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Figure 65-6; Guyton & Hall

Figure 65-6; Guyton & Hall. Life Cycle of S.I. Enterocytes. Villi house self-renewing population of epithelial cells with a 5-day turnover. Cell types in villus include: secretory cells, endocrine cells, goblet cells, and mature absorptive epithelial cells.

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Figure 65-6; Guyton & Hall

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  1. Figure 65-6; Guyton & Hall

  2. Life Cycle of S.I. Enterocytes • Villi house self-renewing population of epithelial cells with a 5-day turnover. • Cell types in villus include: secretory cells, endocrine cells, goblet cells, and mature absorptive epithelial cells. • Cells in enterocyte lineage divide and differentiate as they migrate up crypts, becoming mature absorptive cells. • Enterocytes are shed into lumen to become part of ingesta to be digested and absorbed.

  3. Mechanisms of Absorption • Four mechanisms are important in transport of substances across intestinal cell membrane • Active Transport - - primary - secondary (co-transport, counter-transport) • Passive Diffusion • Facilitated Diffusion - carrier mediated • Endocytosis

  4. Absorptive Pathway of Nutrients • A nutrient must cross 8 barriers to be absorbed by blood or lymph 1. Mucous layer 2. Glycocalyx 3. Apical cell membrane 4. Cytoplasm of enterocyte 5. Basolateral cell membrane 6. Intercellular space 7. Basement membrane 8. Wall of capillary or lymph vessel

  5. Fluid Entering and Exiting the Gut Volume entering Volume absorbed 10 Diet (2) Duodenum and Jejunum (4) 8 Saliva (1) 6 Volume (L/day) Stomach (2) Ileum (3.5) 4 Bile (1) Volume Excreted 100-200 ml Pancreas (1) 2 S.I. (2) Colon (1.4) 0

  6. 3 4 2 1 Na+ Na+ Na+ Gl Gl Na+ Na+ Na+ P K+ K+ Na+ Cl- Cl- Na+ Na+ H+ Na+ H+ Cl- Cl- Sodium Absorption in Small Intestine Aldosterone increases Na+ reabsorption and K+ secretion in S.I. and colon.

  7. Protein Digestion and Absorption Protein Pepsin Pancreatic proteases Di- and Tri- peptides Large peptides Free amino acids Carriers Peptidases Carriers Small amounts Dipeptides and tripeptides Amino acids Cytoplasmic peptidases Amino acids

  8. Assimilation of Lipids –Overall Scheme Triglyceride Duodenum Fatty acids & Monoglyceride Enterocyte Triglyceride

  9. Basic Steps of Lipid Assimilation • Most dietary lipid is neutral fat or triglyceride. Three main processes must occur for triglyceride to be absorbed into blood: • Emulsification - large aggregates of dietary triglyceride are broken down. • Enzymatic digestion - to yield monoglyceride and fatty acids. Both can diffuse into enterocyte. • Reconstitution of triglyceride and chylomicron formation

  10. Assimilation of Lipids lipase-colipase Emulsified fat lecithin 2-MG FFA FOOD bile salts bile salts micelles (enterocyte) apoprotein + TG 2-MG FFA (micelles) 2-MG FFA TG chylomicrons lymph vessel

  11. “Malabsorption” • Malabsorption as a general phenomenon is defined clinically in terms of fat malabsorption because fat can be measured easily in stool, unlike carbohydrates and proteins. • Motility disorders - moving through too rapidly • Digestion disorder - pancreatitis / cystic fibrosis - (not enough lipase) • Absorption disorder - tropical and nontropical sprue - resection of small intestine

  12. Neural Control of GI Tract • Intrinsic Control - Enteric nervous system • Myenteric (Auerbach’s) plexus • Submucosal (Meissner’s) plexus • Extrinsic Control -Autonomic nervous system • Parasympathetic - mainly stimulates (Ach) • Sympathetic - mainly inhibits (NE)

  13. Figure 62-4; Guyton & Hall

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