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Classroom Management Chap. 4.. P. 135 Chap. 5..p. 175

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Classroom Management Chap. 4.. P. 135 Chap. 5..p. 175

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    1. Classroom Management (Chap. 4 & 5)

    3. Reflection Why have you come to the teaching profession; the classroom, in a time such as this? Beginning teachers report spending many sleepless nights and recurring nightmares due to FEAR and worries about classroom management and discipline problems .. P. 177/178 What’s your reaction to the above reality?

    4. FEAR FEAR is: False Evidence Appearing Real (Scheline, J., 2008)…. For example…

    5. Problem Compared to past generations, contemporary children have changed: Yes No Please justify your response

    6. Fact Children are increasingly selfish and disrespectful. Children are continually exhibiting limited moral and ethical skills. Children are displaying potentially violent and irresponsible behaviors (Berliner and Biddle, 1997). The Massachusetts School Law of 1647…Old Deluder Satan Law (Towns of 50 & up start public schools)

    7. Challenges What discipline problems might exist in your classroom? What is your plan to address such behavior problems? What do you want in your classroom in the context of classroom management?

    8. Classroom Management “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel” ~Maya Angelou~

    9. Classroom Management What is classroom management? Characteristics of a quality classroom: Is a gracious space……. Teacher practices “Ethics of Care.”

    10. Ethics of care..p.178 Carol Gilligan, 1982 (In a Different Voice) considered two types of ethics: Ethics of right: Has rigid rules with clear lines & neutral principles… Ethics of care: Considers situations or circumstances in totality…. The big picture or all the variables at play Quality classroom…..

    11. Management “Children who are treated as if they are uneducable almost invariably become uneducable” ~ Kenneth Clark & Dark Ghetto, 1965 ~

    12. “Short sighted teachers create long term problems”~ LaRon Coleman, 2010

    13. Quality classroom Teacher understands that: “The first two weeks of school will determine how the rest of the school year will go. Teachers need to establish acceptable behavior limits and teach acceptable behavior” Randall Sprick

    14. Quality classroom Teacher understands that: “For these are all our children. We will all profit by or pay for whatever they become” James Baldwin

    15. Quality Classroom “I have come to a frightening conclusion. I am the decisive element in the classroom. It is my personal approach that creates the climate. It is my daily mood that makes the weather. As a teacher, I posses tremendous power to make a child’s life miserable or joyous. I can be a tool of torture or an instrument of inspiration. I can humiliate or humor, hurt or heal. In all situations it is my response that decides whether a crisis will be escalated or deescalated, and the child humanized or dehumanized.” -Hiam Ginnott, 1977

    16. Quality Classroom (Glasser, 1993) Warm and supportive Quality work is expected Learners always asked to do their best Learners evaluate their work & improve on it Learners feel good about quality work Destructive behaviors are discouraged- focus is on quality Get off to a good start- plan ahead (procedures, routines/rules & consequences)

    17. Quality Classroom (chap. 4) Is a learning community (p. 160) Believe in students’ abilities… Has learning goals and objectives… road maps Has flow… planning Facilitates group development and cohesion… Pigsface.. Avoid overemphasizing extrinsic rewards Has positive feelings Builds learners’ interests and intrinsic values…p. 162 No excuses for failure… internal vs. external focus..p.163 Attends to learner’s needs including self-determination… p. 144 & 164

    18. Quality classroom Teacher knows self (Wilen, et al. 2004) personality? Affirming/negative, Assertive or non-assertive, Democratic or Dictatorial, Laissez-Faire or Autocratic, Existentialist or /absolutist, etc. Knowing self: Pay attention to feedback from others: Are you self-regulated? (Character) Do you talk too much? Do you talk in private with students? Do you state what you want (rules) vs. what you don’t want? Do you offer frequent empty threats? Are you flexible? Do you know your students on an individual level? Are you democratic? (Wilen, et al. 2004)

    19. Quality Classroom Democratic educators: Say yes more often (Glasser, 1992) Are with it (Withitness– (Kounin, p.189) Say my job is.. Your job is… Praise in public & criticize in private Know the rules and remind learners Are never sarcastic Are consistent (Wilen, et al., 2004)

    20. Quality Classroom Knowing self: Do you challenge existing myths (Wilen, et al., 2004) Do you use student-centered instructional approaches (Johnson & Johnson, 2003) Do you focus on altering behavior instead of making them behave? Do you practice 24 hr. rule?... If an issue if still bothering you after 24 hrs., address it Do you understand reasons for good/bad behavior?...p.194 Do you understand children’s needs?

    21. Quality classroom Knowing self: Do you understand that children: need and like structure will work hard for you, if they like who you are as a person like to know what is expected of them like to know they are cared for (Love & Logic) ( Clark Ron, 2003.. The Essential 55)

    22. Quality Classroom (Wasicsko & Ross, 1982) Knowing self…do you: Expect the best from kids Make the Implicit Explicit Rewards, Yes! Punishments, No! Let The punishment fit the crime If you must punish, remove privileges Ignorance is Bliss Consistency is the Best policy Know each student well Use school work as Rewards Treat students with respect & Love

    23. Quality classroom (Wilen et al. 2004) Knowing self--- your powers Referent Power Relational, Charismatic, Personality Expert Power Competences, Qualification Legitimate Power Comes with office/role Coercive Power Punishment, threats, reference to position Reward Power Deserved recognition, praise, approval, etc

    24. Quality Classroom Teacher understands that: “Change is caused by ordinary people doing extraordinary things” ~Unknown source~

    25. Quality Classroom Teacher: Develops a democratic learning environment that values all learners… p. 185 Develops authentic relationships.. p. 185 Focuses on the basic goodness of learners.. “an ethic of care” p. 180 Establishes order before and during teaching ..p.185 Provides a caring environment.. p. 205

    26. Quality Classroom Teacher establishes a caring environment…social democracy people consider the “Other,” hence , there is: Fairness, respect, justice, kindness, equality, equity, etc. members seek to: Understand other points of view Explain their point of view Share and understand feelings Collaborate to establish alternatives (Goodlad, et al. 2004).

    27. Quality Classroom Teacher focuses on: Altering behavior vs. making them behave. Follow tested practices Meet their needs Condition them- Behavioral/Reinforcement theory argues that humans are conditioned beings: Positive & Negative reinforcement (BF Skinner..p. 197)- Use rewards that don’t cost a lot Research on classroom management.. p.184

    28. Quality classroom Teacher knows his/her students - What and how? The what… Personality (Introvert, Extravert, Feelers, etc., multiple intelligence) Learning styles (CS, CR, AR, AS..) Interaction dynamics (physical & emotional)- be the decision-maker.

    29. Quality classroom Knowing children: How” Systems already in place Communicate with parents How does your child seem to feel about going to school? What are your goals for your child? What are your child’s interests? (art, sports, lessons, pastimes) What type of activities do you do as a family? (Christopher-Gordon Publisher, Inc 1994) Involve parents (Fawcett, 1995) All parents, especially poor ones want to be involved (Rassol & Curtis, 2000. p. 254; Michie, p. 23)

    30. Quality Classroom--Involving Parents (Fawcett, 1995) Recruit a parent volunteer for specific tasks/roles Collaborate with parents when problems arise Involve parents in goal setting Use technology to excite parents about their children’s learning Share a meal Organize special sessions for parents Sponsor a parent/student project Explain school routine Make your expectations clear Stick with a good thing Sponsor a story hour Team with parents at work Make special effort Involve other teachers and administrators

    31. Quality Classroom Know your students: Use suitable commercial programs Love and logic Assertive Discipline Boy’s & Girl’s Town Bully Proving Best behavior (be responsible, be respectful & be safe) Win-Win (Kagan) Etc.

    32. Celebration/Fun!!

    33. Classroom Management Is Personal How has your mentor personalized his/her management approach? Example/story when approach applied What happened? How are you personalizing your management approach/philosophy as result?

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