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Comenius Project 3l s= lighthouses link lands

Comenius Project 3l s= lighthouses link lands. INTRODUCES. BAGHERIA. THE SICILY LIGHTHOUSE HERITAGE. Bagheria is here… . Bagheria School.

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Comenius Project 3l s= lighthouses link lands

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  1. Comenius Project 3l s=lighthouses link lands



  4. Bagheria ishere….. Bagheria School

  5. “In thisfourth and finalvoyagealong the coastsofSicily, the readeris led to the discoveryof a magnificientlandenrichedbyoldarchitectures and the storiesof the people whoinhabited the islandover the centuries. From The ArchitectureofItalianLighthousesByC.Bartolomei and G.Amoruso

  6. Sicily, among the islandsofMediterraneanSeais a verycharmingland. Itsseas and itscoastshavealwaysrepresented at the sametimedeparture and arrival, destiny and fatality, beginning and end forsailors and migrants. Itslighthousesamong the mostnumerous and extraordinaryonesbelongto a variegatedheritageofsignallings under the ItalianNavySicily Zone Lighthouses Service.

  7. A traditionalitalianlighthouse can bedescribedfor the followingtypologicalcomponents: • The lantern, wichcontains the optics and the lightingdevices; • The tower and itsstaircase, running inside to the lanter. Lighthousecomponents

  8. Capo zafferano lighthouse

  9. CapoZafferanolighthouse

  10. POSITION : Santa Flavia (Palermo) • LIGHT POSITION: 34 mt • CHARACTERISTIC : threewhite and redflashes light, period 10 seconds • YEAR OF ACTIVATION : 1884 • DESCRIPTION:whiteoctagonaltowerwith a one-storey building Capo zafferano lighthouse

  11. Capo gallo lighthouse

  12. Capo Gallo lighthouse

  13. POSITION : Palermo • LIGHT POSITION: 40 mt • CHARACTERISTIC : twowhite long flashes light, period 15 seconds • YEAR OF ACTIVATION : 1854 • DESCRIPTION:cylindricaltowerwith a one-storey building Capo gallo lighthouse

  14. Capo cefalu’ lighthouse

  15. Capo Cefalù lighthouse

  16. Capo cefalu’ lighthouse • POSITION : Cefalù ( Palermo) • LIGHT POSITION: 80 mt • CHARACTERISTIC : white flash light, period 5 seconds • YEAR OF ACTIVATION : 1910 • DESCRIPTION:whiteoctagonaltowerwith a two-storey building

  17. Capo d’orlando lighthouse

  18. Capo D’Orlandolighthouse

  19. Capo d’orlando lighthouse • POSITION : Capo d’Orlando ( Messina) • LIGHT POSITION: 27 mt • CHARACTERISTIC : twowhite long flashes light, period 12 seconds • YEAR OF ACTIVATION : 1904 • DESCRIPTION:squaredwhitetowerwith a one-storey building

  20. Capo pelorolighthouse

  21. Capo Pelorolighthouse

  22. Capo pelorolighthouse • POSITION : Straitof Messina ( Messina) • LIGHT POSITION: 37 mt • CHARACTERISTIC : twogreen flash light, period 10 seconds • YEAR OF ACTIVATION : 1935 • DESCRIPTION:octagonaltruncatedwhitetowerwithblackstripes

  23. Capo brucolilighthouse

  24. Capo Brucolilighthouse

  25. Capo brucolilighthouse • POSITION : Brucoli (Siracusa) • LIGHT POSITION: 13 mt • CHARACTERISTIC : whiteflash light, period 5 seconds • YEAR OF ACTIVATION : 1912 • DESCRIPTION:whitetowerwith a redstripe and a one-storey building

  26. Capo marina di ragusalighthouse

  27. Capo Marina di Ragusa lighthouse

  28. Capo marina di ragusalighthouse • POSITION : Marina di Ragusa (Ragusa) • LIGHT POSITION: 12 mt • CHARACTERISTIC : redflash light, period 5 seconds • YEAR OF ACTIVATION : 1912 • DESCRIPTION:squaredwhitetowerwith a one-storey building

  29. San vito lo capo lighthouse

  30. San Vito Lo Capo lighthouse

  31. San vito lo capo lighthouse • POSITION : San Vito lo Capo (Trapani) • LIGHT POSITION: 45 mt • CHARACTERISTIC : whiteflash light, period 5 seconds • YEAR OF ACTIVATION : 1859 • DESCRIPTION:cylindricaltowerwith a one-storey building

  32. Scoglio strombolicchiolighthouse

  33. Scoglio Strombolicchiolighthouse

  34. Scoglio strombolicchiolighthouse • POSITION : Island of Stromboli (Islands Eolie- Messina) • LIGHT POSITION: 57 mt • CHARACTERISTIC : threewhiteflashes light, period 15 seconds • YEAR OF ACTIVATION : 1925 • DESCRIPTION:whitecylindricaltowerwith

  35. “Do youknow the groundwherelemontreesbloom In the green foliage the goldorangesbright A light windblowsfrom the blu sky The myrtleliespeaceful, the calmlaurel Do youknowitquitewell?” Johann Wolfgang von Goethe“ Italianischereise”

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