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Cyber Crime at the Private Sector The Global Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce

GBDe 2001. Objective: Advice on the development of globally accepted principles Year 00/01 - Regional Chairs:. . AMERICAS. ASIA/OCEANIA. Global and clear legal framework. EUROPEAFRICA. KOREA TELECOM. Structure. BUSINESS EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE (BEC). 1 Overall chairman and co-chairman2 regional chairmen and co-chairmen.

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Cyber Crime at the Private Sector The Global Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce

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    1. Cyber Crime at the Private Sector The Global Business Dialogue on Electronic Commerce

    3. Structure

    4. GBDe - TOKYO 2001

    5. Cyber crime 2000 I Figth against Cyber crime, When? Why? and How? 1. When? 2.Why? 3. How?

    6. Cyber crime 2000 II

    7. Cyber crime 2000 III

    8. Cyber crime 2000 IV Global Co-operation Investment in products against CC and information protection Use of existing CS tools R&D additional funding Co-operation in law enforcement Creation and recognition of codes of conduct (cyber ethics)

    9. Cyber crime 2001 Mid year report for 2001: Objectives Where information sharing mechanisms are located around the world Make up and character (description) of information sharing mechanisms Identification of objectives and legal, structural and competitive barriers to information sharing mechanisms Assess the possibility for mutual information exchange and co-operation with other information sharing mechanisms GBDe member companies will be required to provide the initial research relating to information sharing mechanisms by the end of January 2001 Define cyber crimes on the basis of the Council of Europe’s work.

    10. activities against Cyber Crime activities up to date: Analysed Internet security in some of the different countries where Terra works (Spain, Mexico, USA, Peru, Brazil and Chile) Defined general procedures applicable to any country as a basic working methodology (define strategy) Identify the current risks according to Terra’s situation in each country Objectives: Create a Committee to control security (central administrative body + country team) Establish a short term action plan Establish a security plan Assure an acceptable security level approved by the Committee

    11. Further information on:

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