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Know all about how to enrich your body with proper nutrition and learn about the common misconceptions prevalent in the society about food choices today.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices The biggest problem with our generation is that we are paying too much attention to food, lifestyle and exercise and therefore conveniently depriving nutrition to our body. In the name of health and fitness, we are pushing away good food and are eating something that looks like food. Instead of trying to stay fit and flaunt those abs or curves, just concentrate on eating right and maintain a balance between nutrition and health.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices To begin with, let's just get to know a few nutrition facts that have always been projected in the wrong way. Understand these facts to bring a huge difference in your life. 1.Fruits Are Healthy, Juices Are NOT!
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Fresh fruits contain natural sugars and dietary fiber that prevent constipation and provide the body with decent doses of Vitamin C. But juices are usually diluted, and consumed with added sugar so the minute amount of nutrition which we get doesn’t make up for the lost natural fiber or the loaded sugar content. A fruit a day is better than juice any day!
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Curd And Yogurt Are Not The Same
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices • No! Curd contains very minute amounts of live bacteria but plenty of lactic acid. That's why it acts as a great body coolant but cannot treat gut disorders. But yogurt on the other hand contains essential strains of live bacteria that cleanse the intestines and stomach and heal diarrhea too.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Weight loss diets don't work Except depriving your body of nutrition, diets that are aimed at shedding weight will not help. All fruit or vegetable diet, diet comprising of only milk, diet of only raw salads, etc will do nothing for the body except sapping your energy and making you weak. Maintaining a balance in what you eat and exercising every day is the only recommended way.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Chocolate reduces blood pressure and heals depression The cocoa content of chocolates has a hypotensive effect on the body, studies say. Though these sweeties do not provide any health and nutrition to us, they help release feel good hormones and calm us down. Dark chocolate especially contains rich, high amounts of cocoa that work better than medication on people suffering from mental disturbances.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Four cups of green tea a day, keeps the doctor away?
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices The trick doesn't lie in green tea but tea that is devoid of sugar. When we consume beverages like tea or coffee, we definitely add two to three spoons of sugar to it. Since green tea is just herbs and water, the body doesn't receive artificial sugar which in turn doesn't settle down as fat deposits in the body.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Red wine is good for the heart
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Moderation is the key. A glass of red wine every day, is good for the heart. Consuming a glass or two before unwinding the day provides plenty of polyphenols, a bunch of good anti-oxidants that clean dead cells from the arteries and heart walls and flush toxins out.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Chicken, meat, fish and sea food isn't all that healthy too
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Unhygienic rearing of farm birds and poultry, improper handling of meat and not-so-good storage conditions are causing severe ailments in meat consumers. Blocked arteries, gut diseases, high cholesterol and acidity of the gastric system are all due to meat. Legumes, nuts, soy and egg are good substitutes for deriving nutrition from meat protein.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Supplements don't work at all
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Doctors strictly say that health supplements are not in favor of providing health and nutrition to the body. Artificial colors and sugars, health supplements like vitamin pills, health drinks and protein shakes load the body with unwanted sugars and salts and cause damage to the immunity.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Eating small meals won't help
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices To lose weight, you need to reduce the quantity of food but eating small meals every alternate hour will definitely not help. Such haphazard eating leads to gastric disorders. Chuck away all those reports that say eating frequently can help you lose weight. Eat only when you feel hungry .
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Belly fat is dangerous
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Fat in the body is vital for temperature regulation and preventing sudden shocks. But belly fat is something we all should fight against. Don't aim at overall fat reduction but target only abdominal fat which is the sole reason behind obesity.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Don't trust labels on food
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Food manufacturing companies trick us into buying their products by labelling them healthy, gluten-free, sugar-free or organic. Just don't trust them. Packaged foods contain loads of sodium and artificial preservatives that deprive nutrition to your family and cause brain damage in young children.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Water is the elixir of life
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices We mean pure filtered water but not the water in sodas or fruit juices. Drink as much water as you can, all through the day to avoid dehydration and kidney problems. Water provides zero nutrition but immensely cools the body and keeps the machine running.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Organic food is not healthy
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices The term organic doesn't mean purely devoid of chemicals or healthy stuff. It just means they are packaged properly. Organic fruits and vegetables are grown in lands that receive water like every other farms. So what's the point? There's no way we can prevent fertilizer inundation in plants and trees. Just eat what are available, say nutritionists. Moreover, organic food is heavy on your wallet and you will end up paying more for something that is not nutritious.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Junk food addiction is as good as drug abuse
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Who's not addicted to junk? Food engineers all over the world use dopamine as the main ingredient to create junk food recipes. Burgers, pizzas, chips and all other junk food is happily accepted by the brain as 'the ultimate' food and we slowly get addicted, depriving ourselves of health and nutrition. Cutting down on junk reduces the risk of heart diseases and diabetes.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Pay attention to your gut
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices The intestines are studded with good bacteria that digest food easily and send it out on time. Many times, the gut flora experience bacteria shortage which leads to diarrhea, leaky gut and other intestinal diseases. Yogurt, fresh fruits and green leafy vegetables contain live strains of bacteria that clean the gut. Indulge in these foods at least once a week.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Egg is indeed a complete food
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Chicken eggs are by far the most complete foods ever for the mankind. Equal doses of protein, minerals, good cholesterol and vitamin A make it the most nutritious food among many food groups that we have. Make eggs a mandatory part of your diet to reap good health and nutrition.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Think twice about using refined oil
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices All kinds of oils we get in the market are processed under high temperatures and pass through the harshest machines. This procedure rips the oil off from valuable nutrition. It’s just plain oil without any minerals or fatty acids. Instead of refined oils, try buying virgin olive oil or pure untouched oils.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Stop counting each and every calorie
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Countcalories but not every time. In a bid to pay more and more attention to our health and nutrition, we obsess over calories. If we keep counting calories alone, we stop traveling on the road to good health and nutrition. Concentrate only on eating healthy and nothing else.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Bananas are powerhouses of nutrition
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices There is a wrong notion that bananas add flab to the body and shouldn't be consumed by the elderly especially those with diabetes. Totally wrong! Bananas contain potassium, natural sugars and plenty of dietary fiber that help the body in digestion and metabolism. Fully ripe, bright yellow bananas are extremely good for the digestive system and also help in keeping the insulin levels adjusted throughout the day.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Don't throw away potato skins
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Quite contrary to our beliefs, potato skins are highly nutritious. Since they grow deep in the earth bed, they absorb natural silicon that is helpful for keeping our hair and skin healthy. Silicon also helps in maintaining proper eye sight. Now you know why animals have no glasses to see better!
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Coffee and tea are good
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Most of us are addicted to a steaming cup of coffee or tea in the morning and all through the day to keep our senses alive. Scientifically, they increase brain alertness and contain antioxidants that fight free radicals in the body. Moderation is the key though, opine health workers.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices Don't underestimate the power of cereals
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices • Whoever said cereals are useless foods cannot be more WRONG! A cereal breakfast provides immense health and nutrition to the brain by boosting blood flow and providing the body with enough energy to sustain the day. Corn flakes, oat meal, ragi malt, quinoa etc make excellent breakfast options.
Nutrition Facts To Help You Make Better Food choices • Since millions of years, food has been the medicine to our body. Health and nutrition can be derived only from good food and nothing else. Pay attention to what you eat and exercise regularly to shed excess weight. A balanced diet and enough physical activity are the only forerunners of health. • If you liked reading this article and found it informative, look us up on Facebook , Twitter and Google Plus and connect with us.