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Display Technologies Focusing On Power Consumption by Microtips Technology USA

An energy-efficient display can be critical in industrial use cases and general use cases like households. This PPT by Microtips Technology shares the list of the most popular display types that have been in high demand because of their energy-efficient architecture.<br><br>For more information, visit: www.microtipsusa.com<br>

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Display Technologies Focusing On Power Consumption by Microtips Technology USA

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  2. Thetermliquidcrystaldescribesasubstancethatlies in a state between liquid and solid but exhibits the properties of both. Since their first observation in the 19th century, LCD technology has been enjoying various advancements, and currently, it accounts for anenormousshareintheentiredisplaymarketarea. The power consumption of LCD is directly proportionaltothedrivefrequency(astheframerate lowers, the power consumption reduces) and the displayedimage. LIQUIDCRYSTAL DISPLAY (LCD)

  3. Electronicpaperisavigorousdisplaytechnologythat can rip off traditional paper. Just as in the case of LCD, e-paper also belongs to the non-emissive display category, and here we do not need any backlight. It is because the ambient light from nature isenough. Significant characteristics of e-paper include flexibility,reliability,multi-functionality,andultra-low power consumption. They even lead to zero consumption in the non-updating period. You can find several technologies in small sizes, although thereareapproacheswithA5size. ELECTRONICPAPER (E-PAPER)

  4. OLED or organic light-emitting diode is a light- emitting technology that is made when you place several thin organic films made from carbon and hydrogenbetweentwoconductors.Theywillemita brightlightwhentheelectriccurrentisapplied. Itmakesthemthinnerandmoreefficient.Astheyare manufacturedonasmallscale,theyareavailableata highprice.Severalstudiesconcludethatwhileusing this technology, the consumption of displays rises stronglyasperthesize. ORGANIC LIGHT-EMITTING DISPLAY (OLED)

  5. Electroluminescent display technology is well-known for taking advantage of the light-emission phenomenonbecauseofthestrongelectricfield.You canfindasolid-statethinphosphorfilmandinsulator stackdepositedonaglasssubstrateintheELDdriven byhighvoltageelectronicsgeneratingapositiveand negativepulse.Plus,theyareknownforbeingacost- efficient light source method leading to low power consumption. Electroluminescent technology is well-known for havinglowerconsumptionandcontrastratios.Itis besttopayattentiontotheviewinganglevaluesof 180degrees. ELECTROLUMINESCENT DISPLAY (ELD)

  6. GETINTOUCH WITHUS 3504LakeLyndaDriveSuite 110,Orlando,FL,32817 (407)273-0204 www.microtipsusa.com mtusainfo@microtipsusa.com


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