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SOA Data Integration - The Unsolved, Unspoken Problem

SOA Data Integration - The Unsolved, Unspoken Problem . SOA Data Integration - The Unsolved, Unspoken Problem . David Webber SOA Architect Chair OASIS CAM TC November, 2007. drrwebber@acm.org. Agenda. SOA information integration needs Selection of illustrative field examples

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SOA Data Integration - The Unsolved, Unspoken Problem

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  1. SOA Data Integration - The Unsolved, Unspoken Problem

  2. SOA Data Integration - The Unsolved, Unspoken Problem David Webber SOA Architect Chair OASIS CAM TC November, 2007 drrwebber@acm.org

  3. Agenda • SOA information integration needs • Selection of illustrative field examples • Solution and technology approach • Demonstration • Summary / Next Steps

  4. Agenda • SOA information integration needs • Selection of illustrative field examples • Solution and technology approach • Demonstration • Summary / Next Steps

  5. CEO - Enterprise Strategic Vision Modernize & Integrate Systems Improve Program Integrity Reduce Costs Improve Human Capital Management Improve Products & Services - Reconcile current business demands, economics and future business strategies with present state of legacy systems, technology and human resource skills -Strengthen financial management and internal controls -Provide effective oversight -Ensure the accuracy of all data -Implement an integrated set of information systems - Enable cost reduction and re-engineered business processes - Establish metrics to measure performance and productivity trends across the enterprise over time -Ensure enterprise has the right people in the right jobs with the right skill sets -Create and foster an environment for collaborative problem solving and decision making -Listen to the customer to understand and prioritize needs and/or desired products and solutions -Inform business solutions by incorporating industry best practices

  6. Some SOA claims and justifications Service Oriented Architecture means: • Reusable components exposed through services shared with business partners and enterprise systems enabling low-cost, low-impact incremental and organic adaptation

  7. SOA Characteristics Open Standards Modular Approach Supports Strategic Initiatives and Goals Swappable Agile Components Questions? - SOA implements the functionality of the system using formal open standards for information exchange, transport and delivery. - SOA is an attempt to modularize large complex systems in such a way that they are composed of independent software components that offer services to one another through well-defined interfaces. • How can we swap things if the information interfaces are not clearly defined and easily verifiable? • How can we leverage inconsistent legacy interfaces? - Reconcile current business demands, economics and future business strategies with present state of legacy systems, technology and human resource skills - This supports the notion that any of the components could be ‘swapped’ for a better one, when it becomes available. 7

  8. What are SOA Services? • The ability to orchestrate service logic with business processes • Not just static point information service sinks or sources • Ability to associate behavior with information exchanges • Support for context and role • Support for business process actions and signals • Support for access profiles and partner agreements • Support for dynamic structure queries and responses • Use of open public standards to ensure predictable access to services • Independent of platform deployment and legacy systems constraints

  9. What makes something Agile? • Re-usable methods that can be applied to many areas • Based on open standards and approach; not proprietary • Context and role driven and aware • This allows tailoring to specific profiles and use pattern templates dynamically • Self-adaptive • When requirements change can be adjusted on-the-fly in real time • Fault tolerant and not brittle • Ability to ignore non-critical interchange items and especially not to fail for trivial reasons or slight version nuances • Leveraging XML capabilities to make self-describing transactions possible rather than static fixed legacy exchanges • Able to support new uses without extensive re-programming • Usage patterns set via external configuration allowing broad but controlled uses

  10. How to Support Discovery? • As an organization develops extended numbers of services the need to catalogue and share these collaborative increases. • Services need to: • Describe their means of connection and interfacing • Provide a reference to the domain of use • Be associated with a catalogue and classification system • The most powerful discovery mechanism is not simple text search but contextandprofileagreement parameters linked to templates • Associate with a domain vocabulary to facilitate shared meaning and core components • Align to interoperability of information exchanges and agile concepts • Bottom line – answer the questions: • Can I use this? (context) • How can I set it up? (templates) • Will it work & connect with my existing services (behaviors)?

  11. Defining Information Services 1 XML Share Results XML Create Samples Publish Structure + Vocabulary Samples 4 2 Detail Use Rules Structure Rules Context Vocabulary Templates Analyst Rules Develop Rules + Context Templates html Enabling Agile Information Exchanges Test Rules on Samples 3 Rules Editor Results Verify Verify Template Outcomes html

  12. Partner Conformance Publish Structure Rules Context Templates Templates 5 Validate Partner Creates Results XML 4 Test Report Test and Certification XML 6 html Pass / Fail

  13. Facilitation Needs • For business communities: • Ability to create sharable templates for communities of practice that need consistent XML transaction handling definitions that are open and public. • For business data analysts: • Printable rule documentation support and features. • Example domain templates within communities of practice • Genericode codelists implementation. • For programmers: • XML content manipulation support and rules ( xslt, XPath …) • Web services and SOA support

  14. Select your technology set • Many technologies are available, including application servers, distributed objects, and integration servers. Agile use of XML a prerequisite. • The choice of technology will likely be a mix of components that together meet your SOA needs. • Avoid vendor lock-in • Prefer Open Standards and Open Source solutions • Ensure proper use of layers to separate and manage complexity • Select simple components that integrate easily

  15. Basic WSDL Web Service Packaging / Encoding Requirements XML Query / Response Validation UML diagrams XSD 4 5 3 Delivery Data Services Process Application Logic Security Transport 1 2 WSDL SOAP / http / https Internet Infrastructure

  16. Extended Data Services Business Model Service Agreement State & Context Addressing / Envelope Context / Roles Transactions Vocabulary / Semantics Coordination Business Processes Packaging / Encoding Push / Pull XML / edi Query / Response Validation / Assembly Description Mapping / Transform 4 5 3 Delivery XSD, CAM, Schematron Data Services Msg Exchange Profile Process Security Transport 1 2 WSDL SOAP / http / https Internet Infrastructure

  17. SOA Orchestration Discovery Search / Classification Ownership Profiles Business Model Requests to Consume Service Agreement Service Definitions Management / Versioning Context / Roles State & Context Vocabulary / Semantics 6 Addressing / Envelope Registry Vocabulary / Semantics Business Processes Transactions Packaging / Encoding Coordination XML / edi Description Push / Pull Validation / Assembly Mapping / Transform 4 5 3 Delivery Msg Exchange Profile XSD, CAM, Schematron Data Services Process Security Transport 1 Other protocols Security Credentials B 2 B REST W S I 2 Quality of Service Other services WSDL Reliable Messaging SOAP / http / https Internet Infrastructure

  18. Agenda • SOA information integration needs • Selection of illustrative field examples • Solution and technology approach • Demonstration • Summary / Next Steps

  19. Domain Examples UBL schema and CCTS Fannie Mae EDI-esque XML OASIS EML Grants.gov form based schema DOJ NIEM/LEX PESC Dictionary and schema • -Transactions replacing EDI • Overloaded reuse of structure components • Financial reporting data • Financial transaction data • Extended use of code sets to label transaction content / purpose -Developed by BAH and NG for form-based application submissions -Translate previous paper form into multiple schema sections -Massive schema with extended namespaces • Universal Business Language (UBL) • OASIS standard • Uses UML models and CCTS approach • Derived from xCBL and simplEDI approach • Supply chain schema with joint initiative EU / Asia / US -Developed by GTRI for DOJ community -Vocabulary based -LEXS schema built using NIEM vocabulary -Law enforcement and court applications • -Developed for Education Department • -form-style XML • -Older XSD techniques for simple flat schema model • No re-use of common structures • Student loans and transcripts • -Set of functional transactions and configuration templates for managing and processing elections • Common set of components and vocabulary • Widely differing use patterns and items by country localization

  20. Challenges for Users and Implementers UBL schema and CCTS Fannie Mae EDI-esque XML OASIS EML Grants.gov form based schema DOJ NIEM/LEX PESC Dictionary and schema • -Simple structures with need to show transaction use patterns • -Extensive use of codes • -Calculations and numbers hard to validate using schema alone • -Extensive cross-field relations -Extended form field edits and code lists -Large structure and verbose syntax -Excessive use of namespaces -Extensive cross-field and form relations -Related content edits (PDF documents) • Complex schemas that meet extended use cases • Less obvious how to create sparse subset for typical everyday uses (in State / in Country) • Verbose syntax and structures from CCTS models -Complex schema with use model that does not necessarily map to domain information stores and search mechanisms -Platform transport formats determine transaction packaging - Limited interoperability of search methods -Implementers have created baseline samples for typical student use cases -Backend applications developed by solution providers -Interoperability verified between providers solutions -Documenting widely differing use patterns and items by country localization -Understanding how to use flexible structure constructs for their own applications -Verification and certification of exact usage and computations

  21. Solution Metrics Can I create a standard simple open format to describe my message structures and data content rules? Can my partners validate their transactions in test BEFORE they send them? How do people know what I will send them? I want something that’s simple and standards based – leverages existing XML components Can I generate HTML documentation that is readable by business analysts?

  22. Why not use XSD? Today’s XML schemas have complex structures with no context awareness + no cross field association rules + no dynamic lookups The XSD provides a model of ALL possible structure instances – not the particular instance Excessive use of namespaces make for fragile XML transaction handling Generating valid sparse transaction layout is tough Documentation diagrams hard to read How to create simple re-usable templates?

  23. XSD – PESC “GPA” model example EVERYTHING is optional! So what do I REALLY send to you?

  24. Conceptual View of PESC transactions 1 XML Transaction Share Details Publish Common Details 4 Address Course Rules Structure Rules Context 2 Templates Contact 3 Context Student Use Rules Reports Sponsor html Content Rules Loan html Lookup Values Transcript Versioning

  25. What about these needs? • Versioning • Content consistency • Use rules • Codelists • Associations (what uses which?) • Guidelines • Providing local contextual validation services

  26. Versioning Challenges If the schema version changes – how to ensure it does not break our in place validations? How to rapidly adapt to rule changes in a production environment? How to develop user context driven deep version control and re-use of sub-components? Enhance and automate Test release cycle by improving transparency for bug fix process and expose change deltas to speed testing process? Support for regression testing?

  27. Agenda • SOA information integration needs • Selection of illustrative field examples • Solution and technology approach • Demonstration • Summary / Next Steps

  28. History and Status of CAM work OASIS technical committee Five years of combined development in UN/CEFACT and OASIS OASIS v1.1 public standard and specification jCAM open source implementation in Java Creating simple XML-scripted open standard mechanisms for XML transaction assembly and processing Re-use: leverages XPath and xslt, and extends schematron approach Developing templates for common industry formats

  29. CAM Process Architecture XML Parser / DOM CAM XPath handler XML-aware Built-in Functions EXTENSIONS Rule Engine Post- Processing / Errors SQL persistence Terms Registry

  30. jCAM Functional Components xerces XML Parser / DOM jaxen CAM XPath handler cam XML-aware Built-in Functions EXTENSIONS Rule Engine Post- Processing / Errors SQL persistence Terms Registry X planned using AJAX / ebXML e.g. JRules, Others… Saxon - xslt XML Data Mapping

  31. Deployment Options Web services B2B Templates Templates Structure Rules Context Request 1 XML 2 Server jCAM engine jCAM engine Validate XML Message System 2 Java API Response html Java API Process XML 3 1 Receive Standalone Template XML Process EDITOR html XML 3 Report

  32. How does CAM work? CAM uses WYSIWYG approach to XML Starting with your XML sample – creates structure template from that + default data content model Next – add your structure use rules – optional / repeatable, date fields, allowed values, lookups Then make context business rules – cross field use rules, exclude, include, variables Save template – run against samples Eclipse editor tool makes this all easy to do! Deploy to production using jCAM processor

  33. Eclipse CAM Editor Available structures 1 Rule Details 3 4 Validation Process 2 Structure Rule Viewer 5 Results Viewer

  34. Agenda • SOA information integration needs • Selection of illustrative field examples • Solution and technology approach • Demonstration • Summary / Next Steps

  35. Using jCAM : Start with sample XML Use Eclipse template editor Load XML, generate CAM Enhance base template Test, refine and deploy Generate documentation Deliver business solution 1 Simple XML instance 2 Build Simple Template 3 Extending Template 4 Verify Results 5 Document Rule Details

  36. Summary of CAM template features Ability to use <as:include> to modularize complex content Use of XPath references enables agile rule handling Full contextual support including variables, rules and context sections Code lists can be externally built and then referenced Extensions section provides customization options Integration with xslt provides extended results handling and error reporting capabilities Template representation model and XML enables extended post-processing and documentation options

  37. CAM Functions Summary <as:BusinessUseContext> <as:Rules> <as:default> <as:context> <as:constraint action="makeRepeatable(//Items/Item)"/> <as:constraint action="makeOptional(//Item/comment)"/> <as:constraint action="setLength(//shipTo/state,2)"/> <as:constraint action="setDateMask(//PurchaseOrder/shipDate,YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <as:constraint action="makeOptional(//PurchaseOrder/comment)"/> <as:constraint action="restrictValues(//shipTo/@type,'US'| 'CA'| 'MX', 'US')"/> <as:constraint action="setDateMask(//PurchaseOrder/@orderDate,YYYY-MM-DD)"/> <as:constraint action="setNumberMask(//Item/@pno,###-###)"/> <as:constraint action="setNumberMask(//Item/quantity,###)"/> <as:constraint action="setNumberMask(//Item/price,####.##)"/> <as:constraint condition="//Item/@pno = 123-678“ action="restrictValues(//shipTo/state,'WA')"><as:annotation> <as:documentation type="documentation">Can only ship item 123-678 to Washington State </as:documentation></as:annotation> </as:constraint> <as:constraint condition="$QuickBooks = true“ action="excludeElement(//Item/comment)" /> </as:context> </as:default> </as:Rules> </as:BusinessUseContext> Example of Rules Use

  38. Interactive Documentation (iDoc) CAM Template XSLT iDoc wiki HTML

  39. Agenda • SOA information integration needs • Selection of illustrative field examples • Solution and technology approach • Demonstration • Summary / Next Steps

  40. Value Proposition Making XML transaction handling simpler and predictable Extends and clarifies your existing XSD schema structures Quick and easy rule building from sample XML transaction Enabling more robust fault tolerant processing + versioning Providing open sharable templates and documentation Re-use easier through support for includable components Ability to integrate to business processes and context Open source, open public standard toolkit – editor + engine

  41. What’s Next / Call to Action Develop template sets for your business domain Integrate into your messaging exchanges OrionSMG supports jCAM Web service test-bed Publish to registry to facilitate adoption Create document templates to generate registry content / guidelines Use Wiki / SourceForge to facilitate sharing

  42. Questions?

  43. www.jcam.org.ukcamprocessor.sourceforge.netwww.drools.org (JRules)www.oasis-open.org/committees/camdocs.oasis-open.org/cam Resources:

  44. A special mention for our contributors to the CAM and jCAM work:UK - Martin Roberts and team from BTplcUS - Sidhartha Nagolu from AC-Tech / NIH Credits:

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