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Types of Double Sided Tapes - Eurotech Displays

In the sign-making industry, some essential accessories are always required to give the signage a professional look. Double-sided tape is one of those accessories that come in different types. Here is the infographic that will help to choose which one is better for them.

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Types of Double Sided Tapes - Eurotech Displays

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  1. Types of Double Sided Tapes - Eurotech Displays SeamingHemTapeisaStrong TransparentBondTapeusedtomake bordersonPrintedbannersorany canvas. Theyareidealforbannersthat willbeexposedtolesstension. HEM TAPE HyenaTissueTapeis50meterslong tapewithacrylicadhesivetype. Generallyusedtomakebondswith polyethylene, polypropylene, andother plastics, itisavailablefrom12mmto 1200mmsizes. HYENA TISSUE TAPE Thisdoublesidedtapeismadefrom translucenttissuepapercoatedwith acrylicadhesiveonbothsides. Itisused forasign, nameplates, andgeneral- purposemounting. TISSUE TAPE PE FOAM TAPE PEFoamTapeisaneasy-to-usetape, usuallyusedforroughsurfaces. Itisan idealsolutionforinternalapplications suchassignages. MightyTackisoneofthestrongest double-sidedtapes. Itcanholdweight upto40kgs. Youcantrustthistapefor consistency, maximumstrength, and superiorversatility. MIGHTY TACK TextileTapeisapremiumcategoryall- weathertapeusedtostickfabricand textilebanners. Justapplyittothe backsideofthetextilebanners, remove theliner, andfoldthebanneredge. TEXTILE TAPE HIGH BOND TAPE Itisanextremelyhigh-strengthacrylic Tapewithathicknessof1mm. Itcanbe usedonmanysurfaces, fromglassto aluminiumtoautomotivesurfaces. eurotechdisplays.com.au

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