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Everything About Homeschooling in India – What, Why and How? (2020)

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Everything About Homeschooling in India – What, Why and How? (2020)

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  1. Everything About Homeschooling in India – What, Why and How? (2020) Homeschooling was prevalent in ancient India and even during the British rule, many children acquired formal education within the boundaries of their own homes, such as the great Noble Laureate, Rabindranath Tagore. The Tagore family preferred homeschooling for their children so did the family members of the great leader, philosopher and spiritual guru of India, Rishi Aurobindo. Then there came a phase when homeschooling became quite an alien matter people started sending off their children to good, reputed schools and now again the scenario is

  2. gradually changing and parents are choosing to educate their children within the safe confines of their homes. The homeschooling meaning and idea is considered to be very progressive and safe today. What does homeschooling mean? When parents choose to educate their children at home, either they do it all by themselves or they hire a tutor for the job. So instead of attending conventional classes at school, the homeschooler stays at home and acquires education. Today, homeschooling is making its way back from oblivion. And looking closely, there are many reasons why parents are becoming cynical about the traditional teaching methods in schools, the safety of their wards, religious beliefs that are being instilled in the young minds during their formative years, etc. Some parents believe that there are problems such as the regular grind of school activities, the unhealthy competition among students about being the best in all the subjects and all activities. And these factors overburden a child and give rise to an encumbrance that stands in the way of their holistic growth. So, is homeschooling outright beneficial or does it bring more downsides? Let us explore the ​pros and cons of homeschooling in India​. What are the benefits of homeschooling? ● Several studies abroad have shown that homeschooled children perform better than their counterparts who attend school regularly. You will be amazed to know that Sahal Kaushik, at the age of 14, cracked the IIT JEE, is a homeschooler. Malvika Joshi who got through the world-renowned Massachusetts Institute of Technology, at the age of 17 is a homeschooler.

  3. ● A child gets a conventional education plus the moral education that makes him or her more humane. The parents pass on their traditional and cultural values to their kids and educate them the way they want. ● The safety of a kid is not compromised considering the amount of crime rate that is increasing in schools. ● The child learns more freely without having to worry about anything. No competition, no judgments, no comparisons, no burden. This way the child learns fast and becomes more knowledgeable. ● Homeschooling journey​ helps to develop a strong bond of love between children and their parents. The parents too, understand their children better and make their children feel that learning is not a punishment rather it is a fun process. As parents, we all know how difficult it is to make our children understand that the virtual world is just like a mirage but do they understand? Ask yourself are we failing somewhere? Are we doing our parts correctly? Are we being able to open up before our kids so that they can open up with us freely? Homeschooling will change the entire scenario as you will bond with your kid better plus you can always keep a check on their screen time which is truly necessary given the scenario that prevails nowadays. You have the control, you can make your child more social by encouraging him or her to mingle with people more. You both will have fun during this entire procedure also there’s a lot to learn from children as well. A sweet relationship between parents and children is all we want. ● Homeschoolers get ample amount of time to explore their talents and hone those talents…. The most important factor is they become aware of their existence completely and don’t feel life is futile. ● A homeschooler is more relaxed hence his/her mental health remains in good shape than his/her counterpart who is being educated in a conventional school.

  4. ● The parents or tutors can pay attention to the queries of the child fully. Here, the attention or the focus of the tutor or parents remains undivided on a single child. What are the drawbacks of homeschooling? Every good thing comes with a disadvantage and you can’t really avoid that, but the negatives in case of homeschooling appear to be the bare minimum. ● The first and foremost thing is children will require a lot of attention plus parents must assume the role of great teachers to teach their kids really well but this can be a little difficult for some parents but with a little bit of patience and perseverance this problem is easily avoidable and your kid too will sync in with the whole teaching system of yours quite well. ● There are people who might criticize the entire idea of homeschooling and this might make your child feel a little uncomfortable. ● Some kids feel extremely lonely as they don’t get to mingle with other kids this can have a negative impact on the kids but don’t worry this isn’t a problem since your kids get ample time at home so they can easily go and play with other kids in the parks or playgrounds. You should allow your kids to play outside this ensures the development of the brain and makes the kid healthy and physically fit. ● Working parents will find this process pretty difficult. Homeschooling – Some vital information that you would like to know Is homeschooling in India legal?

  5. One of the most expected questions about homeschooling is whether ​homeschooling in India legal or not​. Well, homeschooling is still a “not so explored” part, people don’t have a clear idea about this. The government of India does not oppose it or even stop parents from opting for homeschooling for their kids. But as of now, there are no clear cut laws related to homeschooling. Which curriculum boards support homeschooling?

  6. You must know that if you are willing to get your child educated at home then you must take care of a few things and the​ guidelines for homeschooling in India​ mentioned below will help you to understand how to go about it to ensure a safe future for your child. NIOS​ – Homeschoolers can easily opt for NIOS (National Institute of Open Schooling) certification is the answer to all the burning questions that parents have regarding the future of their wards as far as school level certificate is considered. This is a distance learning method. You have the complete liberty to choose the subjects you want. Pre-qualification is not needed before choosing any subject or course, anybody within the proper age limit can apply. The students who have registered will get printed material delivered at their doorstep. The courses under NIOS are pretty cost-effective too. The most important and amazing part of NIOS is that a candidate can choose or register himself or herself to professional courses and this actually helps the kid to hone his or her skill set which can prove beneficial in the future also remember there is no upper age limit to apply for NIOS. This will help them to get admission to colleges and the value of this school level board certificate can be compared with traditional board certificates offered to students when they complete their school level education (for grades X and XII) successfully. Wolsey Hall Oxford is elated to support the children in India who are opting for homeschooling and you will be happy to know that IGCSE and A level courses are followed according to the Cambridge Board. (​Source​) Cambridge AS and A level​ – Cambridge AS and A level certificates are applicable for homeschoolers where the candidate is getting two years to complete X and XII level education. A student can choose from a wide range of 60 subjects which are a lot of options. If you opt for Cambridge AS level the course can be completed in one year and

  7. these exams are conducted under the University of Cambridge International Examination. The British council in Kolkata is responsible for conducting these examinations as in the ​homeschooling exams. There’s an option for Flexi-schooling available for homeschoolers this way the admission criteria might be changed to provide ample scope for homeschoolers so that they can get admission in reputed colleges and pursue their dreams. For more detailed information you can also talk to other parents who are currently teaching their children at home itself. This way you will get a lot of crucial information about homeschooling and its utility. Does Homeschooling has a Future in India If you believe your child should get the liberty to learn happily and freely because after all education aims to make a responsible citizen. Parents understand the need to make a shift from the traditional schooling system. The future of homeschooling is certainly bright. Needless to say, a lot of its credit goes to the mindless schooling and competitions happening these days. But whether or not to homeschool is a personal choice of a parent. In my recent discussion with an admirable author and a homeschooling mom of two kids, one of them being a special child. She sent her older kid to regular school and realized her it wasn’t adding any value to his growth. She says, “Many physically challenged students are now enjoying the freedom to learn at home under the guidance of their parents or personal tutors; they learn better, they live better and grow better. It might not be quite visible, but if you talk to most of the school going kids you’ll understand how depressed they seem. May be not physically but they are becoming

  8. mentally impaired why? Because of the unhealthy environment that is prevalent in most schools nowadays.” As a mother who migrated from regular schooling to the bliss of homeschooling, well, I couldn’t agree more. I truly hope you received some clarity about homeschooling in India with this article. If there are any more queries, feel free to drop it in the comment box below and I’ll for sure try to answer them. Keep loving your kids! Sharing is caring! Know more about our homeschooling journey here: ● Khajjar Lake Dalhousie – Is It Worth Your Visit? ● Camping with Kids- Where to Go, What to Pack, Do’s and Don’ts & More ● Our Daily Homeschooling Routine- Don’t Read If You’re An Unschooler ● Norbulingka Monastery- A ‘Treasure Garden’ [Everything You Need to Know] ● Norbulingka Monastery- A ‘Treasure Garden’ [Everything You Need to Know] ● The Countdown Starts – Less than a Month to Go – Homeschooling in India ● How Homeschooling Happened To Us ● Our Weekend Trip To Jejuri Khandoba ● Diveagar Beach- The Not-So-Famous Maharashtrian Paradise ● Want To Practice Homeschooling In India? Pros And Cons

  9. ● Our Shield Helicarrier Project ● Is Homeschooling Legal in India? Here’s your Answer

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