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key issues of coal ash handling in russia

key issues of coal ash handling in russia. V.Y. Putilov , I.V. Putilova , E.A. Malikova National Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” Moscow, Russia. Content. Introduction Legislation in the field of coal ash handling

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key issues of coal ash handling in russia

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  1. key issues of coal ash handling in russia V.Y. Putilov, I.V. Putilova, E.A. MalikovaNational Research University “Moscow Power Engineering Institute” Moscow, Russia V Международная конференция "Золошлаки ТЭС", Москва, 24-25 апреля 2014 г.

  2. Content • Introduction • Legislation in the field of coal ash handling • On the necessity of creating the single state body responsible for the coal ash handling issues • Expertise of new projects of coal-fired power plants and projects of their retrofitting • Informing the public about the best available nature protection technologies in power industry • On harmonization of coal ash handling legislation world-wide • Conclusions

  3. Introduction • In 2010 total production of CCPs from the energy sector of the countries world–wide made about 800 million tons, and ashes are the main of them. • Coal is one of the main fuels and its share in the fuel mix of the developed countries tends to grow. • Ash ponds of the majority of the Russian coal-fired power plants are close to their design filling.

  4. Production of CCPs in different countries in 2010, mln t • Sources: • http://www.flyash.info/2013/171-Heidrich-Plenary-2013.pdf http://www.cea.nic.in/reports/articles/thermal/fly_ash_final.pdf

  5. Utilization of CCPs in different countries in 2010, %.

  6. What explains a very low rate of coal ash use in various applications and how to improve the situation in Russia?

  7. For effective addressing the coal ash handling problem in Russia the following is needed: • Legislative Framework • National Responsible Body • Expertise of Technical Solutions • Information Support of activity of the coal-fired power plants • Harmonizing the legislation of the countries

  8. 1. Legislation in the field of coal ash handling

  9. Terminology In the world there is no single legal definition of ash. The legal definition of ash in different countries is mainly based on national legislation. What are ashes? wastes? products? recycled materials?

  10. Terminology

  11. Definitions of coal ash in Russia according to Guidelines RD 34.27.109-96 for electric power industry since 1997 Ash(fly ash) particles of mineral residue of solid fuel, including a certain amount of the unburnt carbon (unburnt organic part of fuel), taken out by flue gases from the boiler furnace.

  12. Definitions of coal ash in Russia according to Guidelines RD 34.27.109-96 • for electric power industry since 1997 Bottom ash / boiler slag – particles of mineral residue of solid fuel, including a certain amount of the unburnt carbon, produced in furnaces of pulverized coal combustion boilers, falling out of the flame of flue gas flow in the boiler furnace and evacuated from the bottom ash/boiler slag extractor of the boiler with size up to 40 mm or coming from the furnace of the FB/CFB-boilers through the bottom ash/boiler slag cooling units to the extractor with size up to 10 mm.

  13. Suggested coal ash definition: “Coal ash is a mineral raw material of the man-made origin, being a commercial product after certification of commodity properties and used in different sectors of the economy. In the case of permanent coal ash storage at disposal sites it refers to wastes”.

  14. What to do if we accept this coal ash definition? For realization of this coal ash approach it’s needed to fulfill the complex work: “Carrying on the research and produce the Federal legal document “Guidelines for certification of hygienic quality of commodity products, produced using coal ash and of coal ash as commodity products”.

  15. Main objectives of the work: • development of the federal legal document having direct action with clear and comprehensible procedure for certification of hygienic quality of ash as a commodity product, and commodity products manufactured with the use of TPP ash; • minimizing the possibility of subjectivity, arbitrariness and corruption of representatives of supervising and licensing authorities at all levels.

  16. 2. On the necessity of creating the single state body responsible for the coal ash handling issues

  17. On availability of coal ash production and utilization statistics in Russian and some other countries and communities

  18. Main aftereffects of absence of the state centre responsible for the coal ash handling problem in Russia

  19. Experience of system solution of the coal ash handling problem in the Siberian Federal District (SFD) • Participants of the Program: • JSC“TGC-11”; • Representatives of the RF President in the SFD; • Government of the Omsk Region. • Main results: • Regional Program on addressing the coal ash problem in Omsk Region; • Projects on using coal ash in agriculture, for ash ponds reclamation; • Standards on use of coal ash for road construction, territory levelling and improving the agricultural lands .

  20. Pushing factors to address the problem • understanding by management of the JSC “TGC-11” the need and the complexity to address the coal ash handling problem for increasing the efficiency of work of power companies; • support of the Presidential Representatives’ apparatus in the Siberian Federal District; • close interaction of JSC "TGC-11" management and government of the Omsk region; • skilled specialists in the field of coal ash in "TGC-11"; • willingness to solve it by management of JSC "TGC-11", government of the Omsk region and apparatus of the Presidential Representatives in the Siberian Federal District.

  21. 3. Expertise of the projects of coal-fired power plants

  22. Retrofitting the ash removal system of Troitskaya SDPP According to the Technical Inquiry: • the current wet ash removal system remains as an emergency one. • when it is impossible and/or unreasonable to retrofit the system for evacuating bottom ash from the boiler throat, bottom ash is evacuated using the existing wet ash removal system and transported to the emergency ash dump

  23. Main expected results of retrofitting the ash removal system of Troitskaya SDPP

  24. Retrofitting the ash removal system of Reftinskaya power plant

  25. Main indicators of wet and dry ash removal systems of Reftinskaya SDPP * ― for constructing the dry ash disposal the filled ash pond sections are uses

  26. Expected results of dry ash removal system introduction at Reftinskaya SDPP • improving the environmental situation in the place of the power plant location; • no need to expand the ash dump and saving 465 hectares of wood; • reduction of water consumption at the power plant as a whole; • prolongation of the ash dump filling of 1.8; • reduction of the cost price of electricity generation; • increase in ash sales.

  27. Actual results of retrofitting the ash removal system of Reftinskaya SDPP • the existing wet ash removal system remains as a reserve one; • wet bottom ash removal system, which should work in parallel with the dry ash disposal, is under project; • the following is initiated: creation of the dry ash removal system from ESPs hoppers, its pneumatic conveying to the silo, partial shipment of dry ash to consumers and storage of the unclaimed part of dry ash at the dry ash disposal site; • appreciation of the cost price of ash handling; • appreciation of the cost price of electricity generation; • increased water consumption at the power plant as a whole.

  28. 4. Informing all social groups about the best available nature protection technologies in power industry and ways of addressing the coal ash handling problem

  29. 4.1. On Electronic Information Systems of the Open Access Information System of the Open Access "The Best Available and Perspective Nature Protection Technologies in the Russian Power Industry" both in Russian and English - http://osi.ecopower.ru

  30. 4.2. Mass Media Roleby example of the ash spill at the ash pond of Kingston Power Plant (Tennessee, USA) in 2008 • Extremely negative opinion about beneficial use of all types of coal ash • Adverse changing in U.S. legislation relating to CCPs handling • Closing of C2P2 Program (partnership in the field of coal combustion by-products)

  31. 4.3. Organizing and holding the international scientific conferences and workshops Proceedings of the International Ash Conferences are placed in the mentioned Open Information System at the section “Ash handling” both in Russian and English.

  32. 4.4. Training of specialists in the field of nature protection technologies and coal ash handling Improvement of professional skills and retraining in the Training Center “Ecology of Power Engineering” of MPEI • Tens of training programs have been developed; • More than 1000 listeners have been trained; • Manuals, monographs, hundreds of educational aids have been issued

  33. 5. On harmonization of legislation of countries world-wide in the field of coal ash handling

  34. Harmonization of nature protection legislation of the countries world-wide, especially of the trading partners, is an essential factor for increase in efficiency of coal ash use and introduction of BAT to the power industry

  35. Aftereffects of the absence of the harmonized legal and normative documents on coal ash handling

  36. For addressing the coal ash handling problem in Russia it’s required to implement the program-target method, for which it’s necessary: • Create a single state responsibility Centre for coordinating the activities of all Federal and Regional Ministries and Agencies relating to efficient solution of the coal ash handling problem • Provide state funding of the permanent researches in the field of coal ash handling for the following: • creating the holistic legal framework in the field of coal ash handling to be constantly updated; • harmonization of Russian and foreign legal and normative documents; • constant updating the Information System of the Open Access "The Best Available and Perspective Nature Protection Technologies in the Russian Power Industry" in Russian and English • informing the public on BAT in the field of ecology in power engineering and coal ash handling

  37. For addressing the coal ash handling problem in Russia it’s required to implement the program-target method, for which it’s necessary: • Provide matching the qualification of staff of power companies and other organizations, dealing with coal ash handling and introducing BAT at the coal-fired power plants, to the modern requirements • Organize close interaction between management of energy companies and Legislative and Executive Authorities at all levels on BAT introduction and beneficial coal ash use.

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