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Concurrent issues in Java, Ada and Posix

Concurrent issues in Java, Ada and Posix. Y Kermarrec Ecole Temps Réel 2011. Aims. To present various forms of concurrency expression To present issues when integrating concurrency units in programming languages Support at run time Integration in the semantics

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Concurrent issues in Java, Ada and Posix

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  1. Concurrent issues in Java, Ada and Posix Y Kermarrec Ecole Temps Réel 2011

  2. Aims • To presentvariousforms of concurrency expression • To present issues whenintegratingconcurrencyunits in programminglanguages • Support atrun time • Integration in the semantics • To compare languageapproaches (with Java, Ada) and POSIX and to (try to) explainwhythings are gettingcomplex • … but not to covereverthing ! ETR 2011

  3. Agenda • Concurrencybased on API or integrated in languages • Concurrency expression and issues • In Ada, Java and POSIX • Conclusions • References to know more ETR 2011

  4. Why do we need concurrency ? • Because of the inherent parallelism in the real world • And real-time systems are inherently concurrent and their “sequential programming” is a difficult alternative • An alternative is the design of the cyclic execution of a program sequence to handle the various concurrent activities • This is difficult and when changes occur, everything must be fixed and redesigned • The resulting programs are confusing, obscure and complex • Operating system have made available processes (at first) and then thread ... for a long time

  5. A typical thread life cycle Non-existing Non-existing Created Initializing Terminated Executable

  6. How to program threads ? • Library approach : • a standard sequential language, e.g. C • a set of packages that provide concurrency • The C program makes calls to the library units • With a dedicated concurrent programming language • Syntax and semantics to deal with concurrency, synchronization and communication • Tasks are independent, competing and cooperative/communication (initial proposal with T. Hoare’s CSP) Nom du cours - Notes de cours

  7. POSIX thread library • The original Pthreads API was defined in the ANSI/IEEE POSIX 1003.1 - 1995 standard. • The POSIX standard has continued to evolve through revisions (eg version of 2004) • The subroutines which comprise the Pthreads API can be informally organized into four major groups: • Thread management • Mutexes • Condition variables • Synchronization : barriers, locks, .. ETR 2011

  8. One API subroutine: Thread creation • pthread_create arguments: • thread: An opaque, unique identifier for the new thread returned by the subroutine. • attr: An opaque attribute object that may be used to set thread attributes. You can specify a thread attributes object, or NULL for the default values. • start_routine: the C routine that the thread will execute once it is created. • arg: A single argument that may be passed to start_routine. It must be passed by reference. NULL may be used if no argument is to be passed. ETR 2011

  9. A simple program (extracted from C) void *PrintHello(void *threadid) { long tid; tid = (long)threadid; printf("Hello World! It's me, thread #%ld!\n", tid); pthread_exit(NULL); } int main(intargc, char *argv[]) { pthread_t threads[NUM_THREADS]; intrc; long t; for(t=0;t<NUM_THREADS;t++){ printf("In main: creating thread %ld\n", t); rc = pthread_create(&threads[t], NULL, PrintHello, (void *)t); if (rc){ printf("ERROR; return code frompthread_create() is %d\n", rc); exit(-1); } /* Last thingthat main() should do */ pthread_exit(NULL); }

  10. A more advanced program (extracted from Blaise Barney’s tutorial) int main (intargc, char *argv[]) { pthread_t thread[NUM_THREADS]; pthread_attr_tattr; intrc; long t; void *status; /* Initialize and set thread detachedattribute */ pthread_attr_init(&attr); pthread_attr_setdetachstate(&attr, PTHREAD_CREATE_JOINABLE); for(t=0; t<NUM_THREADS; t++) { printf("Main: creating thread %ld\n", t); rc= pthread_create(&thread[t], &attr, BusyWork, (void *)t); if (rc) { printf("ERROR; return code frompthread_create() is %d\n", rc); exit(-1); } } /* Free attribute and wait for the other threads */ pthread_attr_destroy(&attr); for(t=0; t<NUM_THREADS; t++) { rc = pthread_join(thread[t], &status); if (rc) { printf("ERROR; return code frompthread_join() is %d\n", rc); exit(-1); } printf("Main: completedjoinwith thread %ldhaving a status of %ld\n",t,(long)status); } printf("Main: program completed. Exiting.\n"); pthread_exit(NULL); }

  11. Issues • Posix thread API : around 100 subroutines • Simple and subtile … • Tough for teaching and labs : do not present the details! • Default values : • Egattribute value set to NULL for pthread_create • Whoistesting return values and error codes ? • Implementationdependency and portability ? • Semantics ? ETR 2011

  12. Concurrent programminglanguage • “Concurrent computing is a form of computing in which programs are designed as collections of interacting computational processes that may be executed in parallel” (BenAri) • Concurrent Pascal : (begin A, B end) • CSP (and then Occam) with processes and channels • ... And numerous contributions (Ada, Java, ....) • The emergence of tasks / threads (that may be implicit or explicit) as units for programmers.... • A main program is more or less a process / thread ETR 2011

  13. Concurrent execution unit • From fine grained (Occam at the instruction level) to coarse granularity (Ada with tasks, Java with threads …) • Initialization with parameter passing when creating the new unit or ‘initial’ communication… • Termination • completion of execution (reaching the end statement) • suicide • abortion, through the explicit action of another task; • occurrence of an unhandled error • “End” on condition (eg for servers which are implemented as never ending loops)

  14. Towards hierarchies of concurrent units • Concurrent units are considered as ‘normal’ programming units and therefore can be nested (similar to nested procedures / functions) • Relationships • Creation: Parent/Child - the parent may be delayed while the child is being created and initialized • Termination: Guardian/Dependant - a task may depend on a specific unit and this latter cannot terminate before all its dependents are terminated • Very nice for the developer but very strong impact on the run time !!!

  15. A typical thread life cycle (from A Wellings) Non-existing Non-existing Created Initializing Terminated Waiting Child Initialization Executable Waiting Dependent Termination

  16. Concurrency unit coding • Fork and Join • Inspired from OS features directly • Synchronization between the parent and the dependant unit • Co-begin / Co-end • Transition from the “;” to the “,” and towards concurrency syntactic expression • Explicit Task / Thread construction • Integration of the task in the programming language features - combination with other features : type, data structures, OO • Integration into the semantics ETR 2011

  17. structure static, dynamic level Flat or nested initialization with or without parameter passing => impact at run time granularity fine or coarse grain termination natural, suicide abortion, untrapped error never, when no longer needed representation fork/join, cobegin, explicit task declarations Variations in the Task Model

  18. Overview of Ada Concurrency Support (1) • Ada 95 preliminaries • Software engineering and real time features from the very beginning (Ada 83) ; ISO approved ; compiler “validation” • A core language + optional annexes • “Specialized Needs Annexes” to address specific issues: real time systems, distributed systems, numerics, safety … • Basic concurrency model • Unit of concurrency is the task • Task specification = interface to other tasks • Task body = implementation (algorithm) + own storage area • Task type serves as a template for tasks which perform the same algorithm • Task may be declared or dynamically allocated

  19. Overview of Ada Concurrency Support (2) • Example of a declared task with Ada.Text_IO;procedure Example1 isCount : Integer := 60; taskWriter; -- Specificationtask body Writeris– Body -- private declarationsbeginfor I in 1..Count loopAda.Text_IO.Put_Line( "Hello" & Integer'Image(I));delay 1.0; -- Suspend for at least 1.0 secondend loop;end Writer;begin -- Writer activatednull; -- Main procedure suspended until Writer terminatesend Example1;

  20. Overview of Ada Concurrency Support (3) with Ada.Text_IO;procedure Example2 istask type Writer(Count : Natural); -- Specification typeWriter_Refis access Writer; Ref : Writer_Ref;task body Writeris-- Bodybeginfor I in 1..Count loopAda.Text_IO.Put_Line( "Hello" & I'Img);delay 1.0; -- Suspend for at least 1.0 secondend loop;end Writer;begin Ref := new Writer(60); -- activates new Writer task object -- Main procedure suspended until Writer object terminatesend Example2;

  21. Overview of Ada Concurrency Support (4) • Lifetime properties • Declared task starts (is activated) implicitly at the begin of parent unit • Allocated task (dynamic with new) starts at the point of allocation • Task statements execute “concurrently” with statements of parent • Task completes when it reaches its end • “Master” is suspended when it reaches its end, until each child task terminates (this is to prevent dangling references to local data) ETR 2011

  22. Overview of Ada Concurrency Support (5) • Mutual exclusion • Shared data, pragma Volatile / Atomic • Protected objects / type : Data + “protected” operations that are executed with mutual exclusion (multiple readers or single writer) • “Passive” task that sequentializes access to a data structure via explicit communication (rendezvous) : only solution with Ada 83 • Explicit mutex-like mechanism (definable as protected object/type) that is locked and unlocked ETR 2011

  23. Overview of Ada Concurrency Support (6) • Coordination / communication • Pass data to task via discriminant(at creation) or rendezvous • Suspension_Object : A single task can await a given Suspension_Object becoming “true” and will suspend until another task sets that state. • Rendezvous model : inter-task communication • Implicit wait for dependent tasks • Asynchrony • Event handling via dedicated task, interrupt handler • abort statement: • Asynchronous transfer of control via timeout or rendezvous request

  24. Overview of Ada Concurrency Support (7) • Interaction with exception handling • Tasking_Error raised at language-defined points • Task that propagates an (unhandled) exception terminates silently • More features which are extremely powerful: • Select, accept, requeue, … ETR 2011

  25. create child task exit a master block dependent tasks terminate child task activation complete exit a master block waiting dependent termination create child task waiting child activation dependent tasks terminate child task activation complete Task States in Ada (from A Wellings) non-existing non-existing terminated created finalising dependent tasks terminate activating completed executable

  26. Real time system annex • TaskPriorities • priorityScheduling • TheTask Dispatching Model • The Standard Task Dispatching Policy • priorityCeilingLocking • entry Queuing Policies • dynamicPriorities • preemptiveAbort • Tasking Restrictions • monotonic Time • delayAccuracy • SynchronousTask Control (suspend_until_true, suspension obj) • AsynchronousTask Control (hold, resume on task id) ETR 2011

  27. Ravenscar : whentoomuchistoomuch • The Ravenscar profile is a subset of the Ada tasking features designed for safety-critical efficient hard real-time computing • pragma Profile (Ravenscar); • pragmaTask_Dispatching_Policy (FIFO_Within_Priorities); • pragmaLocking_Policy (Ceiling_Locking); • pragma Restrictions ( • No_Abort_Statements, • No_Dynamic_Attachment, • No_Dynamic_Priorities, • No_Implicit_Heap_Allocations, • No_Local_Protected_Objects, • No_Local_Timing_Events, • No_Protected_Type_Allocators, • No_Relative_Delay, • No_Requeue_Statements, • No_Select_Statements, • No_Specific_Termination_Handlers, • No_Task_Allocators, • No_Task_Hierarchy, • No_Task_Termination, • Simple_Barriers, • Max_Entry_Queue_Length => 1, • Max_Protected_Entries => 1, • Max_Task_Entries => 0, • No_Dependence => Ada.Asynchronous_Task_Control, • No_Dependence => Ada.Calendar, • No_Dependence => Ada.Execution_Time.Group_Budget, • No_Dependence => Ada.Execution_Time.Timers, • No_Dependence => Ada.Task_Attributes);

  28. More with Ada for real time • The Ada rationale : A great document for understanding issues with Ada and real time systems in general • http://www.adahome.com/LRM/95/Rationale/rat95html/rat95-contents.html ETR 2011

  29. Overview of Java Concurrency Support (1) • Java Preliminaries • OO language with built-in support for concurrency, exception handling • Dynamic data model • Basic concurrency model • Unit of concurrency is the thread • Dynamically allocated • an instance of the class java.lang.Thread or one of its subclasses • run() method = algorithm performed by each instance of the class • If implementing Runnable, construct a Thread object passing a Runnable as parameter

  30. Overview of Java Concurrency Support (2) • Example of simple thread public class Writerextends Thread{ final int count; public Writer(int count){this.count=count;} public void run(){ for (int i=1; i<=count; i++){ System.out.println("Hello " + i); } } public static void main( String[] args ) throws InterruptedException{ Writer w = new Writer(60); w.start(); // New thread of control invokes w.run()w.join(); // Wait for w to terminate } }

  31. Overview of Java Concurrency Support (3) • Lifetime properties • Constructing a thread creates the resources that the thread needs (stack, etc.) • “Activation” is explicit, by invoking start() • Started thread runs “concurrently” with parent • Thread terminates when its run method returns • Parent does not need to wait for children to terminate • Restrictions on “up-level references” from inner classes prevent dangling references to parent stack data ETR 2011

  32. Overview of Java Concurrency Support (4) • Mutual exclusion • Shared data (volatile fields) • synchronized blocks/methods • Thread coordination/communication • Pass data to new thread via constructor • Single event - wait() / notify() • Broadcast event - wait() / notifyAll() • join() suspends caller until the target thread completes

  33. Overview of Java Concurrency Support (5) • Asynchrony • interrupt() sets a bit that can be polled • Asynchronous termination • event / interrupt handling, ATC • Interaction with exception handling • No asynchronous exceptions • Various thread-related exceptions • Thread propagating an unhandled exception • Other functionality • Thread group, dæmon threads, thread local data ETR 2011

  34. Overview of Java Concurrency Support (6) • Standard Java is not enough to handle real-time constraints. • Java (and JVM) lacks semantic for standard real-time programming techniques. • The lack of confidence in real-time garbage collection is one of the main inhibitors to the widespread use of Java in real-time and embedded systems • Eg, he RTSJ has introduced an additional memory management facility based on the concept of memory areas ETR 2011

  35. Real-time Spec. for Java (RTSJ) • IBM, Sun and other partners formed Real-time for Java Expert Group sponsored by NIST in 1998. • It came up with RTSJ to fill this gap for real-time systems. • http://www.rtsj.org/ • RTSJ proposed seven areas of enhancements to the standard Java. ETR 2011

  36. Real-time Spec. for Java (RTSJ) • Thread scheduling and dispatching. • Memory management. • Synchronization and Resource sharing. • Asynchronous Event Handling. • Asynchronous Transfer of Control. • Asynchronous Thread Termination. • Physical Memory Access. ETR 2011

  37. Overview of POSIX Concurrency Support (1) • Basic concurrency model • A thread is identified by an instance of (opaque) type pthread_t • Threads may be allocated dynamically or declared locally (on the stack) or statically • Program creates / starts a thread by calling pthread_create, passing an “attributes” structure, the function that the thread will be executing, and the function’s arguments

  38. Overview of POSIX Concurrency Support (2) • Lifetime properties • Thread starts executing its thread function as result of pthread_create, concurrent with creator • Termination • A thread terminates via a return statement or by invoking pthread_exit- cleanup handlers are • Here is how to lock a mutexmut in such a way that it will be unlocked if the thread is canceled while mut is locked: • pthread_cleanup_push(pthread_mutex_unlock, (void *) &mut); pthread_mutex_lock(&mut); /* do some work */ pthread_mutex_unlock(&mut); pthread_cleanup_pop(0);

  39. Overview of POSIX Concurrency Support (3) • Detachment and recycling • A thread is detachable or joinable • A terminated detachable thread is recycled, releasing all system resources • No hierarchical relationship among threads • Created thread has a pointer into its creator’s memory  danger of dangling references • Main thread is special in that when it returns it terminates the process, killing all other threads • To avoid this mass killings, main thread can pthread_exit rather than return ETR 2011

  40. Overview of POSIX Concurrency Support (4) • Mutual exclusion • Shared (volatile) data • Mutexes (pthread_mutex_t type) with lock/unlock functions • Coordination / communication • Condition variables (pthread_cond_t type) with pulsed and broadcast events • Semaphores • Data passed to thread function at pthread_create, result delivered to “joining” thread at return or pthread_exit

  41. Overview of POSIX Concurrency Support (5) • Asynchrony • Thread cancellation with control over immediacy and ability to do cleanup • Interaction with exception handling • Complicated relationship with signals • Consistent error-return conventions • The result of each pthread function is an int error code (0  normal) • If the function needs to return a result, it does so in an address (“&”) parameter ETR 2011

  42. Agenda • Concurrencybased on API or integrated in languages • Concurrency expression and issues • In Ada, Java and POSIX • Conclusions • References to know more ETR 2011

  43. Comparison: Basic Model / Lifetime • Points of difference • Nature of unit of concurrency: class, task, function • Implicit versus explicit activation • How parameters / results are passed • What the programmer should perform and understand !!! • Methodology / reliability • Ada and Java provide type checking, prevent dangling references

  44. Comparison: Basic Model / Lifetime • Flexibility / generality • All three provide roughly the same expressive power • POSIX allows a new thread to be given its parameters explicitly on thread creation • POSIX allows a thread to return a value to a “joining thread • Efficiency • Ada requires run-time support to manage task dependence hierarchy ETR 2011

  45. Comparison: communication/synchronization • A widespectrum of features: • Locks, semaphores, monitors • Protectedobjects and rendez-vous for Ada • Variousformsof interactions with threads • Returns of experiences • Major changes from Ada 83 to Ada 95 : fromrendezvous to lightermechanisms • Similar for the definition of RTS Java ETR 2011

  46. Final words ? • Hard to compare! And the selection of criteriaisarguable • Clarity / precision of the concepts • Teaching and use • Assumed programmer expertise • Assumed programmer actions • => I am back with Ada for teachingconcurrency • Rules and issues canberaised and discussed • Ada providesseveralparadigms … and the transition to Java isstraightforward • GNAT and RTEMS to connect to POSIX ETR 2011

  47. To know more … • A more completecomparison of features • http://cs.nyu.edu/courses/fall02 • A. Wellings’ coursewarematerial • http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/rts/books/RTSbookFourthEdition/slides/ • POSIX tutorial : B Barney from L Livermorelabs • https://computing.llnl.gov/tutorials/pthreads/ • RTEMS and GNAT • http://rtems.org/ ETR 2011

  48. Great books ... ETR 2011

  49. Web site • http://public.enst-bretagne.fr/~kermarre/Ada/ • http://public.enst-bretagne.fr/~kermarre/ETR2011 ETR 2011

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