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Philippines Dental Assisting Training School

In the Philippines, there is an outstanding dental assistant school that offers the best program for dental assistants and office managers. You will learn how to become a dental assistant or dental office manager in our dental assistant training school in the Philippines. A lecture, laboratory session, and hands-on clinical exercise will cover the Dental Administrative and Clinical Assisting Competencies.

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Philippines Dental Assisting Training School

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Presentation Transcript

  1. PhilippinesDental AssistingTraining School PersonajeConpetenciaCompromisoLabrol

  2. History The Philippine Dental Assisting Training School, Inc. or PDATSIisthebrainchildofoneveryspecialindividual.A personwhodreamedbigfortheoralhealthcare profession,heputupaninstitutionforenhancedstudies of dental professionals on top of the three (3) clinics alreadybeingmanaged. Moreover,duetothis individual’sfrequenttrips abroadforforeign engagements as international speaker and mentor, he starteddreamingofbringingforthinternational standardsofdentalcareaswell. Year2019becamethe culmination of that dream — the birth of the Philippine DentalAssistingTrainingSchool,Inc.Startingwith ripples,PDATSIcreatedwavesinthedentalindustry.But as the old adage goes – Many are called but few are chosen. Dental Assisting as this dreamer envisions, is notonlya simplelucrativeprofessionbuta special callingforhumbledandcompassionateindividualswith atrueheartandsincerequestforpatientcare.

  3. Vision Theroleofadentalreceptionistinthe pastwas simplistic.Thedutiesincludedgreetingpatients, answeringthetelephone,scheduling appointments,andotherbasicsecretarial functions.However,astheyearsprogressed withthe evolutionof moderntechnology,the receptionist’srolehaslikewiseevolvedtoa morecomplexone.Beyondthebasic administrativefunctions,comestheneedfor efficientchairsideassistingandothercirculating orroving functionssuchastakingdental radiographs,operatingspecializeddental equipment,maintainingresponsibilityfor sterilizationandinfectioncontrolprocedures.

  4. THEDENTAL ASSISTINGJOB AnIn-DemandCareer/SecureJob GoodIncomePotential. OpportunityforGrowth AGreatWorkingEnvironment AVeryRewardingPosition

  5. Thank You 09189256131|09177055559 https://pdatsi.org/ Mandaue,Cebu,Philippines

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