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CCS: Property Specification

CCS: Property Specification. Reading: Slides. Mads Dam. Goal: Logic to express interesting correctness properties for CCS CCS: Standard labelled transition system so LTL and CTL applies Here: Introduce very powerful temporal logic – mu-calculus Strong ties to bisimulation equivalence.

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CCS: Property Specification

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  1. CCS: Property Specification Reading: Slides Mads Dam

  2. Goal: Logic to express interesting correctness properties for CCS CCS: Standard labelled transition system so LTL and CTL applies Here: Introduce very powerful temporal logic – mu-calculus Strong ties to bisimulation equivalence Temporal Logics for CCS

  3. Modal Logic Logic for possibility/contingency and necessity <>:  is possible []:  is necessary Kripke structure: Possible worlds and accessibility relation w : <> :  holds in some w’ accessible from w w : [] :  holds in all w’ accessible from w Here: Use a labelled accessibility relation ! Note: LTL and CTL are themselves modal logics, with modalities such as O, AX, EX, F, G, U (binary), AF, etc.

  4. Hennessy-Milner Logic - HML Modal logic with labelled accessibility/transition relation P ² <>  holds in some P’ such that P  P’ P ² []  holds in all P’ such that P  P’ Directly representable as unary FOL predicate: (<>)(P) iff 9 P’.P ! P’ Æ(P’) ([])(P) iff 8 P’.P ! P’ implies (P’) HML syntax: • ::= true | false |    |    | <>  | []  Positive form, no negation needed De Morgan:  <>  = []  ,  []  = <>  

  5. HML - Examples • P ² <in>true an ”in” action is possible in state P • P ² [out]false no ”out” action is possible in state P • P ² <in><out>true ... • P ² <in>[in]false ... Distinguishing formula: <a>[b]false distinguishes a.b.0 + a.c.0 from a.(b.0 + c.0) HML characterises strong bisimulation equivalence for CCS: Theorem (Modal Characterisation): Provided all process definitions are guarded, the following statements are equivalent for P, Q guarded: • P » Q • For all HML formulas , if P ² then Q ²

  6. Proof of Modal Characterisation (This material is intermediate level) 1 ! 2: Use induction on structure of  2 ! 1: Let: P »0 Q (always) P »i+1 Q iff • whenever P ! P’ then exists Q’ such that Q ! Q’ and P’ »i Q’ • whenever Q ! Q’ then exists P’ such that P ! P’ and P’ »i Q’ Exercise: Show that for all i2N, »i¶»i+1 (monotonicity) Let P »’ Q iff P »i Q for all i2N Exercise: Show that P »’ Q if P » Q Exercise: Show that if P is guarded then {P’ | P ! P’} is finite (terminology: P is image finite)

  7. Modal Characterisation, II We show P »’ Q implies P » Q. If P ! P’ then there exists some Q’ such that for infinitely many i2N, Q ! Q’ and P’ »i Q’ This follows from image finiteness But then P’ »i Q’ for all i2N This follows from monotonicity Symmetrically, if Q ! Q’ some P’ can be found But then »’ is a strong bisimulation relation, so P » Q So if P ¿ Q then there is some i2N such that P ¿i Q Use this to construct HML formula P,i such that P ² and Q ²:

  8. Modal Characterisation, III Suppose P ¿i Q Construct P,i by induction on i Base case, i = 0: Immediate contradiction since P »0 Q Induction step, i = i’+1: Let P,i = Æ{<>P’,i’ | P ! P’} Æ (Æ[](Ç{P’,i’ | P ! P’})) Use induction to show P ²P,i Since P ¿i Q either • P ! P’, some P’, and whenever Q ! Q’ then P’ ¿i’ Q’, or • Q ! Q’, some Q’, and whenever P ! P’ then P’ ¿i’ Q In either case the argument is closed by the induction hypothesis Exercise: Fill in the details

  9. A Proof System for HML - P : true True P :  P :    P :  P :    OrL OrR P :  P :  P :    P’ :  P : <>  (P ! P’) And Dia P1 :  ... Pn :  P : []  Box ({P1,...,Pn} = {P’ | P ! P’})

  10. Extensions Action sets • Sets L  Act label the modalities <L>, [L] • L = {  |   L } • Complementation: -L abbreviates Act-L - abbreviates Act- • Examples: [-]false, [in][-out]false Weak modalities <<L>>, [[L]]: • Refer to the weak transition relations • Example: [[in]][[-(out,eps)]]false

  11. Adding Recursion to HML Adding a temporal dimension to HML Observation: CTL operators are recursive, e.g. AG = Æ AXAG Unfortuntely, equations do not have unique solutions Which sets satisfy the equation X = <>X ? • Sol’n 1: X = false • Sol’n 2: X =  = {P0 | for all i > 0 there is Pi such that Pi -1  Pi} Sol’n 1: least solution, X. <> X Sol’n 2: greatest solution, X. <> X

  12.  - Calculus, II Unfolding fixed point formulas ( is either  or ):  X.  = [ X.  / X] Example: X.<>X = <>X.<>X = <> <>X.<>X ... Fixed point approximants: 0X. = false 0X. = true k+1X. = [kX./X] k+1X. = [kX./X] Knaster-Tarski Theorem (for CCS and strong transitions): X. = k.kX. X. = k.kX. Note that: 0X.  1X.  2X.  ...  X. 0X.  1X.  2X.  ...  X.

  13. Example Properties -calculus: Tiny programming language for program properties AG  X.   [-]X terminates X.[-]X AF  X.   (<->tt  [-]X) A( U ) X.Ç (Æ [-]X) Eventually  has to be taken X.<->tt  [-]X On all paths infinitely often  X.Y.(  [-] X)  [-]Y <<>>  X.  <>X <<>>  <<>><><<>> Point to note: Once some abbreviation has been introduced it’s free to being used, of course.

  14. Example: Buffer Properties Ongoing capability X.<<in>><<out>>X Alternation of in and out AG [[in]][[-out]]false AG [[out]][[in]]false Deadlock freedom AG <->tt Progress AG X.[]X Word of warning: It’s easy to say ”alternation of in and out”. What do you actually mean? More precisely: Which property of infinite labelled trees are you after?

  15. Proof Rules for Fixed Point Formulas Let A be a set of CCS terms: P ²AX. means P ² [A{P}X./X] or P  A P ²AX. means P ² [A{P}X./X] and P  A Idea: Has P been already visited? Proof rules: And a ”negative” rule: P : [A,PX./X] P : AX. - P : AX. Fix1 Fix2 (P  A) (P  A) P : AX. - give up - Fix3 (P  A)

  16. Example Buf = in.out.Buf Sys = (Buf[comm/out] | Buf[comm/in])Â{comm} Spec = ”On all paths infinitely often out is possible” = X.Y.(<out>true  [-]X)  [-]Y Prove Sys : Spec Proof given in class

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