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Why 108 repetitions of a mantra

After the winter solstice, we convened a gathering to chant the Gayatri Mantra 108 times, as has been tradition in the studio on solstices and equinoxes. There are 108 beads in a mala because of this historical custom. In order to make counting easier while chanting, fingers are run over the beads. A tradition in yoga is to perform 108 Surya Namaskars.<br><br>https://astroindusoot.com/

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Why 108 repetitions of a mantra

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  1. Why108repetitionsof amantra? Afterthewinter solstice,weconvenedagatheringto chant theGayatri Mantra 108times,ashas been traditionin thestudio onsolstices and equinoxes.Thereare108 beadsin amala becauseof this historical custom.In orderto makecountingeasierwhilechanting,fingers are run over thebeads.Atraditionin yogais to perform 108Surya Namaskars. Also, read- HowSun affectsyour career andProfession: Lateronintheconversation,thesubject"whyjust108?"cameup. Whatis it aboutthenumber108 thatmakes itso popular formantra chanting and Surya Namaskar?

  2. 108isanumber that,notonlyinIndiantraditionsbutalsoinother traditions,isascribedmysticalimportance.Thesequalitiesarelisted: Hindu gods frequentlygo by 108names. Each ofthe54 lettersoftheSanskritalphabet hasamaleandafemale counterpart, ormorespecificallyShivaand Shakti,foratotalof108 letters. Accordingtolegend,LordKrishnahas 108gopis,ormaidservants. Insymbolic terms,the numbers1and 0 representtheone global awarenessfromwhichallarisesandcompletion or perfection,which is also fullyexpanded (empty, emptiness),respectively.Ifyouturn the number8on its side,itrepresents infinityinalllanguages. In numerology, the numbers 9 and 12 are regarded as the ideal and cosmic numbers, respectively. Their combination of 9 and 12 equals 108, which isaprimenumber. 1+0 +8 Equals 9,which innumerologystands for unwaveringlove. Buddhistschools thataugmentthesixsensesof taste, hearing,smell, sight,touch, andconsciousness by the threequalitiesofpainful, pleasant,orneutralthenmultiplybythetwointernalisedfactorsclaim thatthereare108senses.andthen bythethreetime divisionsof past, present,or futureareproduced.InJudaism,thenumber18(6×3 x 2x 3=108)ishighlyregarded.Contributionsaremadeinmultiplesof18 (18x 6=108)andthe perfect zeroof108iscontained withinthe number18. Thereare108 steps inmanyBuddhisttemples.

  3. Yetnoneoftheseactuallyprovides an adequateexplanationofwhy. Iwonderwhether allthemagical,mysticalsignificancederives from ancientIndians' keeninterestin astronomy(andastrology) and their masteryofmathematics.Andwhenweturntophysicsandmath,it turnsoutthattherearesomeinterestingfactsabout108.akin to this TheaverageseparationbetweentheEarthandtheSunis108 timesthe Sun's diameter. Theaverageseparationbetween theEarthandthe Moonis 108 times themoon's diameter. Withcontemporaryequipmentandcomputers,it'salittleoff,buteven so,I'malreadythinkingWOW!Atleastthiswouldhave been asfaras ancient people could see and calculate. Let's go tothemaths.Despitethe fact thatI'm notas well-known a mathematician, I mustadmitto doinga lot of"glazingover" when researching this.Butitalsoturned outto bea reallyclever mathematicalnotion.Check to seeifyoucancomprehend these: 11x22x 33=108(1x4x 27=108)-Anexample of thisisa hyperfactorial. Yet, there'smore! Thefactthat108has12divisors,including1 and 108,2 and 54,3 and 36,4and27,6and 18, and9and 12,and thatitisdivisibleby12makes it a recursivenumber. Aregularpentagon'sinternalangleis108degreesinEuclideanspace. 2sin(108°/2) =ᵩ(Greeksymbolphidenotinggolden ratio)(Greek symbol phimeaninggolden ratio)

  4. Itturns outthatthis numberisalsoa "selfnumber,"a "abundant number," a"semi-perfectnumber,"anda"Tetranakinumber,"butitis this lastpropertythatgavemetroublewith maths. Tetranukinumber108. I'm notsureif allofthis hasananswer,butwitha lovelynumber like 108,whynot?Forexample,whydoweperform108 Surya Namaskars and repeatmantras 108 times?Whyarethere108 namesofGods? Nexttimewechant108times,kindlyjoinus.The mostpleasant experience,in fact. My daughter ChaitanyaShettigarahas beenatremendoushelp in the research for thispost andIamverygratefulforherassistanceinmaths. Get accurate guidance fromthebest astrologersin astrologyfor thebest results. Astroindusoot: Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/astroindusoot/

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