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Why to Drink Honey and Lemon Mixture

Did you know how honey and lemon helps remove fatigue, enhances the glow of skin, prevents constipation, increases stamina, helps digestion and acts as an antioxidant? For many it may just be one part of diet through desserts but, honey is lot more than that. It is one of the oldest remedial components widely used in many homes. First thing in the morning as soon as you wake up fill a glass with room temperature or luke warm water, add 1 teaspoon of raw unheated honey and add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, then drink. Take this remedy once every day on empty stomach.

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Why to Drink Honey and Lemon Mixture

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  1. Why to Drink Honey and Lemon Mixture Did you know how honey and lemon helps remove fatigue, enhances the glow of skin, prevents constipation, increases stamina, helps digestion and acts as an antioxidant? For many it may just be one part of diet through desserts but, honey is lot more than that. It is one of the oldest remedial components widely used in many homes. First thing in the morning as soon as you wake up fill a glass with room temperature or luke warm water, add 1 teaspoon of raw unheated honey and add a squeeze of fresh lemon juice, then drink. Take this remedy once every day on empty stomach. As a Positive Health Drink: • Hot Lemon and Honey –There’s nothing quite like a hot lemon and honey when you are feeling sick. • Honey does the soothing, and the lemon juice helps to cleanse the mucus membranes. Dissolve a tablespoon of honey into a half cup of freshly boiled water. Add little cold water to cool it down, then add the freshly squeezed juice of a lemon, and throw in the squeezed-out rind to give it a special flavor. • Fresher the better since vitamin C in the lemon juice starts to "evaporate" once exposed to air.

  2. • This home remedy is nature’s medicine and is a million times more effective at shedding fat than any weight loss pill. It also increases your health and well being. • Buy organic honey and lemons if you can find them Lemon and Honey when taken Separately: • The pulp left from the juicing is excellent for the skin and can also soothe the bites and stings of insects. • Lemon juice is a most important therapy to be used in all cases of infection of the respiratory tract and as a general tonic. • There is no danger in taking any reasonable quantity of lemon juice diluted with water. Be sure to choose firm, clear coloured lemons that have not begun to wither. Honey in Medical Science: • Honey could be used along with the prescribed medicine but not as a replacement. • Honey is great for your digestive system as well as problems like constipation. • Honey can be used as substitute for sugar which would help control your intake of calories. • Honey is extremely nourishing for the skin when used as face pack and helps in rejuvenating the skin leading to the elimination of fine wrinkles. Honey is a good moisturiser. Honey has considerable Laxative effect on the human digestion system which in turn helps in reducing skin problem i.e. (pimples) and other problems associated with constipation, which become revealed on the skin. • Local application of honey to a wound promotes healing, say medical practitioners. • Raw honey is an excellent treatment for 90% of all allergies. • Although sweet, honey helps to maintain and protect teeth. Studies show that honey sharply reduces acid production, blocking the growth of oral bacteria. • Treat stomach aches with 1 teaspoon of honey, juice of half lemon with a hot glass of water first thing in the morning. • Honey is remedial in cases of persistent coughs and sore throat.

  3. • It has strong antibiotic properties & also coats the throat to reduce throat irritation. Amongst children it helps in healing inflammatory throat conditions as it purifies blood. • Sugar molecules in honey can convert into other sugars (e.g. fructose to glucose), so it is easily digested by the most sensitive stomachs. It helps kidneys and intestines to function better. • Honey has 40% lesser calories than sugar. Thus it gives energy without added weight. • When accompanied by mild water, honey diffuses into the bloodstream in 7 minutes. Its free sugar molecules make the brain function better. • When suffering from conjunctivitis honey dissolved in equal quantity of warm water may be when cooled, used as a lotion or eye bath. • Honey provides an important part of the energy needed by the body for blood formation. In addition, it helps in cleansing the blood. It has some positive effects in regulating and facilitating blood circulation. • British researchers have discovered that honey can fight against Cholesterol, and the darker the honey, the better. Replacing sugar with Pure honey taken with food daily relieves complains of cholesterol. • Honey improves appetite in children suffering from conditions of Appetite loss. • For Headaches and Migraine take 2 teaspoons at meals to prevent an attack, take 1 dessert spoon honey dissolved in half a glass of warm water at start migraine. Repeat in 20 minutes if necessary. • Honey helps in nervous disorders including Insomnia and acts as a tonic in recovery of any damage to the human nervous system. In cases of Insomnia (Sleeplessness) one teaspoon full of honey mixed in luke-warm water (or milk) and drink before going to bed helps in getting sound sleep. • Honey benefits patients suffering from Tuberculosis as it vastly helps in arresting the spread of this disease. • Honey benefits in conditions of Asthma as many conditions of Asthma respond favourably to honey. 1 teaspoon of honey a day helps calcium utilization and prevents osteoporosis. (Essential from age 50 onwards) • Apply freely over burns. It cools, removes pain and aids fast healing without scarring. • Honey consumed with milk increases human sperm count to an astonishing degree.

  4. The best part of honey is that it can be found in any season and can be easily stored. Health isn’t always dependent on money ! Try some HONEY for a change. Health Mantra by Indiacom For more such diet and health tips from our top listed dietitian visit: Visit https://www.indiacom.com/yellow-pages/dietitian/ In the Information Business - Indiacom's main objective is to compile authentic business information, categories and disseminate it in the form of Directories including Telephone Directory with Yellow Pages, Stand-alone Yellow Pages, Yellow Pages Online, SMS and Voice.Indiacom is involved in printing and publishing of Telephone Directory and Yellow Pages. To know more visit www.indiacom.com

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