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Established in 1996, by Dr. Rajiv Bajaj, an eminent ophthalmologist, Bajaj Eye Care is instrumental in changing the face and service standards of eye care in the country. Since its inception, Bajaj Eye Care has been guided by patient centric values of efficiency, precision, compassion, and integrity.
Eye HospitalIn Pitampuraby Dr.RajivBajaj OurProfile Established in1996,byDr.RajivBajaj,aneminentophthalmologist,Bajaj Eye Care is instrumentalinchangingtheface andservicestandardsofeyecareinthe country.Sinceits inception,Bajaj EyeCare has beenguided bypatientcentric valuesof efficiency, precision, compassion, and integrity. Millionsofpeople allovertheworldhaveexperiencedfreedom from spectacles and contactlenses usingthe mostadvancedZeiss medicallasertechnology thatBajaj Eyecare Centre offers now to you. We offer a free consultation for you to know whetherLaserVisioncorrection isright foryou.Comeand see for yourself themany advantagesof thishighly preciseandgentletreatment. OurMission&Vision Mission To ProvidePrompt,Excellent,And AffordableTreatment To AllSectionsOf Our SocietyByA Team Of DedicatedStaff. Vision To Become A ModelOfExcellenceBy ProvidingAffordable AndQuality EyeCare Services, Using StateoftheArt OfMedicalEquipments. Chairman'smessage
We started Bajaj Eye Care in 1996 with a vision to offer Quality and affordable EyecareServices inDelhi.BajajEyeCare center'smissionis to providepatients with reliable,timely,and accurateophthalmic diagnostic andtreatmentfacilitiestohelp alleviate theireyeproblems. Wecontinuallystriveto improve the qualityofour ophthalmic servicesto fulfillourset objectivesand meet national/internationalstandardsthrough regulartrainingforour staffand thepurchaseof thelatest technologyequipment. Established over20 yearsago byourMedicalDirectorandChiefSurgeon,Dr.Rajiv Bajaj, Bajaj EyeCare wasthe firstto adoptany newTechnologyinEye-care. Technologicaladvancementsaside,wecontinue to bethe leaderinthe industry for thepersonableapproachweadopttoward everypatient.Ourprofessionalteam providesexceptionalservices andemploysthe higheststandards ofpatient care.