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4 Reasons You Should Organize a Scientific Conference or Workshop

4 Reasons You Should Organize a Scientific Conference or Workshop

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4 Reasons You Should Organize a Scientific Conference or Workshop

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  1. 4 Reasons You Should Organize a Scientific Conference orWorkshop Enago Academy is here to answer all your questions related to academic research and publishing.

  2. ENAGO ACADEMY Enago Academy offers comprehensive and up-to-date resources for researchers, publishers, editors, and students to learn and share their experience about research and publishing. Enago Academy also conducts workshops primarily for ESL authors, early-stage researchers, and graduate students. Our advanced workshop modules cater to the needs of researchers who want to know more about the issues pertinent to successful publication.

  3. ENAGO Enago is the trusted name in author services for the global research community. Since 2005, we have worked with researchers in more than 125 countries improving the communication of their research and helping them to achieve success in publication. We have offices in Tokyo, Seoul, Beijing, Shanghai, Istanbul, and New York. Enago operates globally with regional teams supporting researchers locally. Enago is the preferred partner for many leading universities and research organizations worldwide. In addition, we also collaborate with prominent publishers and societies to overcome regional challenges.

  4. 12/22/2018 4 Reasons You Should Organize a Scientific Conference or Workshop - EnagoAcademy ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ ❅ 4 Reasons You Should Organize a Scientific Conference orWorkshop ❅ ❅ Last updated Dec 19,2018 ❅ Researchers often become so focused on lab work and publishing that they often tend to forget the oth❅er important aspect of a successful career—professional networking! One way to get out of your lab and meet new colleagues is by organizing a conference or workshop. Conferences are usually larger events centered on presentingresearch, while workshops are smaller, hands-on events that teach a skill or method. Today, we will discuss❅some of the benefits for researchers organizing suchevents. ❅ ❅ What Makes an EventSuccessful? There are many factors that contribute to make a conference or workshop successful. As an organizer, it is easy to become fixated on the small details and worry that the venue, the catering, or the travel arrangements will make or break your event. However, in reality, people attend conferencesmainly to network, exchange ideas, andengage in professional development. Because of this, the most important details of your event will be the people you invite and the quality of the workpresented. Choosing a well-known keynote speakeror workshop instructor is one of the best ways to attract people to your event. When people see high-profile names, they will bemore eager to attend. Having a disappointing keynote speakercan overshadow an otherwise successful conference. An exciting and successful conference or workshop will also have high-quality work shared in innovative ways. While you can choose a specific theme, many organizers choose something general such as “emerging trends in…” This is to ensure a large pool of paper submissions. Having many submissions to choose from increases the chances of featuring goodresearch. Why Should I Organize aConference? The idea of organizing a conference or workshop may seem quite overwhelming. However, before you say no, consider the benefits that organization has for you asa researcher.  https://www.enago.com/academy/4-reasons-you-should-organize-a-scientific-conference-or-workshop/

  5. 12/22/2018 4 Reasons You Should Organize a Scientific Conference or Workshop - EnagoAcademy Events are a great wayto network, and organizing one puts you at the center. You will be in contact with all of the speakers and have a chance to interact personally. This can open doors to form personal relationships that will help your career in thefuture. Event organizing can help you develop your soft skills. Communication, teamwork, and organization are all valuable skills that can put you ahead of the game lateron. You can control the agenda. Ok, this isn’t always possible as funding organizations may have their own demands. But generally, as the organizer you can highlight certain papers or emerging research. You can feature someone whose ideas you think should be getting more attention and influence the discussion within your field. If you are active in the organization of the conference, you can also have a strong role in editing any of the final papers that come as a result of the event. This can increase your publicationrecord. FinalTips Event financing can be obtained in different ways. You can apply for sponsorship from governments, companies, or universities. Many conferences charge a fee to attendin order to offset the costs of organizing. However, make sure that the fee is reasonable and in line with other similar conferences in the field. Otherwise, you run the risk of appearingpredatory. If you don’t have the resources to start your own event from scratch, you can bid to organize an existing conference. Many fields have annual conferences that different institutionstaketurnsbiddingtohost, suchasINEBRIAor theWGOconference.INEBRIAbrings togetherpractitionersandacademicsfrom aroundtheworldtoshare their research and experiences through symposiums, workshops, andpresentations. Have you organized a scientific conference or workshop? Did it help your career? Share your experiences in the commentsbelow.  Networking andsharing REPORTINGRESEARCH PUBLISHINGRESEARCH IMPORTANTLINKS OURSERVICES ABOUTUS GLOBALENAGO Language &Grammar JournalGuidelines SelectingJournals SubmittingManuscripts PhDs &Postdocs Product & Service Reviews English EditingServices Copy EditingServices ContactUs Guest Contributor Manuscripts &Grants ReferenceManagement UnderstandingReviews UnderstandingEthics Ask aQuestion! Substantive EditingServices Publication SupportServices About EnagoAcademy Figures &Tables Proofreading Services Enago Academy offers comprehensive and up-to-date resources for researchers, publishers, editors, and students to learn and share their experience about research and publishing. Enago Academy also conducts workshops primarily for ESL authors, early-stage researchers,andgraduatestudents.Ouradvancedworkshopmodulescatertotheneedsofresearcherswhowanttoknowmoreabouttheissuespertinenttosuccessfulpublication.ReadMore Copyright © 2018 - ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | PrivacyPolicy | Terms & Conditions| ContactUs Pleasetellusyourthoughtsinthecommentssection. If you have any questions related to Editing Services for Scientific manuscript editing by Enago English Editing, please contact - orders@enago.com.  https://www.enago.com/academy/4-reasons-you-should-organize-a-scientific-conference-or-workshop/

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