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Multiple Intelligences

Woodridge Local Schools April 7, 2011. Multiple Intelligences. Terri Sigler, Director of Curriculum/Gifted Coordinator Laura Rorrer, Middle School Gifted Program Coordinator Sally Murphy, Gifted Intervention Specialist. Topic to be covered tonight:.

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Multiple Intelligences

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Woodridge Local Schools April 7, 2011 Multiple Intelligences Terri Sigler, Director of Curriculum/Gifted Coordinator Laura Rorrer, Middle School Gifted Program Coordinator Sally Murphy, Gifted Intervention Specialist

  2. Topic to be covered tonight: Howard Gardner’s Theory on Multiple Intelligences. Please take a copy of the presentation and “How do you eat an Oreo” handout. Help yourself to an Oreo cookie.

  3. How do You Eat an Oreo?

  4. What Does Eating an Oreo have to do with Multiple Intelligences? Nothing really. It just provided a good excuse to eat Oreos with you 

  5. Actually, that previous slide isn’t true. • Let’s look closer at the Oreo eating styles after learning about Howard Gardner’s eight Multiple Intelligences.

  6. Howard Gardner • Began studying psychology at Harvard under the influence of Erickson (a developmental psychologist), who became his tutor. • Eventually focused on cognitive developmental psychology. • Defines himself as a social scientist. • His multiple intelligences theory is more widely accepted in the realm of education and social policy than in clinical psychology. For more information on Howard Gardner visit: http://www.howardgardner.com/bio/bio.html

  7. Linguistic Intelligence • The ability to learn and use language to accomplish certain goals. • This intelligence includes an individual’s ability to use language either rhetorically or poetically to his/her advantage and as a way to remember information. • Writers, speakers, poets, and lawyers tend to have high linguistic intelligence.

  8. Logical/Mathematical Intelligence • The ability to analyze problems logically, carry out mathematical operations, and investigate issues scientifically. • According to Gardner, this means the ability to see patterns, use logic and deductive reasoning to process and understand concepts. • Scientists and mathematicians have high logical/mathematical intelligence

  9. Musical Intelligence • Involves skills in performing, composing music, and an appreciation of musical patterns. • The ability to recognize musical pitches, tones, and rhythms. • Musicians, choral directors, and conductors must have high musical intelligence.

  10. Bodily/Kinesthetic Intelligence • Very high command of bodily motions and fine motor skills. • The ability to manipulate tools along with the body to solve problems. • The ability to watch a demonstration/performance and replicate it easily. • Usually have a high sense of direction and timing. • Dancers, surgeons, athletes usually have a high sense of this intelligence.

  11. Visual/Spatial Intelligence • A sensitivity to the relationship between line, color, shape, space and form. • Have the ability to use the ‘mind’s eye’ to picture, rotate and manipulate objects well. • Have the ability to manipulate and understand the components of displays. • Graphic artists, architects, map makers are examples of people who excel in this intelligence.

  12. Interpersonal Intelligence • This intelligence includes an individual’s desires to understand other people. • Includes the ability to work well and cooperatively with others. • Being in-tune with the needs of others and using that information to respond to those needs by modifying behavior. • Salespeople, educators, religious and political leaders have high interpersonal intelligence.

  13. Intrapersonal Intelligence • Deep understanding of self. • Understands and appreciates one’s own feelings, fears and motivations. • Have the ability to analyze strengths and weaknesses • Writers, philosophers, theorists all have heightened intrapersonal intelligence.

  14. Naturalistic Intelligence • Heightened sensitivity to changes in environment. • In tune with nature and interested in exploring and learning about nature and elements associated with nature. • Biologists, conservationists, gardeners usually have high levels of naturalistic intelligence.

  15. Here are some other ways to determine you intelligences • http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ ks3/ict/multiple_int/index.htm • http://literacyworks.org/mi/assessment/findyourstrengths.html • http://www.edutopia.org/multiple-intelligences-learning-styles-quiz

  16. Sample Multiple Intelligence Graph http://www.bgfl.org/bgfl/custom/resources_ftp/client_ftp/ks3/ict/multiple_int/index.htm

  17. The following chart lists some ways to utilize your intelligence for educational purposes.

  18. The following is a list of websites consulted in the creation of this presentation. • http://www.thomasarmstrong.com/multiple_intelligences.php • http://www.tecweb.org/styles/gardner.html • http://www.teachervision.fen.com/intelligence/teaching-methods/2204.html?for_printing=1&detoured=1 • http://projects.coe.uga.edu/epltt/index.php?title=Multiple_Intelligences_and_Learning_Styles • http://www.infed.org/thinkers/gardner.htm • http://hmt.myweb.uga.edu/webwrite/visual-spatial.htm • http://www.context.org/ICLIB/IC27/Campbell.htm • http://www.howardgardner.com/index.html

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