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Protect Your Skin From Sun

With various types of information available out there, it is only natural for you to get confused about whether or not to expose your skin to the sun. Well there are both pros and cons to regular exposure to the sun.

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Protect Your Skin From Sun

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  1. Protect Your Skin From Sun With various types of information available out there, it is only natural for you to get confused about whetheror not to expose your skin to the sun.Well there are both pros and cons toregular exposure to the sun. On one hand, the sun rays are vital forour daily well-being. They are helpfulin the formation of Vit D that’s essential for calcium metabolism in the body. This backed by a mention in our ancient textsabout daily sun exposure to boost our energy levels, giving a general feeling of well-being. Sun rays are of three wavelengths: UV-A, UV-B and UV-C depending on the wavelengthacross the spectrum. UV-A and UV-B are the ones that damage the skin the most andshould be protected from. On the other hand, it is advisable to protect your skin from sun as exposure to sun rays forprolonged period of time can damage the skin. The face, neck and hands are the sites thatare most damaged, for obvious reasons. Chronic sun exposure can cause early wrinkling,tanning of the skin, and a general premature ageing of the skin. The commonest complaintfor holiday goers is acute sun burn. Because of these side effects, skin protection prior tosun exposure should be a daily regimen for one and all. The various ways you can protect your skin from sun are: A. Staying indoors during period of peak UV rays exposure. B. Adhere to simple measures such as use of an umbrella, wide brim hats or caps, andwearing protecting covering example dupattas for women. C. Application of Sunscreen. Sunscreens are agents that form a screen or protective layerbetween the sun rays and the skin thereby preventing skin damage. The protectionprovided by a sunscreen is measured by its SPF (Sun Protection Factor) which is a ratio ofminimal redness of the skin caused by UV-B light with sunscreen applied to withoutsunscreen. Sunscreens should be applied 15-20 minutes prior to stepping out in the sun.Repeat application should be done 4-6 hours after the first application. Sunscreen should

  2. be adequately applied over the face, neck and other sun exposed areas. For our Indian skintype, SPF 15+ is adequate. The best result of photoprotection is obtained if sunscreens areaccompanied with other photoprotection measures such as use of umbrella, wide screenhats or caps, etc. Article Source http://www.skinclinicbangalore.com/post/protect-your-skin-from-sun/903Published at Dr. Kisalay Saurav’s blog

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