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Are you an ice cream lover but staying away from it because you feel your teeth are sensitive?<br>Sensitivity is not just uncomfortable at times, but can also interfere with your daily life. Cold or hot foods, soft drinks, sugary sweets, aggressive tooth brushing, even a cold wind against your teeth can make you experience throbbing pain or stinging pain. Sensitive teeth can be the result of any number of dental issues.<br><br>

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  1. Downloaded from: justpaste.it/741ak TOOTH SENSITIVITY – CAUSES, PREVENTION & TREATMENT Are you an ice cream lover but staying away from it because you feel your teeth are sensitive? Sensitivity is not just uncomfortable at times, but can also interfere with your daily life. Cold or hot foods, soft drinks, sugary sweets, aggressive tooth brushing, even a cold wind against your teeth can make you experience throbbing pain or stinging pain. Sensitive teeth can be the result of any number of dental issues. What’s Causes sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity occurs when the enamel that protects our teeth gets thinner, or when gums recede, exposing the underlying surface, the dentin, which is full of tiny tubes with sensitive nerve endings running through them. According to the American Dental Association (ADA), tooth sensitivity and can be caused due to gum disease, tooth decay and exposure of roots, aggressive tooth brushing and wearing away of the enamel. If you think your sensitive teeth are the result of tooth decay, disease or infection, dentists at Ridgetop Dental International can help you overcome the same. However, issues like soft enamel can be habit-based or even hereditary, making it easier to wear it down

  2. Knowing how to relieve sensitive teeth can include remedies that may even be in your own hands. Specifically amending some of your usual habits could make a difference in how your teeth feel on a daily basis. Here are a few tips for healthier, pain-free teeth: 1. Change Your Toothbrush and brushing technique: Brushing can help keep your teeth healthy, but using a hard-bristled toothbrush or highly abrasive toothpaste can aggravate sensitive teeth. Ensure that you are using a good toothbrush and also ask your dentist In Koramangala, Bangalore to demonstrate the correct technique of brushing. This seems like a small step but can go a long way in helping with sensitivity. 2. Avoid Acidic Foods Certain foods, like carbonated drinks, coffee, citrus fruits and even yoghurt, can cause sensitivity. This is because acidic products can actually be a catalyst to the wearing away of tooth enamel. Consider avoiding them altogether, and if you must have your daily soda, do so by drinking through a straw to limit the contact the liquid has with your teeth. Additionally, don’t brush your teeth right after eating or drinking acidic foods; acid softens your enamel and makes your teeth even more sensitive if brushed against too quickly. Instead, have a glass of milk to help neutralize the acid. 3.Wear a Mouth Guard Do you grind your teeth at night? If you suffer from sensitive teeth, you might, even if you don’t realize it. Teeth grinding while sleeping can wear away tooth enamel and also cause unexplained jaw pain or headaches. A mouthguard can help keep you from grinding as it acts as a protective bite piece that is placed on your teeth to protect the enamel. Visit your dentist to get the appropriate mouth guard for you. When it comes to treating sensitivity, there are a variety of options available in the market, however, they can only help subside your problem but would not treat it completely. Timely visits to your dentist in Bangalore are advisable to understand and address the reason for your sensitivity. It would be best to focus on treating the cause of sensitive teeth, rather than simply reacting to the pain with other substitutes.

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