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Aeneid II.40-56

Aeneid II.40-56.

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Aeneid II.40-56

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  1. Aeneid II.40-56

  2. 40 Primus ibi ante omnis, magna comitantecaterva,First there before all, with a great band accompanying (him),Laocoönardens summa decurritabarce,Laocoon burning runs down from the highest citadel,et procul: “O miseri, quae tantainsania, cives?And from afar (says): “Oh wretched citizens, what so great madness (is this)?Creditisavectoshostis? AutullaputatisDo you believe that the enemy has been carried away? Or do you think thatdonacareredolisDanaum? Sic notusUlixes?Any gifts of the Greeks are lacking tricks? Thus is Ulisses known? (i.e. isn’t Ulisses famous for being tricky?)

  3. 45aut hoc inclusilignooccultanturAchivi,Either the Greeks are hidden, shut up in this lumber, authaec in nostros fabricataestmachinamurosor this device has been built against our wallsinspecturadomosventuraquedesuperurbi,in order to look down upon (our) homes and to come upon the city from above,autaliquislatet error; equo ne credite, Teucri.Or some other trick lies hidden; don’t trust in the horse, Trojans.Quidquid id est, timeoDanaos et donaferentis.Whatever it is, I fear the Greeks, even those bringing gifts.”

  4. 50 Sicfatus, validisingentemviribushastamHaving spoken thus, a large spear with mighty strengthin latusinquefericurvamcompagibusalvuminto the side/flank and into the belly of the beast, curved with jointscontorsit: stetitilla tremens, uteroquerecussohe hurled: that (spear) stood fixed, quivering, and in the struck (stricken?) bellyinsonuerecavaegemitumquedederecavernae.The hollow cavities resounded and gave a groan.

  5. Et, sifatadeum, simens non laevafuisset,And, if the fates of the gods, if (their) intention had not been ill-omened,55 impuleratferroArgolicasfoedarelatebras,he (would have) compelled (us) to defile the Greek hiding places with ironTroiaque, nunc stares, Priamiquearxalta, maneres.And Troy, now you would stand, and lofty citadel of Priam, you would remain.

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