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Concurrent Programming using Ada Tasking

2. Quick introduction to Ada tasking. Ada program unitsJava equivalent procedurevoid method functionnon-void method packageclass tasksubclass of Thread class generic unittype parameters (J2SE, version 1.5). 3. Most Ada units are separated into a specification and a body. Specifications are not always required for procedures and functionsWhen needed, these specifications consist of the procedure or function

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Concurrent Programming using Ada Tasking

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    1. 1 Concurrent Programming using Ada Tasking CS 472 Operating Systems Indiana University – Purdue University Fort Wayne Mark Temte

    2. 2

    3. 3 Most Ada units are separated into a specification and a body Specifications are not always required for procedures and functions When needed, these specifications consist of the procedure or function “signature” followed by a “;” The corresponding body consists of the signature followed by “is” followed by declarations and a “begin-end” section

    4. 4 Generic units 

    5. 5  Example of an Ada procedure with Ada.Text_IO; -- makes library package Text_IO visible -- procedures Get and Put are now available procedure Fibonacci is type Fib_Num_Type is range 0..10_000; -- declares a type Fib : Fib_Num_Type := 1; -- declares three variables Prev_Fib : Fib_Num_Type := 0; -- and initializes the Next_Prev_Fib : Fib_Num_Type; -- first two -- The following instantiates a gereric package to perform I/O with -- values of type Fib_Num_Type. package Fib_IO is new Ada.Text_IO.Integer_IO( Fib_Num_Type ); begin -- Fibonacci Ada.Text_IO.Put( "Fibonacci numbers follow:" ); -- output by procedures in Ada.Text_IO.New_Line( Spacing => 2 ); -- Text_IO package -- Fib_IO.Put( Prev_Fib ); -- output by procedure in Fib_IO Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; Fib_IO.Put( Fib ); -- output by procedure in Fib_IO Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; -- for Index in 2..25 loop Next_Prev_Fib := Prev_Fib; Prev_Fib := Fib; Fib := Prev_Fib + Next_Prev_Fib; Fib_IO.Put( Fib ); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; end loop; exception -- exception handler for the situation where Fib > 10_000. when Constraint_Error => Ada.Text_IO.Put( "Exception raised: Fibonacci value out of bounds." ); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; end Fibonacci;

    6. 6 An Ada task … is a thread within an Ada application It may not stand alone It must be nested within a “master” The master is typically a procedure starts executing automatically when master begins consists of a specification and a body communicates and synchronizes with other tasks using a simple high-level rendezvous

    7. 7 An Ada task …

    8. 8 Example of nesting tasks in a procedure procedure Master is task A; -- specification for A task B; -- specification for B task body A is …; -- body of A task body B is …; -- body of B begin -- Master null; -- tasks A and B begin execution end Master;

    9. 9   Format of a task body (similar to the body of a procedure) task body A is <declarations> begin -- A <activity> exception -- this section is optional <handlers> end A;

    10. 10   Task type A task type is a template for an actual task Many actual tasks may be created from the template.    task type TypeT; -- specification of task type task body TypeT is …; -- body T1 : TypeT; -- declaration of an actual task T1 T2 : TypeT; -- declaration of another actual task T2

    11. 11 A task type may be parameterized with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Two_Tasks is task type SimpleTask (Message: Character; HowMany: Positive);   -- task body SimpleTask is begin -- SimpleTask for Count in 1..HowMany loop Ada.Text_IO.Put("Hello from Task " & Message); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; end loop; end SimpleTask;   -- Task_A: SimpleTask(Message => 'A', HowMany => 5); Task_B: SimpleTask(Message => 'B', HowMany => 7);   -- begin -- Two_Tasks -- Task_A and Task_B will both start executing as soon as control -- reaches this point, before any of the main program's -- statements are executed. The Ada standard does not specify -- which task will start first. null; end Two_Tasks;

    12. 12 Rendezvous basics

    13. 13 Rendezvous basics

    14. 14 Rendezvous basics

    15. 15 Example - An entry is used just for synchronization with Ada.Text_IO; procedure Start_Buttons is task type SimpleTask (Message: Character; HowMany: Positive) is entry StartRunning; end SimpleTask;   -- task body SimpleTask is begin -- SimpleTask accept StartRunning; for Count in 1..HowMany loop Ada.Text_IO.Put(Item => "Hello from Task " & Message); Ada.Text_IO.New_Line; delay 0.1; -- lets another task have the CPU -- Note: delay is NOT a good way to do this! end loop; end SimpleTask;   -- Task_A: SimpleTask(Message => 'A', HowMany => 5); Task_B: SimpleTask(Message => 'B', HowMany => 7); Task_C: SimpleTask(Message => 'C', HowMany => 4);   -- begin -- Start_Buttons Task_B.StartRunning; Task_A.StartRunning; Task_C.StartRunning; end Start_Buttons;

    16. 16 Rendezvous semantics

    17. 17 Rendezvous semantics Execution of an accept statement serves a single call This insures access to the server’s data under mutual exclusion Callers to an entry must wait in a FIFO queue Attribute Name’Count gives the number of callers waiting on entry Name

    18. 18 Example of a task used to represent a stack  This involves a task specification with entries and parameters task Stack is entry Push( Value : in Integer); entry Pop( Value : out Integer); end Stack;   A call to Push within some caller task looks like:   ? ? ? Stack.Push( 23); ? ? ?

    19. 19 Format of “accept” statement within Stack task accept Push( Value : in Integer ) do <activity done under mutual exclusion> end Push; Activity done under mutual exclusion should be kept to a minimum

    20. 20  The body of Stack task task body Stack is type ArrayType is array( 1 .. 100 ) of Integer; S : ArrayType; Top : Natural := 0; begin – Stack loop ? ? ? accept Push( Value : in Integer ) Top := Top + 1; S( Top ) := Value; end Push; ? ? ? end loop; end Stack;

    21. 21  Selective wait statement 

    22. 22  Format of selective wait statement select when <condition1> => -- a guard accept A( ? ? ? ) do ? ? ? end A; or -- no guard; alternative always open accept B( ? ? ? ) do ? ? ? end B; or when <condition2> => -- another guard accept C( ? ? ? ) do ? ? ? end C; -- the boxed items are optional choices else or or <seq. of stmts> delay 10.0; terminate; <seq. of stmts> end select;

    23. 23 Selective wait semantics

    24. 24 Selective wait semantics

    25. 25 Example involving the Stack task loop select accept Push( ? ? ? ) do ? ? ? end Push; or accept Pop( ? ? ? ) do ? ? ? end Pop; or terminate; end select; end loop;

    26. 26 More on delay and select

    27. 27 Format for conditional and timed entry calls select Stack.Pop( Item ); <other statememts>  -- one choice required below else or <seq. of stmts> delay 10.0; <seq. of stmts> end select;  

    28. 28 Conditional and timed entry call semantics

    29. 29 Conditional and timed entry call semantics For a timed entry call, the delay alternative is executed if an entry call is not accepted by the delay time If either an else-part or a delay alternative is executed, the associated entry call is cancelled and the caller may continue Also, the ‘Count attribute is decremented

    30. 30 Example involving the Stack task select Stack.Push( 23); else null; end loop;

    31. 31 Common output problem Suppose several tasks need to call procedure Write Want to prevent separate output sequences from being mixed together Want to allow each call to Write to finish before next call is accepted A simple solution is desirable Want to avoid creating another task

    32. 32 Protected type Use a protected type to enclose the Write procedure The protected type implements a simple “monitor” for mutual exclusion Prevents the “race condition”

    33. 33 Example protected type Manager is procedure Write(…); end Manager; -- protected body Manager is procedure Write(? ? ? ) is ? ? ? end Write; end Manager; -- PrintManager : Manager; -- declares a protected object managing access to the Write procedure

    34. 34 Example (continued) Now tasks TaskA and TaskB do not interleave their output TaskA TaskB ? ? ? ? ? ? PrintManager.Write(? ? ? ) PrintManager.Write(? ? ? ) ? ? ? ? ? ?

    35. 35 Protected type semantics The protected type guarantees that each call to a protected procedure will complete before another call can be started If there are several procedures within the same protected object, a call to any of them must complete before a call to any other is allowed to start

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