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Toward a New Heaven and a New Earth: The Scientific Revolution and the Emergence of Science

Toward a New Heaven and a New Earth: The Scientific Revolution and the Emergence of Science. Chapter 16 IBWH. TED -ED “ How Simple Ideas Lead to Scientific Discoveries” (2012). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8UFGu2M2gM. Critical Thinking Question.

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Toward a New Heaven and a New Earth: The Scientific Revolution and the Emergence of Science

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  1. Toward a New Heaven and a New Earth: The Scientific Revolution and the Emergence of Science Chapter 16 IBWH

  2. TED -ED “ How Simple Ideas Lead to Scientific Discoveries” (2012) • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F8UFGu2M2gM

  3. Critical Thinking Question • Do you think having quick access to information via the world wide web encourages people to ask more questions and seek knowledge, or does it prevent them from making observations and asking questions?

  4. Scientific Revolution • Main Themes: • 1. Renaissance & Reformation paved the way for “new” science & philosophy • 2.Shift fromauthoritative truthtofactual truth

  5. Basic Questions Asked • 1. Who am I? • 2. What is my purpose in life? • 3. How do faith, reason, and science inter –relate? • 4. What is our place in the Universe?

  6. Basic Questions Asked • 4. How can science and laws be applied to society? • 5. What is the nature of a “good” society?

  7. The Scientific Revolution … • Was a period of intellectual transition… • a complex movement • Inspired new views of the universe

  8. New Knowledge Emerged • During 16th/ 17th centuries: • Medicine, chemistry, natural history, philosophy • & Most notably… • Astronomy 

  9. Focus Question • What did Copernicus, Kepler, Galileo, and Newton contribute to a new vision of the Universe, and How Did it Differ form the Ptolemaic Conception of the Universe?

  10. How Do You Know What You Know about the Universe?

  11. TED-ED “How Small Are We in the Scale of the Universe?” (2017) • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WYQ3O8U6SMY&list=PLJicmE8fK0Ejk2MO8WlaGGw7j13_fbc0A • TRAPPIST -1 (March, 2017) • http://www.usatoday.com/videos/tech/2017/02/22/-look-newly-discovered-trappist-1/98251166/

  12. Ancient vs. Modern Views of the Universe • What is the earth’s place in the universe? • Where does heaven fit in?

  13. The Accepted Model of the Universe • “Ptolemaic System” • Ptolemy wrote The Almagest (150 c.e.) • Geo centrism- earth is at center of the universe • “Concentric Spheres” above earth

  14. The “Celestial / Concentric Sphere”- Assumptions • “Sphere” surrounded the earth • Stars attached to this sphere • Sphere rotated around stationary earth every 24 hours • Sphere “moved” in westward motion (stars rise in east, set in west)

  15. Nicolaus Copernicus (1473-1543) • Polish Priest • Astronomer/Mathematician • Did not believe Earth was at the center of the universe

  16. Copernicus’ Model of the Universe • Heliocentrism– Sun is at the center of the universe • Challenged Ptolemaic model • Argued that the farther the planet from the sun, the longer it took to revolve around it

  17. Copernicus’ Model of the Universe • Believed in the daily rotation of the earth on its axis • and the journey of the earth around the sun each year.

  18. On Revolutions of Heavenly Spheres • Published shortly before death in 1543 • Relied on data compiled by predecessors, not observation • Theories allowed for others to re-think views of the universe • And for others to critique his theories

  19. Religious Opposition to Copernicus • “The fool wants to turn the whole art of astronomy upside down…As Holy scripture tells us, so did Joshua bid the sun stand still and no the earth” • – Martin Luther on Copernicus

  20. Nicolaus Copernicus & Heliocentrism • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cNGlHzS1s70 • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8lMW0MODFs

  21. Tycho Brahe • Danish 1546-1601 • Suggested that Mercury & Venus revolved around sun, • But other planets revolved around earth

  22. Tycho Brahe • Constructed scientific instruments for observation of planets • Compiled large amounts of data for 20 years! • Detailed observations of positions and movements of stars, planets

  23. The Scandalous Life of Tycho Brahe- TED TALKS • http://socksonanoctopus.com/blog/2014/06/ted-talks-dan-wenkel-tycho-brahe-scandalous-astronomer/#.VFO3P_nF9kI

  24. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) • Was Brahe’s assistant • German astronomer and mathemetician • Inherited Brahe’s astronomical data

  25. Johannes Kepler (1571-1630) • Used Copernicus idea of heliocentric universe + • Brahe’s data = • And Came up with new interpretation of the Universe

  26. Kepler’s Book • Published book: The New Astronomy, 1609 • 1. 1st astronomical model to portray motion • 2. Path of planets as elliptical, not circular • 3. Sun centered universe

  27. Giordano Bruno • Dominican Monk/Astronomer • Born 5 years after Copernicus died • Controversial!

  28. Giordano Bruno,1584 • Published two books: • 1. “Cena de la Cenari” –defended heliocentric theory of Copernicus • 2. De L’infinito , Universo e Mondi (“On the Infinite Universe and Worlds”) …

  29. IN :De l’infinito Universo e Mondi • He Argued: • 1. Universe is infinite • 2. Universe contains an infinite number of worlds And…

  30. That… • 3. These worlds are inhabited by intelligent beings!!!!

  31. Controversial Theories! • He gave a lecture at Oxford University, England • Faculty was outraged!

  32. He Was Kicked out • Of Germany and France • 1591 accepted invitation to live in Venice, Italy • However…

  33. Arrested by the Inquisition! • Investigated, Sent to trial 1592 • Kept imprisoned for 8 years, interrogated periodically • Refused to recant (take back) heretical statements regarding the universe

  34. Death of Bruno • Declared a heretic • Burned at the stake • His file is missing from records

  35. Bruno; A True Astronomer? • Scientists like Kepler & Galileo were NOT sympathetic to Giordano Bruno in their writings

  36. Galileo Galilei (1564- 1642) • Mathematician, “instrument maker”, & astronomer • 1588-1592 Professor of Mathematics University of Pisa • 1592 – Dept. Chair, Mathematics. University of Padua

  37. Galileo’s Achievements • 1. Perfected Dutch Telescope • First used it 1609

  38. Galileo’s Achievements • 2. Discovered Sunspots • 3. Discovered moons around Jupiter -named them after Medicis“MediceaSidera” (Medician Stars) - Name later changed to: Io, Europa, Ganymede,Callisto

  39. Galileo’s Achievements • 4. Wrote : Starry Messenger (1610) • Argued: • Copernican view of the Universe • Universe subject to mathematical laws

  40. IN 1616 • A committee of consultants declared to the inquisition • That the heliocentric theory of the universe was • “absurd in philosophy and formally heretical”

  41. IN1623 His Acquaintance • Became Pope Urban VIII • Gave Galileo permission to resume discussion regarding Copernican system • As long as he treated topic as theory/hypothesis • And not TRUTH

  42. Galileo’s “Mistake” • 1632 published : • “Dialogue on the 2 Chief World Systems” • Featured 2 characters: • A “dumb” character (favored geocentric model) & • A “ smart” character (favored heliocentric model)

  43. Problem? • Pope Urban VIII thought • Galileo was mocking him, and took personal offense! • 1632 Pope referred Galileo case to the Inquisition

  44. Galileo • Imprisoned in 1633 • Refused to recant his theories • Found guilty • Punishment: • House Arrest • Books were banned • https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2J0-ZbbrD6U

  45. Pope John Paul II • Formally pardoned Galileo in 1992!!

  46. Isaac Newton • English Mathematician 1642-1727 • Believed in Empiricism: one must observe phenomena before attempting to explain them

  47. 1687 Published his Book • Principia Matematica • Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy • Proved that Motion could be timed and measured

  48. Synthesized or Combined • Kepler’s laws of motion for the heavenly bodies & Galileo’s laws of motion for things on earth.

  49. Newton’s Accomplishments • 1.He explained how the universe works through mathematics. • 2. Planets & Physical objects in the universe move through “mutual attraction: or “gravity”

  50. Newton’s Accomplishments • 3. Laid the foundations for differential and integral calculus. • 4. Established universal laws of motion & gravity

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