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Kids Can Board Meeting April 24, 2014 a t Silverstone Group

Kids Can Board Meeting April 24, 2014 a t Silverstone Group. At Kids Can Community Center, our mission is to empower children and parents to reach their potential and enable older adults to maintain their independence. Agenda: Introductions Program Spotlight: Mentoring – Sara Galenbeck

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Kids Can Board Meeting April 24, 2014 a t Silverstone Group

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  1. Kids Can Board Meeting April 24, 2014 at Silverstone Group At Kids Can Community Center, our mission is to empower children and parents to reach their potential and enable older adults to maintain their independence.

  2. Agenda: Introductions Program Spotlight: Mentoring – Sara Galenbeck Consent Agenda: Minutes – February 2014, CEO Report – April 2014, Balance Sheet and P&L Statement – Jan & Feb 2014 CEO Report - Robert Finance Update & Discussion - Dennis Board Report Card – Joe Discussion: Board Development - Joe Discussion: Fundraising - Shannon Discussion: Audit RFP Review – Brittany/Ray Discussion: McGill bid - Joe Discussion: Document review - Robert Other Business, Connect & Share, Adjourn

  3. Introductions: Name & organization Favorite sign of spring or springtime activity….

  4. Mentoring:

  5. CEO Report: (full report included on website) Funding update: Midlands Community Foundation, Sherwood Foundation Elementary Learning Center RFP United Way visits Van purchased! Not-So-Undercover Boss Life & Business Coach

  6. Revenue – Monthly Comparison as of March 2014 Budget YTD: 672,350 Actual YTD: 776,365

  7. Expense – Monthly Comparison as of March 2014 Budget YTD: 651,492 Actual YTD: 642,627

  8. In June 2014, we will lose four board members: Michelle Eppler, Lori McGuire, Dennis Wellendorf, and Chris Zimmers. In 2015, we will lose one board member: Joe Schaffner. • Current candidates include: • Lori Thompson, Nebraska Orthopedic Hospital (recommended by Lori McGuire) • Donna McDaniel, Bellevue University (recommended by Michelle Eppler) • Curt Witzenburg (recommended by Shannon Snow) • Gail Braun (expressed interest) • New candidates should be identified within the next month for introductions and interviews for the June board slate. CRITICAL DISCUSSON: Board Development

  9. Advisory Council: We currently have six members. Linda Daugherty Lori Scott Laura Jana Barb Weitz Carol Russell Watie White I think it would be beneficial to add up to four more individuals so when we meet with a 75% show rate, that we have a decent size group for discussion. Some possibilities could include: Paul Sather, UNO Service Learning Bob White, NU Regent & Collective For Youth Ken Bird, Avenue Scholars Mary Hawkins, Bellevue University Mary Lou Brasee CRITICAL DISCUSSON: Board Development

  10. Attend at least 75% of board meetings: 72% Actively participate in task force(s): 100% Personal financial contribution: 100% Other donations/sponsorships: 83% New meeting w/ CEO: 17% Other events: Neighborhood Night Out: 17% Harvest Festival 11% Adopt-A-Family 33% Board Social: 61% Raffle Tickets 39% Board Report Card – April 2014

  11. When: May 6, 2014 • Where: CenturyLink • Who: Keynote -Shane Lopez, Making Hope Happen • Goal: $65,000 • Action Steps: Raffle tickets & individual seats CRITICAL DISCUSSON: Fundraiser Luncheon

  12. 2014 SPONSORS (pledged or received) Wells Fargo 10,000.00 Blue Cross Blue Shield 5,000.00 Gallup (in kind) Cox Communications 2,500.00 First National Bank 2,500.00 Silverstone Group 2,500.00 Baird Holm 2,500.00 Mutual of Omaha 1,500.00 Bellevue University 1,000.00 Borsheims 1,000.00 Client Resources 1,000.00 ConAgra 1,000.00 Daugherty 1,000.00 Deloitte 1,000.00 Holland Basham Kiewit Companies 1,000.00 Lincoln Financial Group 1,000.00 Marcotte 1,000.00 Metro Community 1,000.00 Mutual of Omaha Bank 1,000.00 Myers-Carlisle-Leapley 1,000.00 Nielsen Baumert Eng. 1,000.00 Parker Foundation 1,000.00 Pfizer 1,000.00 Securities America 1,000.00 Union Pacific Railroad 1,000.00 UNO Chancellor 1,000.00 Woodmen of the World 1,000.00 St. Anthony Foundation 500.00 TOTAL 46,000.00 CRITICAL DISCUSSON: Fundraiser Luncheon

  13. The Omaha Community Foundation is gearing up for Omaha Gives! - our second annual charitable holiday. On May 21st from midnight to midnight, you have 24 hours to support the causes you care about by making a donation of $10 or more to nonprofits that serve Douglas, Sarpy, and Pottawattamie counties. We’re currently raising matching funds and prize money to amplify charitable donations made through Omaha Gives! Shannon has confirmed to have an event at Sam & Louie’s (155th & Dodge) to host an event in conjunction with OmahaGives! Day. CRITICAL DISCUSSON: Other fundraising ideas

  14. The audit RFP was sent to multiple firms on the recommendations of other nonprofits. Below are those returned and the amount of their bid. A formal bid was not put out to our current auditor, Massimore Magnuson, but their amount charged for this year’s audit is included below: • Dutton - $6,500 - $7,000 • Hayes - $7,850 * recommendation • Massimore Magnuson - $7,920 • SeimJohson - $10,700 • Bland - $13,500 • Brittany, Ray and Dennis made up the Audit RFP Review Task Force and will discuss their recommendation. • Action: Motion to approve named firm for the 2013/14 Audit and Form 990 preparation. CRITICAL DISCUSSON: Audit RFP (action can be taken today)

  15. An important part of the Kiewit facility review indicated removing and reinstalling moldy pipe insulation including asbestos in lower level of building. • Initial estimate from McGill is $9,800. • I recommend board approving at least $ 12,500 for contingency purposes. • Action: Motion to approve specified amount for building repair. CRITICAL DISCUSSON: McGill bid (action can be taken today)

  16. There are several key documents that we should review on a biennial basis. For most, it will require a few changes. Others may require a bit more and need “legal eyes” on them. • By Laws (2009) • Conflict of Interest, Whistleblower, Document Retention, Consent in lieu of board meeting • Business Continuity Plan (2012) • Executive Director Transition (2007) • Crisis Communication (2010) • Action: Put together task force to review documents. CRITICAL DISCUSSON: Document review

  17. OTHER BUSINESS & SHARING Upcoming meetings/events: Fundraiser Luncheon – May 6 OmahaGives! – May 21 Board Meeting – June 26 ADJOURN

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