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Higher Education Academy

Higher Education Academy. Social Sciences Conference 23-24 May 2013 Presenters Pat Wallis & Cyndy Hawkins. Assessing collaborative situational research activities:. experts and novices working together. Becoming a Professional Researcher. BA Childhood Studies – Yr 2

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Higher Education Academy

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  1. Higher Education Academy • Social Sciences Conference • 23-24 May 2013 • Presenters • Pat Wallis & Cyndy Hawkins

  2. Assessing collaborative situational research activities: • experts and novices working together

  3. Becoming a Professional Researcher • BA Childhood Studies – Yr 2 • Students work in small groups with an academic or support staff undertaking a research task • Tasks are interdisciplinary in content as the focus is primarily the process rather than the product of the research • Students work as research associates with members of staff to collect, analyse and present data findings at a student led conference.

  4. Purpose of the module • To provide a curriculum approach that affords research based study (see Ramsden, 2008 and Hodge el al. 2007) • To promote students as scholars in their own right (Healey and Jenkins 2009) • To provide students with knowledge of research methodologies through real life experience • To apply knowledge and skills in research based activities • To assess and provide feedback to students on collaborative situational research activities

  5. Module philosophy • Experiential learning • Student centred • Experts and novices (Lave and Wenger 1991)

  6. Preparing for the module • Students undertake a summer task based around exploring and extending understanding of research methods prior to the beginning of year 2. • Module leader recruits staffs who are willing to commission research and work with a small group of students.

  7. Assessment criteria • Open mindedness • Curiosity • Self-awareness • Involvement • Different perspectives • Critical reflection of your own and others autonomy

  8. Assessment • Continuous formative assessment • Peer assessment • Self assessment • Tutor assessment

  9. Tri-partite Producers of knowledge

  10. Benefits of experiential assessment frameworks • Assessment process is dynamic, interactive and subject to constant change. • Assessment challenges student researchers to re-evaluate knowledge and application of research methods to provide solutions in diverse contexts.

  11. Methodology • Participatory and action research techniques • Qualitative and Quantitative approaches • Visual and written methods • Mixed methods (triangulation) (Morrow, 1999)

  12. Sharing research • Seminar conferences • Conference 2013 (see booklet)

  13. Module in action Content analysisPhoto elicitation Photo interview

  14. References Healey, M., and Jenkins, A. ((2009) Developing undergraduate research and inquiry, York, HEA Report, Available at : http://www.heacademy.ac.uk/resources/detail/employability/2009-developing-undergraduate-research-and-inquiry [accessed 12 April 2013] Hodge, D., Pasquesi, K . And Hirsh, M. (2007) From convocation to capstone: developing the student as scholar: Keynote address at the Association of American Colleges and Universities Network for Academic Renewal Conference, April 19-21, Long Beach, California. Available from : www.miami.muohio.edu/president/reports_and_speeches/pdfs/From_Convocation_to_Capston.pdf [last accessed 11 May 2009] Lave, J., & Wenger, E. (1991) Situated Learning: Legitimate Peripheral Learning. New York: Cambridge University Press. Morrow, V. (1999) “’It’s cool, …..’cos you can’t give us detentions and things, can you?!”; Reflections on Research in Children’, in P Milner and B Carolin (eds), Listening to Children: A Handbook of Current Practice. London Routledge. Ovens, P., Wells, F., Wallis, P. & Hawkins, C. (2012) Developing Inquiry for Learning, London, Routledge Ramsden, (2008) Teaching and the student experiences, Report presented to Department of Innovation, Universities and Skills ‘ Debates on the Future of Higehrs Education. Available from : www.dius.gov.uk/higher_education/shape_and_structure/he_debate/teaching_and_student_experiences.espx [last accessed 11 May 2009]

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