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Know about the important google algorithms which can help you to rank your website in search engines. With the help of this presentation know about the roles of different google algorithms and updates.

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  2. What do you mean by Google Algorithms? Google Algorithms are the sets of rules that are used by google to rank websites in search results. Google’s complex system collects data from pages and tries to understand what users are looking for and rank pages according to relevance and quality. With the help of these algorithms google can provide best experience to its users. Because of these google algorithms, the websites have also started to update themselves from time to time in order to rank in google which will increase traffic on their on their websites.

  3. GOOGLE PANDA Google panda is an Algorithm update. Launched on : February 23, 2011 Incorporated in Google's core algorithm in the year 2015. The panda update focused by and large on site content. Panda algorithm works as a quality filter for websites. Websites of lesser quality are filtered out and devalued.

  4. GOOGLE HUMMINGBIRD Google Hummingbird is an Algorithm update. This update was put into place in August 2013. Update was announced on September 26, 2013. The Hummingbird update has been described as the biggest change to the algorithm since 2001. Web developers and writers are encouraged to use natural language while writting in their website rather than using forced keywords.

  5. GOOGLE PIGEON Google Pigeon is an Algorithm update. Initial Release date : AUGUST 20, 2013 Launched on : July 24, 2014. The goal of the update was to boost the quality of local searches to deliver more relevant, accurate results to users. It was engineered to tie the local search algorithm to web algorithm. It was created to improve the local searches in google.

  6. GOOGLE PENGUIN Google Penguin is an Algorithm update. Launched in the year 2012. Its main aim is to remove sites from the search results that have been trying to gain google by buying or otherwise "unnaturally acquiring" links to their website. This update was intended to reduce spamming practices. The final Penguin algorithm update ‘Google Penguin 4.0’ was launched on September 23, 2016.

  7. Google Helpful Content Update Google Helpful Content Update is an Algorithm update. Launched on : August,2022 This update asks website to avoid creating content for search engine. The main aim of this update is to see wether the websites are creating relevant and useful content for their users and people. This updates focuses that the users of google get relevant, useful and authentic information and solution for their queries.

  8. Google Passage Update Google Passage is referred as passage indexing. Google passage ranking is an algorithm ranking change. Google announced passage indexing in October 2020. This update went live on Wednesday, February 10, 2021. In other words, Google is tweaking its own search enginealgorithm to better answer search queries for its users.

  9. Google RankBrain Algorithm Google Rankbrain is an Algorithm update. This update was used by Google in the early period of 2015. This update was announced by google on 26 October 2015. This update helps Google to process search results and provide more relevant search results for users. RankBrain update is labelled as a machine-learning artificial intelligence for Google.


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