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Texans for Vaccine Medical Freedom Act | Act for America

The Texas Medical Association is fighting against Vaccine and Medical Freedom! They are lobbying hard to prevent SB 177, u2018The Texas COVID-19 Vaccine Freedom Actu2019 from reaching committee! Texans must take a stand against medical tyranny and defend this bill before itu2019s PREVENTED from reaching the committee for debate! Call on the Calendars Committee to schedule SB 177 Texas COVID-19 Vaccine Freedom Act on the House Calendar this legislative special session! Act Now! Visit: https://www.actforamerica.org/act-now/Texans-for-Vaccine-Medical-Freedom-Act

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Texans for Vaccine Medical Freedom Act | Act for America

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  1. ACTforAmerica Texansfor VaccineMedical FreedomAct TheTexasMedicalAssociationisfighting againstVaccineandMedicalFreedom! actforamerica.org

  2. TheyarelobbyinghardtopreventSB177,‘TheTexas COVID-19VaccineFreedomAct’fromreaching committee! Texansmusttakeastandagainstmedicaltyranny anddefendthisbillbeforeit’sPREVENTEDfrom reachingthecommitteefordebate! Call on the CalendarsCommittee toscheduleSB177 TexasCOVID-19VaccineFreedomActontheHouse Calendarthislegislativespecialsession! Callfortheswiftpassageofthis billinthelegislature andendmedicaltyrannyinTexas! ACTforAmerica actforamerica.org

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