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Grade 7 Science

Grade 7 Science. Unit 2: Heat Ch5: The PTM & The States of Matter. Observing Matter. Matter is anything that has a mass and takes up space. Imagine you could hold a rain drop in your hand, how you would describe it?. Shape Volume Particle Arrangement Particle Movement.

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Grade 7 Science

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  1. Grade 7 Science Unit 2: Heat Ch5: The PTM & The States of Matter

  2. Observing Matter • Matter is anything that has a mass and takes up space. • Imagine you could hold a rain drop in your hand, how you would describe it? • Shape • Volume • Particle Arrangement • Particle Movement

  3. The Particle Theory of Matter • All matter is made up of tiny particles. • These particles are always moving; they have energy. • There are spaces among the particles. • There are attractive forces between the particles-these attractions may be strong or weak. • The particles of one substance differ from the particles of other substances.

  4. States of Matter • As you are already aware, there are three states of matter: • Solid • Liquid • Gas • These states can also be explained using the particle theory of matter.

  5. States of Matter - Solid • Let’s consider a pencil. Discuss the following with your class. • Describe the shape of a pencil. • Would this shape change if you were to put it in your pocket? • How much space (volume) does the pencil take up? • Would this amount change in your back pocket?

  6. States of Matter - Solid • A solid is said to have a: • Definite shape since the particles have: • very little kinetic energy • particles only vibrate • particles are not free to move around • Definite volume • particles are held together by strong forces.

  7. States of Matter – Liquid • Now let’s consider a bottle of Gatorade. Discuss the following with your class: • Describe the shape of the Gatorade. • Would this shape change if you were to put it in a glass? • What is the volume of the Gatorade? • Would this volume change if you poured it in a glass (if you didn’t spill any!).

  8. Three States of Matter • A liquid is said to have a: • Indefinite shape (shape can change) • Particles move more freely (more kinetic energy) • Particles take the shape of their container • Definite volume • Particles are held together by strong attractions.

  9. States of Matter - Gas • Finally, let’s consider air – a gas. • Describe the shape of the air in your classroom. • Describe the volume of the air. • Now, imagine you can take the air in your classroom and put it in a larger room. • Would the shape change? • Would the volume change?

  10. States of Matter - Gas • A gasis said to have a(n): • Indefinite Shape • Particles are moving constantly (a lot of kinetic energy) and randomly in all directions. • Takes the shape of the container and will fill the container. • Indefinite Volume • Attractions are very weak and particles are far apart.

  11. States of Matter Activity • We are going to imagine that we are all particles! What would you be doing in your classroom if you were a… • Solid particle? Act it out! • Liquid particle? • Gas particle?

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