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What is Cannabis Hyperemesis

Heard about cannabis hyperemesis? Curious to know more about this condition and how it can be cured? Read this highly informative blog or contact at 1 (816) 775-2920.

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What is Cannabis Hyperemesis

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  1. What is Cannabis Hyperemesis? How can it be Cured?

  2. Medical marijuana, its benefits and drawbacks are a hotly debated topic in the US. With more & more US states legalizing the use of medical marijuana and licensed cannabis dispensaries becoming commonplace, it’s essential to be aware of the pros & cons of this controversial drug. • Keeping that in mind, here is a highly informative blog on Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome – a health condition that may sometimes develop due to long-term cannabis use.

  3. What is Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome? • Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome (CHS) is a rare condition caused by extended use of cannabis. The syndrome involves severe & reoccurring episodes of vomiting, nausea, dehydration and abdominal pain. • It’s important to note that CHS isn’t merely a side effect of marijuana and can cause health complications in the absence of appropriate treatment.

  4. Is Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome Common? • To put CHS in context, very few people with regular cannabis consumption develop this condition. • A research study revealed that up to 6% of people who visited the emergency room for vomiting were diagnosed with CHS. • It has been found that generally, there is a delay of many years in the commencement of CHS symptoms preceded by chronic marijuana misuse in almost all cases.

  5. Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome Phases • CHS consists of three phases with a marginal difference in the symptoms that are experienced during each stage: • Prodromal phase: This is the first phase of CHS and may endure for months or years. The primary symptoms during this phase are usually early morning nausea & abdominal (belly) pain, with some people also experiencing fear of vomiting. • Hyperemeticphase: A short-lasting phase (24-48 hours) of CHS, it comprises symptoms such as persistent nausea, dehydration, recurring episodes of vomiting, belly pain, reduced food intake & weight loss. • Recovery phase: The final phase of recovery may last for days or months. It involves a reduction in the symptoms over a period of some days or months before fading away completely.

  6. Diagnosis of Cannabis Hyperemesis Syndrome • CHS diagnosis is primarily conducted based on the symptoms being experienced by the patient. The healthcare provider will enquire about the symptoms and any ongoing or past health conditions. A physical exam will also be conducted, which will comprise examining the belly. • The healthcare provider may ask the following questions: • Frequency of cannabis consumption? • Since when have you been using cannabis? • When do you vomit or experience nausea? • Whether any specific foods cause vomiting? • Weight loss without any apparent reason? • Taking hot baths or showers for alleviating symptoms?

  7. Cannabinoid Hyperemesis Syndrome Treatment • The only permanent treatment for CHS is to stop cannabis consumption entirely. • Having said that, the following treatments may be required during the hyperemesis phase: • Medicines to help reduce vomiting • Frequent hot showers for relieving symptoms • IV (intravenous) fluid replacement for dehydration • Proton-pump inhibitors to cure stomach inflammation • Pain medicine • Prescribed medicines that have a calming effect • Drug rehabilitation program • Cognitive behavioral therapy or family therapy

  8. Studies have shown that most people with CHS who quit cannabis experience relief from symptoms & side effects within 10 days or a few weeks. Nevertheless, full recovery is possible only after a few months. • If you are interested in buying medical marijuana, apply for a medical marijuana card and buy 100% legal medical cannabis from our dispensaries in Missouri. Call us at +1 (816) 775-2920 today.

  9. Thank You

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