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GCSE Film Studies

GCSE Film Studies Rationale Build on Student experience Recognition of relationship with film Attitudes, ideas and Cultural beliefs Three inter-related study areas: Course Overview Exploring Film 30% Exam: 1.5 Hour Non-Hollywood Cinema 20% Exam: 1 Hour Exploring & Creating 50%

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GCSE Film Studies

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  1. GCSE Film Studies

  2. Rationale • Build on Student experience • Recognition of relationship with film • Attitudes, ideas and Cultural beliefs Three inter-related study areas:

  3. Course Overview Exploring Film 30% Exam: 1.5 Hour Non-Hollywood Cinema 20% Exam: 1 Hour Exploring & Creating 50% Coursework

  4. Exploring Film Develop film analysis skills Study of film Language Study one set genre Set genre for first examination in Summer 2009 and last examination in 2012 will be Disaster films. Gain an awareness of the contemporary film industry (mainly Hollywood) and of the audiences for film.

  5. Assessment 4Compulsory Questions: • Respond to an unseen moving image stimulus.One Question on Film Language One Question on Genre • Respond to a still image stimulus. One question on marketing/promotion • Creative Task Series of small tasks in relation to Film Language, Genre, Marketing and Promotion

  6. Genre Study • This will involve three main areas ,film language, audience and film industry • Students will use the knowledge and understanding built up in the first ‘film language’ stage of the course. • Through this close study of a specific genre they will increase their understanding of genre as a key concept exploring the benefits and problems encountered when trying to categorise films. • They will also investigate the relationship between genre and audience, genre and industry.

  7. Conventions • Exploration of the ‘typical ingredients’ of specific genres – what we have come to like and expect. • Focus upon; setting, themes, characters, props, narrative and plot, style • Consider expectations, introduce need for variations to keep the genre ‘fresh’ – encourage students to look for patterns of variation as well as repetition. • Begin to build a to more complex definition of genre as something that is dynamic and open to change. • Focus on the ways in which films mix genres.

  8. Non-Hollywood Cinema Candidates study one non-Hollywood film from a prescribed list in terms of: • Characters • Narrative • Representation • Issues raised by the film • Film language

  9. Assessment 3 Compulsory Questions: Questions will relate to a non-Hollywood film chosen by the centre from a list of recommended texts. • One Question on Representation in close study film : people, places, events • One Question on Issues in close study film • One Creative Task Centred around personal response – reviews, forum posting

  10. Exploring & Creating Five components:

  11. Film Exploration • The film exploration consists of 2 elements • Industry research – students complete brief research on film of their own choice addressing the following areas: Production – Who made it and how? Distribution – Who sold it and how? Exhibition- Why have audiences chosen to see ? Who saw it? Why? Where? • Micro Analysis of 5 minute sequence from film chosen by student. (350-750 words)

  12. Pre-production • Script a short opening scene for your film (max 500 words) • Create a storyboard of no more than 20 frames for a key sequence from your film • Produce digitally a design for a front page and contents page for a new film magazine, featuring your new film • Produce a marketing campaign for your film (at least 4 items)

  13. Production • Create a short sequence of approximately 2 minutes which creates tension and/or atmosphere. (This can be for any section of the film including the pre-credit sequence.) • Produce a home page and at least one linked page for a website promoting a new film (including at least two original images). • Produce a poster campaign for a new film (2-4 posters, using original images)

  14. Produce a press pack for a new film (minimum 4 items, including at least two promotional still photographs, using original images) • Produce a feature based on the production of a new film (including star/director interviews, biographies and at least two appropriately captioned images from the production – original images must be used) for a film magazine or a school/college magazine.

  15. Reflective Analysis • A reflective analysis of approximately 350-750 words for both preproduction and production work highlighting what students have learnt about the main study areas of film (language, organisations, audiences) from their practical work. • This may be presented in 2 parts and in any of the following forms: • Discursive essay (with or without illustration) • Digital Presentation with slide notes e.g. Power Point • Suitably edited blog. • Group work – preproduction and production options apart from film sequence options must be completed individually. Film sequence in groups of no more than four. Two may share camerawork and two may share editing providing responsibility is equally divided. Reflective analysis must clarify individual’s contribution.-

  16. GCSE Film Studies Questions?

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