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Protect Your Ears From The Effects Of Loud Sounds

Electronic Shooters Protection (ESP) has been in business for more than 20 years and provides the best in terms of electronic protection for ears.

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Protect Your Ears From The Effects Of Loud Sounds

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  1. Protect Your Ears From The Effects Of Loud Sounds Anyone who has ever experienced the effects of unnaturally loud sounds on their ears and hearing ability will agree that it is indeed a great idea to wear ear protection. That is why earplugs for shooting have become so popular in recent years. LOUD SOUND AND THEIR EFFECT ON YOUR ABILITY TO HEAR PROPERLY Medical professionals such as ear specialists, among them audiologists and other professionals, have long held the opinion that unnaturally loud sounds are detrimental to one’s ear health, which is why so many tests have been done and articles written to point out the dangers that hunters and shooters – and other individuals and groups – expose their ears to as they fire shots or operate in extremely noisy environments. That is why more than ever before people now look at their options in terms of which they make sure they give themselves the best chance of protecting their hearing. SOUND INTENSITY To form a better understanding, it is good for hunters shooters, and other individuals, to look at how the intensity of sound is measured, and how one should allow for ways to protect one’s hearing when sound is too loud. The loudness of sound, and therefore gunfire or the constant noise near employees in a factory where machines are operated non-stop, is measured in decibels, or dB abbreviated. Many examples can be given to explain the different levels of dB and how levels of loudness can lead to hearing problems. Scientists and professionals whose field hearing ability is will often point out the following: a whisper is approximately 30 dB, normal conversation (not screaming) is roughly 60 dB, and the sound emanating from the engine of a running motorcycle around 95 dB. It is generally agreed that the higher above 70 dB, especially if ongoing, the greater the likelihood that damage may be caused to the individual’s ability to hear properly. Then consider what happens when you expose your ears to levels of sound at 140 when, for example, a cracker goes off at your ear, or when a pistol, rifle, or gun is fired. It often causes pain and discomfort and may lead to tinnitus (constant ringing in the ears) and NIHL (Noise- Induced Hearing Loss). Hunters and shooters expose their ears to this possible damage every time they report at the shooting range or step out in the field, ready for the hunt – if they do not take the necessary precautions.

  2. PRECAUTIONS Hunters, shooters, professionals in noisy environments, and anyone else who may be exposing their ears to high levels of noise, may do well to consider some of the precautions they can take to avoid hearing loss. There are, typically, three well-known options, such as: • Disposable earplugs. These are bought in almost every gun shop and supermarket. They are cheap, often made of wax, easy to use, and discarded after a day on the range or out in the bush. • Earmuffs. This form of protection is one step up from the plugs since they are used over and over again. You carry them with you in a bag to wherever you are going to use them and put them away again after your day in the bush on the savanna - or at the shooting range. Some of these offer technologically advanced features and are more expensive than those without. • Custom-made earplugs. These plugs are made to order and manufactured for a specific individual’s ears – they are not sold over the counter, as is the case with cheaper, and less effective plugs. GROWING POPULARITY Even though it is better to use some form of ear protection, for example, the cheap disposable option, it is a fact that high-quality, advanced hearing protection devices, such as custom- made plugs, are the answer for the person who wants to enjoy shooting and hunting, with the assurance that their hearing is well protected. This type of protection is growing in popularity all the time and is fast replacing the older, less effective options. About Us: Electronic Shooters Protection (ESP) has been in business for more than 20 years and provides the best in terms of electronic protection for ears. Products are custom-made to fit the individual’s ears to allow maximum protection while still hearing sound. You hear all natural sounds in the area and you can enjoy normal conversation, but our products will protect you from the harmful effects of loud and damaging sounds such as gunfire. Our digital products are state-of-the-art and among the best available on the market. For more information about ESP and our top range of products, please get in touch by visiting https://www.espamerica.com/.

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