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Antoine Lavoisier-- Accomplishments

Oxygen Science Life of Antoine Lavoisier and his accomplishments

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Antoine Lavoisier-- Accomplishments

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  1. Click to Edit Title Click to Edit Sub Title

  2. THE NEW YOU He was born into a rich family His passion was to tudy chemistry but instead he wnet to law school Étienne Bonnot de Condillacgtratlty influenced his passoin for chemistry

  3. Collège Mazarin He studied humanities and sciences Lavoisier studied from 1754-1761 While he was in law school he still did lectures on physics and chemistry BIG TEXT He started school here at only 11

  4. Oxygen  SINCE 1778 He realized the combustion involves air He did not completely understand the exact composition of the air He did or experiments to figure what was exactly happening

  5. In 1777 he announced a new theory of combustion that did not include phlogiston. Antoine Lavoisier called it oxygène Oxygène comes from two greek words for acid generation

  6. He was named the "Father of Science " But on May 8,1798 they killed him with a Guillotine

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