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Online marketing tips and strategies that will bring results.
NOTICE: You Have Give Away Rights to This Product. You MAY Give Away, Share or Sell the Content and Keep 100% Profit. DISCLAIMER AND/OR LEGAL NOTICES: The information presented herein represents the view of the author as of the date of publication. Because of the rate with which conditions change, the author reserves the right to alter and update his opinion based on the new conditions. The report is for informational purposes only. While every attempt has been made to verify the information provided in this report, neither the author nor his affiliates/partners assume any responsibility for errors, inaccuracies or omissions. Any slights of people or organizations are unintentional. If advice concerning legal or related matters is needed, the services of a fully qualified professional should be sought. This report is not intended for use as a source of legal or accounting advice. You should be aware of any laws which govern business transactions or other business practices in your country and state. Any reference to any person or business whether living or dead is purely coincidental. To get more free resources, click here Page 2
Hey there, Thank you for downloading this ebook and taking the time to read it. It means a lot to me. I am publishing this book with only one purpose which is to get more information on making money online readily available to the public at zero costs. I have been the victim of many magic money making systems and see no results in it. Luckily I bounced back and found some good people who are wiling to help me. This book will give you the exact step by step to make your first dollar. And also resources for you to start your journey in making your first digital dollar. Lets all strive to be a financially free society where well being is priority. Yours truly, Richard To get more free resources, click here Page 3
The Process of Internet Marketing 1. Pick a topic Firstly, pick a topic that you’re interested in that also has a lot of market potential. Think of something that you like, and consider whether there would be many products associated with it, or much of an audience. You can find a topic (or “niche,” as affiliates call it) with a little research. You’ll find lessons to help you with this process in the 2. Find products to promote Once you’ve got a niche all picked out, find some products that you can promote. There are websites full of these (called affiliate networks) to browse, and you can find advice here on how to choose the best ones for you. Once you’ve got a couple that are right for you, you’ll be able to get an affiliate link for them. 3. Build a website Next up, you need to build a website! I thought this would be extremely confusing and difficult, but it really wasn’t. WordPress and similar sites makes it super simple for anyone to build a quality website. 4. Fill your website with relevant content Fill your website with content that will be useful to the people who are interested in your niche, and place your affiliate links throughout in the most relevant places. That way when someone interested in your content clicks your link, they go to a sales page for a product that they might also be interested in, and if they buy it you get a commission! 5. Promote your website When you’ve set this up, all that’s left to do is promote your website so you can get more people to your content, and more potential for commissions from referred sales. There are a lot of different marketing strategies out there, from advertising to social media, but you won’t have to worry about this part of it straight away. To get more free resources, click here Page 4
6 great reasons to become an affiliate 1.Start up costs are super low. To start a regular business where you rent retail space and stock inventory could easily set you back tens of thousands of dollars. As an affiliate, you can get started for the cost of a burger and fries. 2.You don’t need staff. No more office politics, and no messy payroll handling. When you get started as an affiliate you can do it all yourself, and when the time comes to grow your business it’s easy to outsource. 3.You don’t even need a product you simply have to promote products which are already for sale. Whether it’s an eBook about dog training your or a weight loss supplement – there is a product out there that you can sell as an affiliate. 4.You don’t need any expert knowledge on a subject to sell affiliate products either. If you want to be an affiliate for weight loss products, then you don’t need a PhD in nutrition or exercise. All you need is an eager-to-learn mindset and the ability to market the right affiliate products to the right people. 5.Earn passive income. It’s a bit like the money you earn if you buy a house and then rent it out – for as long as you own that house and are renting it out, you earn money. In a normal job you only get paid once for the work that you do, but as an affiliate you can keep making money from the same work day in, day out. 6.The opportunity to work your own hours. I’m not saying that you’ll be sitting on a beach drinking Pina Coladas and only working an hour a day after your first month as an affiliate. However, you do have the power to work when it suits you and have a more flexible life. You become your own boss – how cool is that? Like any real business it all depends on how much effort you put in and how seriously you take it. For example if you only work an hour a day, or you spend most of your time checking emails as opposed to doing the work, then you might not make much money at all. But if you are really dedicated and treat your affiliate marketing like a real business, and you put 100% in every time you sit down in from of your computer, then you can DEFINITELY make a full time income. Want to learn how to make $10,000 per month as an affiliate? Register now for full, unlimited access to over 120 free lessons. (No credit card needed.) Let's do it! To get more free resources, click here Page 5
Understanding Affiliate Marketing Affiliate marketing can be quite subtle - most people using the Internet are unaware that affiliate marketing exists, yet it’s the reason behind a lot of the content on the Internet; therefore one of the first things you should learn when getting started as an affiliate is How To Identify Affiliate Sites. Once you start to spot affiliates you'll realize exactly how pervasive affiliate marketing is, and it might just give you ideas for your own affiliate business! Affiliates In Paid Search Listings One of the places where affiliates are most obvious is in the paid advertisements on search engines like Bing or Google. These affiliates will be promoting their websites through these advertisements, paying for each person who clicks on their ad. The idea with this sort of marketing is that the money they earn in affiliate commissions is enough to pay for these advertisements, with a bit left over. However, because they have to pay for you to visit their site, you'll often find that they're a little more to the point than affiliates who don't have to pay for their traffic. (You can read more about why this might be, in our overview lesson on PPC Affiliate Marketing) Let’s take at an example from a Google search on the phrase "learn guitar”. To get more free resources, click here Page 6
Look at the search results in Google: the ads along the right hand side of the page are clearly marked "Ads", otherwise known as paid advertisements. Depending on what you search for you might see ads in this list that have been placed by merchants themselves rather than affiliates; however, in this particular example it would appear that most of these ads have been placed by affiliates. To get more free resources, click here Page 7
Telltale signs that an ad has been placed by an affiliate include any mention of reviews... there's always the favored affiliate catchphrase "Don't buy anything until you've read these reviews!" These are very obvious affiliate ads. Another favorite affiliate hook is the mention of a “scam” – for example "Guitar lesson scams". Nobody likes to be scammed, and everyone loves a scandal, so a lot of advertisements use this "scam" hook to get people clicking. Lets’ take a look at this ad in action (To take your own look, go to [Link no longer available]) This site appears to be a review site built to target more than just the ‘guitar lessons’ affiliate market - however, let’s take a look at just the ‘guitar lessons’ page: at the top of the page they have a summary of the reviews, where they've given a number of affiliate products ratings out of five stars with a couple of brief points. If the visitor clicks on this link they'll be taken to the merchant site through the affiliate's affiliate link. These brief reviews at the top are a good way to grab people who are just looking for products to research and don't want to spend time reading reviews. To get more free resources, click here Page 8
If you look a little further down the page you'll see the "full reviews" of the products, for example “Learn & Master Guitar”. All the links on this page are affiliate links. An affiliate link is a link that (generally) places a cookie in the visitors browser to say to merchants “This visitor, X, came from affiliate Y’s link”. This helps the website track affiliate sales, and means that if the visitor comes back to buy at a later date the affiliate will earn a commission Affiliate links don’t harm the visitor in any way - the visitor doesn't end up paying any more for the product than if they bought directly from the merchant – in fact the affiliate actually helps the visitor to find a product they were looking for. Affiliates In Natural Search Results Not all affiliates choose to promote their websites through paid advertisements, however. A lot of affiliates rely on traffic that comes from normal search results in the search engines. We call these search results "organic" search results, or "natural" search listings. You'll also hear people talking about SERPs, which is short for "search engine results pages". For those of you who are new to these terms, the difference between natural search results and paid search results is that with the natural search results your listing is free, but you have a lot less control over how and where your website appears. The natural search listings are the sites that the search engines deem to be most relevant to the particular search term, ranked in order of relevance. The problem for webmasters is that we never really know what the search engines are thinking; all we can do is guess and try to make our websites look as relevant as possible. To get more free resources, click here Page 9
This gives rise to a whole area of Internet marketing called Search Engine Optimization, which we cover in other parts of Affilorama. But for now let’s take a look at affiliate sites that seem to be doing well in the SERPs for the term "dog obedience". It can be a little more difficult to spot affiliates in the natural search results because they tend to be a little subtler than in the paid search results. We've got a few here which look like they could either be affiliates or merchants selling their own lessons. For example below http://www.barkbusters.ca is a merchant site, but sites like http://www.dogobedienceadvice.com orhttp://www.dog-obedience-training-review.com could be either merchant or affiliate sites. Reviews, free advice, and "learn the best way" are all tried and true methods affiliates employ to gain traffic, so let's have a look at the site offering “free obedience training advice”, http://dogobedienceadvice.com. To get more free resources, click here Page 10
If you take a look at the front page for this site you can see that it seems to follow a fairly similar formula to the last website we looked at.- up front they have a review of their ‘Top Dog Training Guide”, and further down the page we find more reviews to other top ranked products. All links to these guides will be affiliate links. Since this is an SEO site there must be more content here - you can see that on the left panel there is a list of articles about dog training: how to deal with jumping dogs, stopping chewing, digging and so on. If you click on "Dealing with a whining dog" you're taken to a page with a lesson on stopping your dog from whining. And here go those recommended products again! To get more free resources, click here Page 11
Let’s take a look at one more affiliate site from the natural search listings, this time from Let's find another affiliate site in the natural search listings. I'll do a search for "Pet training" in Google. If you follow through to the first listed item you can see, down the right hand side, that they're promoting a number of pet training eBooks. To get more free resources, click here Page 12
You can tell they're likely to be affiliate products because if you were to click on them you'll be taken to a completely different site; if you hover over the links you'll (sometimes) see in your status bar (at the bottom of your browser) that the link looks a little convoluted, with hop.clickbank.net in it. That means that the product comes from ClickBank -- an affiliate network. You can also see some ads on the side that look like affiliate products too. This site doesn't seem to offer any reviews: they simply have a "recommended" column and some ads. To get more free resources, click here Page 13
Lesson Summary In this lesson you’ve learned: A few things you can use to spot obvious affiliate sites: How some affiliates are making money in a few different markets oDeriving traffic from paid search listings. oFrom the natural search listings. Sites comparing and reviewing products are often affiliate sites oSites promoting products or services they did not create are often affiliates oCatchphrases like Reviews" "ratings" "learn the truth!" "scams" etc, often indicate affiliate sites. Want to learn how to make $10,000 per month as an affiliate? Register now for full, unlimited access to over 120 free lessons. (No credit card needed.) Let's do it! To get more free resources, click here Page 14
Selecting Affiliate Program Before you throw yourself headlong into the marketing activities that will dominate most of your time as an affiliate, it’s critical that you select a good market in which to exercise your marketing skill. Not all products with affiliate programs are profitable and even the best marketing efforts can wasted if the program isn’t attractive to visitors, or doesn’t pay out a good commission. While you could find a profitable market first and then locate affiliate programs within that market, it’s actually a lot faster to do it the other way around. In this lesson we'll cover Researching Affiliate Programs. Step 1: Find a suitable program ClickBank ClickBank contains many excellent affiliate programs for digital download products. Generally speaking, there are three things that distinguish a profitable program from a waste of your valuable time. 1.Commission is 60% or more Over the years, we’ve reachedthe conclusion that it isn’t worth the time and effort to promote a product unless your commission is at least 60%. As the majority of products in ClickBank retail at $30-$70, abiding by this rule means that you earn a minimum of $18 per sale. There are dozens of products in ClickBank that pay out 60% or more - the very best often pay out 75%. However, there are a couple of exceptions: a) Very high sale price: If the product sells for $155, then a 50% commission isn’t all that bad and will still be worth your time. Even so, we don’t suggest going below a 50% commission. b) Recurring billing: Subscription-based ClickBank products often enable you to continue earning a commission every time the customer pays their subscription. In this case, you can lower your base to 40%. 2.A High Gravity Rating The ClickBank gravity rating is based on the number of different affiliates that have made a sale during the week. A high gravity rating means that lots of affiliates are making sales and, in general, you can take this to mean that the product is in hot demand and has a good chance of being profitable for you. There is one exception to this rule: Internet marketing products. Internet marketing products are frequently purchased by affiliates through their own affiliate link. By doing this they get a big discount on a product; unfortunately it also radically skews the gravity, so when viewing the gravity of internet marketing products, don’t take the gravity of these kinds of products at face value. The category most likely to be affected by this type of activity is Marketing & Ads. To get more free resources, click here Page 15
3.Check out the sales page Of course, low gravity is not necessarily unprofitable - after all, every new product has to start somewhere! However, if a product does have low gravity, then you need to dig a bit further to work out whether it will convert well. The best way to make learn more is to click through to the sales page and: oCheck for lengthy sales copy. Short copy doesn’t tend to convert well. oCompare the copy with competing products. Is it convincing? If competitors have better looking and better-sounding sales copy, then there is probably a reason why this product isn’t doing well. Example of Good Affiliate Program This program has it all: a great gravity, a 75% commission and a high sale price. Example of Bad Affiliate Program In contrast, this product has a very low gravity, low commission and low sale price; if you were to view the sales page you'd also see it’s fairly short and not that convincing. To get more free resources, click here Page 16
CPA Programs Cost per acquisition programs pay a commission for each action, rather than each sale. For example, some CPA programs pay a commission on each email address captured, others for a zip code, and others still, for filing out an application form. Popular cost per acquisition sites include NeverBlue, PeerFly, and affiliate.com Good CPA programs are: 1.Zip code offers. Why? Because they are easy. All you need to get people to do is enter a zip code and you earn a commission. I know of several people earning over a million dollars a year just from zip code CPA offers. 2.Commissions over $1. Why? Because earning $1 a sale makes your effort worthwhile. Sure, there are plenty of programs paying 0.20 per acquisition, but is it worth the work? 3.Unrestricted promotion. This isn’t really a "rule" as such, more of a warning. Some programs look great in every way…but only allow you to promote them via email. This is fine if you have a list, but what if you don’t? So make sure you check the terms and conditions before going ahead. You’ll find that some programs have no restrictions, others have a few, and some have a lot! They’ll not doubt have good reasons for these restrictions, just make sure you’re aware of them. Physical Product Programs There’s only one rule for choosing a good physical product to promote and that’s: Make sure you are earning at least $40 per sale. Physical products have a low markup compared to digital products such as offered by ClickBank, so, instead of applying the "60+% commission" rule, look for at least $40 per sale. This means that for a TV retailing at $2500, you would want to be earning a 2% commission ($50) on each sale. Step 2: Assessing the Market Now that you’ve found some likely looking affiliate programs, it’s time to find out what the market's like. Lots of Competing Affiliates on Primary Search Terms = Healthy Market As the saying goes: there’s nothing wrong with a bit of healthy competition. Ideally, an Internet search on the primary search term for your market should reveal heavy competition from affiliates in the form of lots of PPC ads. You can take this as a sign that there is money to be made in the market. For example, a search on "dog training" – a market we know to be highly profitable - reveals dozens of PPC ads, and many are clearly affiliates. To get more free resources, click here Page 17
On the other hand, a search on "face painting" brings up only five ads – and only one of these appears to be an affiliate. This suggests that the face painting market is either undiscovered, or unprofitable - almost definitely the latter! Plenty of Niche Search Terms Competition on primary terms is good, but there still needs to be room to make a profit. Using the free WordTracker (or similar tool), your next step is to check up on the number of niche search terms for the market. A good market has plenty of niche search terms with relatively little competition - for example, the game ‘World of Warcraft’ is very popular over the globe. It’s a market with a lot of affiliates, but there are also literally hundreds of niche search terms: Similarly, competition is intense in the dog training market for that keyword phrase, yet there are plenty of niche terms with low competition such as: ‘stop pitbull aggression’ It’s not all about PPC ads either - for example, although the niche term "stop fox terrier digging" has a number of competing PPC ads, there seems to be plenty of opportunity for an SEO site for this search term. Are there multiple products to promote to the market? While not strictly necessary, it can be handy if there are several quality affiliate programs within the market that you can promote, especially if you wish to build a list. In a market with multiple affiliate programs, such as the dating market, you could promote "How to Attract the Opposite Sex" for two weeks, and then switch to "How to Gain Self Confidence". A few weeks later To get more free resources, click here Page 18
and you could offer ‘How to Start Conversations’; you’re offering great value to your list and also continuing to earn money through repeat buys. Lesson Summary In this lesson we looked at choosing a suitable affiliate program and some of the pitfalls to watch for; we also looked at assessing the affiliate market: Some of the things to watch out when choosing a program include: ClickBank Products should have over 50% commission, preferably over 60% (with certain exceptions) Check the product has a high gravity rating or (if it's a new product) check for a decent sales page CPA Programs Commissions should be over $1 Beware of promotion restrictions (unless those restrictions work to your advantage) Physical Products Look for commissions over $40 The second step is assessing the market Look for to see if the market has healthy competition (that's a good thing), but still has room to grow Look to see if there's multiple quality products to promote to the market Want to learn how to make $10,000 per month as an affiliate? Register now for full, unlimited access to over 120 free lessons. (No credit card needed.) Let's do it! To get more free resources, click here Page 19
Start earning with no website Building a website is the most common way affiliates launch themselves into the affiliate marketing world, and if you're interested in creating a long-term business you'll inevitably need to put together a website. However, if you're still learning about web design or you're simply not interested in building a website, there are other ways to get your affiliate links out there, so this lesson will teach you Affiliate Marketing Without a Website. Remember: the key with affiliate marketing is get your affiliate link in front of an interested audience - how you choose to do that is completely up to you! With that in mind, here are a few methods you could try: #1: Post on blogs and forums This is a really simple way of getting a taste for affiliate marketing - all you have to do is find a product you'd like to promote, then start posting on blogs and forums with your affiliate link in your signature. Here's an example from our very own forum: you can see that this member has an affiliate link in their signature. He's also made himself an active and respected members of the forum. To get more free resources, click here Page 20
Of course you should only post on blogs and forums where people would be interested in the product - you're not going to get many bites for a dog training affiliate product when you're posting on a classic car enthusiast forum. Similarly, you’ll find that you have a lot more success if you're making useful and interesting posts and if you become a regular on the site. Once you have established yourself people will begin to respect your opinion and will be more inclined to click on your link. If you simply spam a blog or forum with useless posts you’re likely to be banned and your posts deleted. #2: Write a viral eBook or some other "viral" product A “viral” product is one that is designed to spread (often quickly) to a great many people - this can be a great way of getting your affiliate links out there without ever having to create a website. You can produce a short 30-page eBook or a "special report" on a particular subject, insert links to affiliate products into it, then distribute your book through whatever means you like – you could tell people that they're welcome to give it away, sell it or put it on their websites. You can kick it off yourself by selling the eBook on eBay for a small amount. If your book is informative and useful, rather than simply laden with affiliate ads, you might find that it spreads quite well. #3: Create a YouTube series YouTube has taken the world by storm with one billion unique visitors per month. You can use this to your advantage. It doesn’t take much more than a webcam and some quirky or informative ideas to get a To get more free resources, click here Page 21
channel going. That way you can add affiliate links into your description, or over your video, and convert some of that fan base into affiliate profits. Just pick a niche and create a video series related to that topic, with a related affiliate promotion. That way, the viewers you get will be a lot more likely to be interested in the affiliate product, as they already have some interest to be watching the video in the first place. There are two main rules for doing this, however, that you MUST abide by: 1.The content has to be full of value for viewers. Financial gain has to be secondary to this. If your video is obviously just there for you to make money from a link, you will get listed as spam, and your efforts will become useless. Producing something worthwhile is a lot more successful, and you get the attention and respect of potential customers that way. 2.Don’t be misleading! If your video is unrelated to your link, or your title or description claims something that isn’t in the video, you are violatingYouTube’s policies. This is also something to avoid. Basically, video marketing on YouTube can be a risk, because affiliate links can get listed as spam, but the best way to avoid this is just to be up front, honest, and useful. Avoid spammy behaviours. Some quality content options could include: Honest, informative product reviews Instructional videos (e.g., if your niche was food and nutrition, you could do cooking demos) Topical discussions (e.g., tips for keeping food fresh, or interesting nutritional facts) Just have one link in the description, and possibly one over the video if it’s extremely relevant (such as a product review video). If you want to be especially careful, note somewhere that you’re an affiliate or that the link is an affiliate link, and contact YouTube to check that you’ll be in the clear. If your videos have value for the viewer, and that stands out more than your money making efforts, this shouldn’t be a problem. To get more free resources, click here Page 22
#4: Write ads or reviews for classifieds websites You're probably already familiar with using sites like Craigslist to look for old furniture or car parts, but you can also use classifieds sites to promote affiliate products. Consider writing ads or reviews for affiliate products and posting them with your affiliate link. Some sites you might want to try are: http://www.usfreeads.com http://epage.com http://craigslist.com #5: Build a "Hub" Building a "Hub" is a great way of getting started as an affiliate without needing to build your own website from scratch. A Hub is like a 1-page mini website where you can talk about a subject you're passionate about (eg, your affiliate market and associated products!). It's hosted on the HubPages site, and you don't need to know anything about web design to make it look fairly professional. To get more free resources, click here Page 23
A Hub allows you to build a page on a topic, insert ads, reviews and other content as you please, all without having to write any HTML. The best part, though, is that HubPages is also part social-networking site, so simply by being on HubPages you will begin to attract traffic interested in your topic and looking for recommendations. HubPages is especially easy to monetize, and Hubs have tended in the past to do pretty well in the search engines. To sign up and start creating your Hub, visit HubPages. #6: Promote affiliate products directly through pay-per-click advertisements We've left this method for last because, quite frankly, it's not one we recommend. This method involves creating pay-per-click campaigns through search engines like Google and Bing, and promoting the merchant website directly through your affiliate link. So instead of using PPC to promote your own website, you send them straight to the merchant. There are a number of downsides to this method. 1.First, with Google's AdWords in particular, there will only be one paid listing for a particular website displayed at any given time. This means that instead of competing against other advertisers for one of To get more free resources, click here Page 25
eight spots on the page, you're competing for just one spot. If you bid a large amount and write an attractive ad then you might see your ad displayed, otherwise you can forget it. 2.Secondly, you have no control over the quality of the merchant page. Increasingly the search engines are looking at the page you're promoting and deciding whether this offers a good experience for their users. If the merchant site has little content, or poor quality content, you could end up paying a much higher amount for your advertisements. There are always new affiliates who see this as a fast and easy way to get started, but we really recommend that you try the other methods we've introduced first. Lesson Summary: In this lesson you’ve learned some ways of getting your affiliate link out in front of an audience without having to build a website, such as... Posting on blogs and forums Writing a viral eBook or some other "viral" product Creating a YouTube video series Writing ads or reviews for classifieds websites Building a "Hub" Promoting affiliate products directly through pay-per-click advertisements Want to learn how to make $10,000 per month as an affiliate? Register now for full, unlimited access to over 120 free lessons. (No credit card needed.) Let's do it! To get more free resources, click here Page 26