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Invisalign for Kids & Teens – How Do They Work?

Invisalign is a procedure that straightens the teeth and has many benefits. But do you know how it works for Kids and Teen, read now...

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Invisalign for Kids & Teens – How Do They Work?

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  1. Invisalign for Kids & Teens – How Do They Work?  Proper dental care is critical for your growing child and teen, and that includes  orthodontics. It is recommended that a child has their first visit with an orthodontist by  the age of 7, even if they still have their baby teeth. By taking your child for their first  visit at this age, the orthodontist will be able to identify even the most subtle issues with  emerging tooth alignment or jaw growth, helping parents to prevent future dental  problems for their child.  The ​orthodontist​ may find existing issues that can benefit from early treatment and may  prevent more serious problems from developing in the future. Thanks to early  intervention, treatments at a later age may be shorter and much less complicated.  Many parents have heard their child complain about metal braces. Thankfully,  orthodontic treatments have evolved tremendously, and now most issues with shifting  teeth can be resolved with ​Invisalign dentistry.    What is Invisalign? 

  2. Over the past few years, Invisalign treatments have proven to be a great alternative to  traditional wire metal braces. It is a pretty simple and less painful treatment that  straightens teeth using a series of removable transparent plastic ​aligners​.  Traditional braces require a mold to be made of the patient’s mouth with a metal or  plastic horseshoe tray. The tray is filled with a thick molding material that the patient is  required to bite down on. Children sometimes have a hard time with these types of  molds because of their gag reflex.  The Invisalign treatment process is much easier for children and teens. A mold of their  teeth is created through a combination of photographs, x rays, and digital scans that  create a digital model of the patient’s teeth. The computer model then creates the  stages between the current and desired tooth alignment.    How it Works  After the 3D model of your child’s teeth is created, they will receive a progressive  succession of clear trays that will move the teeth less than a millimeter each. Each new  tray guides the teeth into a better position than the last. A tray is typically worn for one  to two weeks before progressing to the next one. They have become so popular with  children and teens because they are easy to put on and remove.    The List of Advantages   

  3. The list of advantages Invisalign has over traditional metal braces is quite extensive.  Below are our top reasons to choose Invisalign treatments over wire braces.  Children and teens (especially teens) don’t like the way wire braces look. They  can be quite sensitive about their appearance, and traditional braces may make  them feel self-conscious and less confident about how they look.  Invisalign trays need to be removed before eating, so your child’s diet won’t be  restricted like it is with traditional braces. They will still be able to eat their  favourite snacks, like peanut butter, popcorn, and gummy candies.  Invisalign’s are meant to be removed for a dental cleaning. Your child will be able  to maintain a regular, healthy dental hygiene routine without adjustment. They  also are at less risk for swollen gums and cavities caused by improper cleaning  around traditional braces.  An Invisalign tray can be much more comfortable than wire braces for your child  or teen. They also no longer have to worry with broken brackets or rubber bands.  Right Age for Invisalign   There is no absolute age for a child to have Invisaligns, but since it is required they be  worn 22 hours a day to work effectively, it’s important that your child or teen is mature  enough to be responsible for wearing the trays the correct amount of time. Each tray  comes with a blue strip that wears down over time, so you and your child’s dentist can  see if they are wearing their trays as they should.    How to care for your teeth and Invisalign tray  Invisalign treatments are also wildly popular because they require much less  maintenance than metal braces. When it’s time to eat, your child can simply pop out the  tray and eat what they want. After eating, they simply brush as usual and pop the tray  back in. You also don’t have to deal with the awkward maneuvering when flossing like  you do with wire braces. Keep in mind though, eating with Invisalign trays still in the  mouth is a BIG no-no. Your orthodontist will advise you on how to properly care for and  clean your Invisalign trays.    Advice from Alpha Dental Clinic 

  4.   It’s always a good idea to be proactive when it comes to your child’s dental health.  Visiting an orthodontist early for Invisalign in Montreal can help prevent issues much  later on for you child or teen.  Alpha Dental Clinic​ was established in 2009 with the goal of offering affordable dental  clinic services for all. ​Our dental clinics​ are conveniently located on the South Shore in  Brossard and Montreal, offering procedures ranging from dental implants to  orthodontics as well as regular care and check-ups. 

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