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Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme in Crisis and Post-Crisis Situations

Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme in Crisis and Post-Crisis Situations . What is the SPRINT Initiative?. The goal of the SPRINT Initiative is to increase access to SRH information and services for populations surviving crises and living in post-crises situations.

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Sexual and Reproductive Health Programme in Crisis and Post-Crisis Situations

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  1. Sexual and Reproductive HealthProgramme inCrisis and Post-Crisis Situations

  2. What is the SPRINT Initiative? • The goal of the SPRINT Initiative is to increase access to SRH information and services for populations surviving crises and living in post-crises situations. • The SPRINT Initiative spans over three years, until 2010, and originally covered the East, Southeast Asia and the Pacific region.

  3. Key objectives • To increase the regional capacity of stakeholders to implement the Minimum Initial Services Package (MISP) for SRH in Crises • To strengthen coordination of SRH stakeholders and activities through the establishment of a SPRINT Secretariat at IPPF ESEAOR in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia • To raise awareness on the importance of addressing SRH in crisis and post-crisis situations • To respond in a timely fashion to SRH needs in crises • To enhance access to comprehensive SRH information and services for populations surviving crisis and living in protracted post-crisis situations

  4. The SPRINT Initiative offers • Regional trainings of trainers and national echo-trainings on the Minimum Initial Service Package (MISP) for SRH in Crises • In-country implementation of SRH projects in crisis and post-crisis situations • Technical assistance in developing project proposals and fundraising for comprehensiveSRH in post-crisis situations • Coordination of emergency funds • Linkages with key relief agencies and organizations • Professionals trained to implement the MISP • Regional and national advocacy campaigns for parliamentarians, policy-makers, donors and the general public • Establishment of a database of evidence on SRH in crisis and post-crisis situations

  5. University of New South Wales Partners • The SPRINT Initiative is based on the work of the Interagency Working Group (IAWG) on RH in Crises. • UNFPA HRB partnered with the International Planned Parenthood Federation in the East Southeast Asia and Oceania Region (IPPF ESEAOR) and the University of New South Wales (UNSW) . • Donor: Australia (AusAID)

  6. ToT on the MISP: a Course for RH Coordinators • An important component of the SPRINT Initiative is to increase regionalcapacityto implement MISP for RH in Crises (three regional ToTs for East Southeast Asia and Pacific Region and one for South Asia and West Asia in 2008) • These training will lead to trained MISP/RH Coordinators – master trainers - who can respond to RH needs during crises, in coordination with other key agencies. The master trainers will also carry out echo-trainings in their respective countries.

  7. MENA training in 2009 • Dates: 6-10 December 2009 (5 days) • Location: Cairo • Organizers/trainers: UNFPA and IPPF • Funding: co-share basis ( to be clarified) • Priority country: Lebanon; Iraq; oPt; N.Sudan; Syria; Yemen • Nairobi training for Horn of Africa (23-27 November): Somalia and South Sudan along with Ethiopia, Uganda and Kenya • Djibouti to be considered for a separate French-speaker training

  8. Objectives of the ToT • Upon completion of the training, participants should be able to: • Advocate for SRH in crises • Apply core concepts and techniques provided in the MISP • Apply coordination skills for the implementation of the MISP • Produce an action plan to integrate SRH into national emergency preparedness plans

  9. Selection criteria? • Persons from the region working in UN agencies, MOH, IFRC National Societies and other key humanitarian organizations. • Experiencein working in emergencies and/or coordination • Demonstrated coordination capability, with a strategic and practical focus to promote the integration of RH in emergency responses • RH technical skills especially in obstetrics care and public health (OB-Gyn doctor, family doctor, midwife, public health specialist) or strong coordination experience in RH and protection during crises • Clear written and spoken English and the ability to communicate in the country in which they operate • Very good facilitation and communication skills, ability to present and convey ideas, stakeholder engagement and liaison skills • Initiative, judgement, flexibility and self-motivation to achieve results • Good interpersonal skills necessary to work in teams and under stressful conditions

  10. What is expected from participants of the regional ToT? • Become resource person for RH in crisis in the country • Devote time to co-organize and conduct in-country echo trainings for key national cross-agency stakeholders. • Promote SRH in national emergency planning and responses in coordination with other key national and international agencies. • Moreover, UNFPA COs should identify funds in order to conduct the echo-trainings and mainstream RH. • Participants are required to complete the MISP distance learning module prior to attending the ToT.

  11. Links • Information on SPRINT and its latest activities can be acessed at http://www.ippfeseaor.org/SPRINT • Global IAWG website: http:// www.iawg.net • Access the MISP distance-learning module online: http://www.rhrc.org/MISP/

  12. Action point • Five participants per country to be identified: Suggest organizations (UN, Gvt, NGOs) • Identify individuals • Invitation to be circulated by 10 August 2009 including details on financial arrangements to be communicated to UNFPA COs

  13. Lebanon (5): MoH, IMC, UNFPA, Family planning association or other local NGOs, UNHCR • Iraq (4): UNFPA, WHO, IMC, local NGO • oPt (5): UNFPA, WHO, MoH, local NGOs (West Bank/Gaza representation) to be discussed at RH thematic group • N.Sudan (at least 7): INGOs, WHO, UNFPA, MoH • Yemen (4): MoH (committee for emergency & Population sector), local NGOs, UNFPA • Syria (4): MoH, SARC, UNFPA, FPA, WHO? • Jordan (5): MoH, National Center for Crisis Mgt and Home Security, UN (UNFPA, WHO?), IMC,. To be discussed on Thursday • Egypt (5): MoH, NGO sector, Regional Organizations (UNFPA, WHO, IOM, UNICEF).

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