such as sudden weakness, numbness, difficulty speaking, severe headaches, or vision changes to seek prompt medical attention and evaluation by a neurovascular specialist.

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