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Highway Legends Inc

Highway Legends Inc<br><br>13511 Main St Suite 203, Lemont, IL 60439, United States<br> 1 630-468-1400<br><br>https://highwaylegends.net/<br><br>https://www.google.com/maps?cid=15470523475392304747

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Highway Legends Inc

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  1. Highway Legends Inc 13511 Main St Suite 203, Lemont, IL 60439, United States +1 630-468-1400 Truckerrs Safe Driving - Why Do Automobile Drivers Purposely Torment Truck Drivers? Some of the challenges and attitudes a truck driver deals with constantly all day long physically and emotionally drains the driver and makes it seem as if he did pull the load with his own power. The drivers slow down on purpose to cause the big truck to have to hit the brakes for no reason. Some drivers who purposely torment the big rig driver are stopped at a traffic light too long, a big truck is approaching slower to avoid coming to a complete stop, when the traffic light changes and the motorist starts and then stops or hits his brakes, causing the big truck to make a hard stop, and the motorist smiles as he/she drives away. Drivers are traveling at the speed limit and as they start up a hill and suddenly they slow down causing the big truck to lose his forward momentum. If the driver that jumps in front of the tractor trailer and slows down would just think for a moment, he/she is not only slowing down the tractor trailer but the vehicles behind the big truck as well. The driver who conducts himself in such a manner and causes the problems and drives off, now the truck driver has to regain his speed and the traffic behind the truck gets upset with the truck driver and they have no idea what just happened in front. If the driver that does this would think just a little bit more, how would he like to be the driver behind the tractor trailer who now has to go even slower while the tractor trailer regains its speed? Drivers are aware that they are slowing traffic down, when the big truck finally gets space to change lanes to pass the much slower car, the car now speeds up above the speed limit to prevent the truck from passing. Drivers entering the Interstate enter traffic as if they are turning onto another side street. These motorists also display the same attitude as the other drivers who press the brake when they should be pressing the gas. Drivers who are getting onto the highway or the interstate with a cell phone pressed to their left ear holding a conversation if these drivers continue this type of conduct behind the wheel of any vehicle entering the expressway could cause a serious accident. Most of the time, in my experience, the driver who does this only looks back at the oncoming traffic seconds before they actually are about to get into traffic. The unsafe driver of the oncoming vehicle was not aware that the truck driver or any other driver has slowed up to allow them the room they should need to enter traffic safely because they are so tied up with the phone.

  2. The majority of the drivers this happens to slows down and enters the lane behind the big rig and then speeds up to frown at the truck driver for not allowing them to carry on their conversation and flow right into traffic. Many of these drivers shoot the truck driver the BIRD or do something else to aggravate the truck driver. But who was at fault? Most of the time the oncoming driver misses his/her opening to flow into traffic and ends up driving on the shoulder a little ways and always gets angry. If the truck driver or other motorist holds their speed and a crash does happen who is at fault? Drivers who will not move over and allow the oncoming traffic to enter safely never consider if the big truck has to come to a complete stop and start over again just to enter the interstate how will the oncoming traffic react while they wait for the big truck to build his/her speed up? The point here is the truck driver is a trained professional, he/she will do their best to watch out for your safety and we need your help to make this happen. Every single driver that I know considers that the person in the other 4-wheeler may be in some way related to them or a close friend and they don't want to injure a family member. My point with the article is this when you happen to have a run in with a big truck or the big truck is tail gating not showing any professionalism, before you get angry with the truck driver consider any or all of the above he/she may have just had to deal with a moment ago. And that dealing with an 80,000# unit is considered as a heavy weight and childish behavior should be avoided at all times. Before you decide to torment a big rig on a hill by slowing it down you are also affecting the traffic behind the truck driver.

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