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10 Inspiring Promo Video Ideas with Examples For Your Next Campaign

Making videos helps you stay on top of your marketing game. And promo videos are great for attracting new visitors and engaging current and recurring visitors by drawing them back in and giving them another reason to consider doing business with your company. Read more - https://studio52.tv/blog/10-inspiring-promo-video-ideas-with-examples-for-your-next-campaign

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10 Inspiring Promo Video Ideas with Examples For Your Next Campaign

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  1. 10 Inspiring Promo Video Ideas with Examples For Your Next Campaign At this point, it should come as no surprise that video content is considered essential for all brands. As a business owner or marketing professional, you’ve probably already seen metrics touting video’s ability to build brand awareness, drive sales, and encourage repeat business. And as a consumer, you’ve probably noticed that video content is seemingly everywhere. Making videos helps you stay on top of your marketing game. And promo videos are great for attracting new visitors and engaging current and recurring visitors by drawing them back in and giving them another reason to consider doing business with your company. In a survey of more than 3000 consumers, 53% of respondents said that they want to see more video content in the future and 54% of consumers said that they want to see more video content from their favorite business. Therefore, a promo video can help you keep both old and new audiences hooked to your brand. Before we give you the ideas for your promo video, let’s first see why you should use them in the first place. Promo Videos: Their Importance Promotions work, therefore promo videos work. Sometimes, all a future customer needs is that extra push to take the leap and try out your product or services. And promo videos are excellent at doing that just like limited-time discount offers. Promo videos are a fun and effective way to convey information, especially time-sensitive information you need your audience to easily grasp and commit to

  2. memory. According to various consumer reports, people want brands to put out video content and that video is their preferred way for learning about a company, product, or service. For example, Wyzowl reports that 68% of people say they would most prefer to learn about a new product or service by watching a short video. So, why should you miss out on the opportunity to give your audience what it’s asking for? Now that you know that promo videos are important. But, the most important part is that your video has to be damn good. It has to be compelling, only then people are actually going to watch it. 1. Showcase Your Products A product demo video is great because viewers get a chance to watch the product in action. It gives them an insight into the benefits your product or service provides. Take for example the product demo video that Slack launched for their app a few years ago. It tells a compelling story involving a video company called Sandwich Video, Inc. that started using Slack in its daily production. With the use of an exciting, humorous approach to storytelling the video describes how the service works while telling a story in a casual, non-corporate tone. 2. Share Testimonials from Your Happy Customers It’s a powerful form of marketing. It gives you credibility and shows others the benefits of your product. Studies have suggested that 84% of people trust online reviews as much as a personal recommendation. So, why not use it to your advantage? Have the people who have used your product or service say what they feel about your product or service. Testimonial promo videos are an easy way to amplify all the wonderful things people are saying about you. Here’s an example of an emotional customer testimonial for the meditation app Calm. 3. Announce Your Product Build anticipation before the big release with sneak peeks of your product. It isn’t just limited to announcing your product, you could also announce a big deal you have made or a merger that’s going to happen in near future.

  3. Here’s an example from Adidas. Their Ultra Boost is a popular running sneaker that raises the bar for that best-run-ever feeling. It’s perfect for enticing people who love running. 4. Explain Your Product or Service People want to understand why they need your product, how it will help them, how it works, and where they can get it. Explainer videos can help you answer all those questions to your customers. It’s a great way to bring awareness to your brand. This is how Nintendo has made itself one of the most popular brand channels on YouTube. You can see Nintendo in action through live gameplay, trailers, and web series. There’s also this very popular video from The Dollar Shave Club explaining their product in a very simple yet effective manner. 5. Show off Your Brand & Personality People love to see videos from their favourite brands. So, why not show off your brand and personality? Instead of making videos that concentrate on its main product, Red Bull often introduces its audience to videos that show its adventurous personality. This not only keeps your audience’s interest alive but also helps create amazing marketing campaigns. If you go to their YouTube channel, you will find not just one but scores of videos, all adventurous in nature. With the help of these videos, they have successfully connected to their target audience in one place. Take a look at the video below and you will know what we are talking about. 6. Conduct Interviews Bring in an industry expert and ask them some important questions. Conducting interviews like these can benefit your audience and help position your brand as an authority. It’s not only easy to produce but also opens you up to a broader audience who have a connection with the influencer you are interviewing. Here’s an example of how VidWheel LLC aims to deliver high-quality actionable tips and advice from business leaders. 7. Share Behind the Scenes

  4. People love taking a sneak peek into their favourite brand. It makes them feel like they are getting some exclusive content to watch and as though they are in on a secret. It makes your audience feel included raising interest in your product or service. Getting the first glimpse into how you make products or how you work increases customers’ trust in your brand. Seeing actual people working on the product or service also helps humanize your brand. Check the example below for an amazing behind-the-scenes video. 8. Talk About the Causes You Support Today, people don’t just follow a brand, they also want to know what the company is doing for the society, environment, or animals. 90% of Gen Z believes that companies should address environmental and social issues. So, if your brand believes in a cause, don’t shy away from talking about it, or making people aware of the issues. Watch this one of the most famous videos made by Dove. Dove as a brand supports the real beauty of women, and this video beautifully captures their support for the cause. 9. Leverage Holidays Holidays are the perfect time to share a promo video. People are emotionally attached to holidays and any video with that theme is going to stir an emotional response from the viewer. There are many ways you can represent your brand through holiday promo videos. While making holiday videos always have the customer in mind instead of pushing your company sales pitch. Here’s not just one but two excellent examples of holiday promo videos from some of the biggest brands, Apple and Tiffany. 10.Promote Latest Sales & Discounts Customers love discounts. A cut in price or a special discount offer is a perfect subject to create a promo video. Create a sense of urgency by showing that the pricing is for a limited period and only for the first 100 customers or something like that.

  5. Take this video for example from Amazon. It effectively creates excitement around the sales and discounts offered during the Prime Day sale. Read more - https://studio52.tv/blog/10-inspiring-promo-video-ideas-with-examples-for-your-next- campaign

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