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SugarCRM Data Migration,Migration Service | Outright Store

Migration your data from SugarCRM to SuiteCRM helps business looks for the optimization of their sales, marketing, and customer service business operations. Here we are going to tell you the best methods of migration from SugarCRM to SuiteCRM. You can choose the best method for SugarCRM Data Migration.

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SugarCRM Data Migration,Migration Service | Outright Store

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  1.   The Best Methods of Migration from  SugarCRM to SuiteCRM 

  2. We​ have learned about the major differences between SuiteCRM and  SugarCRM. There are many reasons that one might consider SuiteCRM  instead of SugarCRM. Some of these reasons include the price factor since  SuiteCRM is free of cost and is also open to modifications and can implement  various themes on the SuiteCRM Migration platform to fit their business  requirements. Even though the default features available in the Migration  from SugarCRM to SuiteCRM are quite valuable, in order to use its more  beneficial features one will have to pay for features like ultimate or  enterprise.        Reason Behind Migration From Sugar to SuiteCRM  Since we have discussed in detail the reasons why one would prefer  SuiteCRM ​over ​SugarCRM.​ We will now further discuss in detail the reasons  why one would migrate from Sugar to SuiteCRM. One major reason would be  that the previous implementation of the Sugar platform does not yield  desired results. Another reason could be that since the time of the SugarCRM 

  3. implementation business processes have gone through many changes and  transitions and SugarCRM is no longer relevant. The most prominent reason  behind such transition is that business is looking for optimization of their  sales, marketing, and customer service business operations and are seeking  more compatible tools.   Methods of Data Migration  When migrating from Sugar to SuiteCRM there are various options available.  In order to select the best possible options to suit your business  requirements.  Here are a few of those options were explained in detail for you to select the  most suitable option that suits your business requirements:    Default Data Import Tool  One such option is the data import tool available in the SuiteCRM which  assists in-​migration from SugarCRM to SuiteCRM​. Since it is a default  feature available in SuiteCRM it only consists of some of the basic features of  data migration. It does not allow users to import all the modules in one go,  you will have to import each module one by one. It does not allow the  Customizations to be imported that were present in the earlier CRM since  the CRM modules are being imported by the end-user himself. So this option  is more preferable when upgrading to the new SuiteCRM edition, not for the  purpose of migration from Sugar to SuiteCRM. 

  4.   Pentaho Data Integration Tool  Third-party software is another way of data migration from SugarCRM to  SuiteCRM​. Pentaho data migration is one such third party software which  consists of ETL (extraction, transformation, and load) tool that assists in data  migration from one platform to another.   ● Pentaho consists of graphical ETL features that enable automatic drag  and drop capability that allows data migration without writing any  code.   ● PDI also allows users to migrate data in bulk   ● PDI also provides business analytics that assists inefficient decision  making.   ● PDI includes administrative features that assist in increasing the  efficiency of business operations.  ● PDI enables the sharing of analytics databases such as Spark, NoSQL,  and Hadoop.  All these features do come with a price tag and to find out the exact figure  you will have to get in touch with Pentaho. However, they do offer 30 days  free trial. Even after the task of data migration from SugarCRM to SuiteCRM  Migration has been successfully completed. You will still require assistance 

  5. from developers to further add the integrations and​​Customizations​ that  were being put to use in the former Sugar instance.  Code Level Method  Developers at Outright Systems utilize the code level method when  performing data migration. According to the code level, method developers  would have to carefully analyze the data and then proceed with the task of  migration. This procedure includes mapping of the fields and the  de-duplication of data to deliver an impeccable data migration. At the same  time making sure that the integrity of the data is kept intact.     This particular approach to data migration is quite time-consuming. It also  incurs more cost in comparison to the procedures mentioned earlier. But  still, it will ensure safe and secure data migration because it allows the  developers to constantly check the destination from the source CRM. Apart  from that it also ensures that the software customization and integration  that were present in the previous CRM are transferred to the new SuiteCRM.  Not only that, but you will also be able to utilize the​​SuiteCRM integration 

  6. and customization that were not available in the SugarCRM, however, it will  also cost you more. So it would be wise to seek assistance from the developer  when embarking upon the task of data migration so that the cost can be  combined.    Why is the Outright Systems the Best Choice for  Data Migration  Outright Systems​ has decades of experience in delivering successful Data  migration for our clients from all over the world. We also deliver plugins that  fit your business requirements in the best possible manner and way.  Therefore due to our competence and technical expertise we are the best in  the field of SuiteCRM. In order to make sure that seamless and impeccable  data migration takes place, it is recommended to utilize the code-level  method delivered by Outright Systems that makes sure all the previous  integrations and customizations are precisely transferred to the new  instance.  In Conclusion  SuiteCRM is quite evidently the most suitable option when compared to  SugarCRM​. Still, some businesses take time to realize this obvious fact.  However, it is never too late to make the transition. Businesses can at any  point in time can make the decision of switching from Sugar to SuiteCRM  and perform the task of data migration from Sugar to SuiteCRM. It is quite a  difficult task to choose which way to go when initiating the task of data  migration, whether to use the available default tools or utilize third-party  tools. We would recommend seeking support from a team of experts that  have the necessary experience and expertise in the field of SuiteCRM.    Outrights Systems has decades of experience in delivering​​SuiteCRM Migration Services​. Contact our support staff today and we will be glad to assist you. 

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