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  1. A New Psychology for Sustainability Leadership: The Hidden Power of Ecological Worldviews A New Psychology for Sustainability Leadership: The Hidden Power of Ecological Worldviews Book Synopsis During the last decade, the sustainability position in multinational corporations has grown in influence. Much literature has explored how corporations can play an important role in solving the environmental challenges facing the planet. However, until now, there has been little research on sustainability leadership at the individual level. In this book, Schein explores the deeper psychological motivations of sustainability leaders. He shows how these motivations relate to overall effectiveness and capacity to lead transformational change and he explores the ways in which the complexity of sustainability is driving new approaches to leadership.Drawing on interviews with 75 leaders in more than 40 multinational organizations, NGOs, and academia, Schein explores how ecological worldviews READ MORE DETAIL..

  2. The Invisible Yellow Line: Clarifying Nonprofit Board and Staff Roles The Invisible Yellow Line: Clarifying Nonprofit Board and Staff Roles Book Synopsis The key to a healthy nonprofit organization is a harmonious board-staff relationship. Easier said than done!The Invisible Yellow Line: Clarifying Nonprofit Board and Staff Roles is a fun, upbeat, and down-to-earth manual that walks you through the process of clarifying the roles of the board and staff.If you've ever watched a football game on TV you be familiar with the yellow line that's visible to viewers, but invisible to the players on the field. Using the invisible yellow line metaphor, Jean Block guides you through clarifying roles in governance, management, finance, planning, human resources, resource development, and recruitment.Since it's a workbook, it will enable nonprofit leaders--both board and staff--to roll up their sleeves and work through each key area. It explores the READ MORE DETAIL..

  3. Wisdom on the Green : Smarter Six Sigma Business Solutions Wisdom on the Green : Smarter Six Sigma Business Solutions Book Synopsis Wisdom on the Green follows four successful friends who met in graduate school while pursuing their MBAs. They discuss their careers and compete in a friendly golf game for the price of dinner. As the four friends share their experiences and pursuit of improvement in Wisdom on the Green, they discover powerful new insights that help them see how they can improve their games both in business and in golf, focusing on SIX SIGMA as a business strategy. READ MORE DETAIL..

  4. A Practical Guide to Data Protection (GDPR) A Practical Guide to Data Protection (GDPR) Book Synopsis A Practical Guide to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is written in an easy to understand and easy to reference format.Topics covered: 1. Principles relating to the processing of personal data.2. Rights of the data subject.3. Controller and processor obligations.4. Transfers of personal data to third countries or international organisations.Compliance with data protection rules is not only a matter of risk mininisation. Compliance can:- Increase customer and employee confidence in the company. - Enhance brand image. - Help in the management of company information. - Act as a reminder to protect company data and company secrets. - Facilitate future products and services using such data - customer data is a key asset to the company. - Add to the value of the customer READ MORE DETAIL..

  5. The Science of Getting Rich The Science of Getting Rich Book Synopsis First published in 1910, The Science of Getting Rich is Wallace D. Wattle's work of the New Thought movement which describes the process by which one can focus one's mental energies towards the attraction of financial success. As Wattles begins in his preface: This book is pragmatical, not philosophical a practical manual, not a treatise upon theories. It is intended for the men and women whose most pressing need is for money who wish to get rich first, and philosophize afterward. It is for those who have, so far, found neither the time, the means, nor the opportunity to go deeply into the study of metaphysics, but who want results and who are willing to take the conclusions of science as a basis for action, without going into all the processes by which those conclusions were reached. READ MORE DETAIL..

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