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Trees. A tree is a data structure used to represent different kinds of data and help solve a number of algorithmic problems Game trees (i.e., chess ), UNIX directory trees, sorting trees etc We will study extensively two useful kind of trees: Binary Search Trees and Heaps.

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  1. Trees • Atree is a data structure used to represent different kinds of data and help solve a number of algorithmic problems • Game trees (i.e., chess ), UNIX directory trees, sorting trees etc • We will study extensively two useful kind of trees: Binary Search Trees and Heaps

  2. Trees: Definitions • Trees have nodes. They also have edges that connect the nodes. Between two nodes there is alwaysonly one path. Tree nodes Tree edges

  3. Trees: More Definitions • Trees are rooted. Once the root is defined (by the user) all nodes have a specific level. • Trees have internal nodes and leaves. Every node (except the root) has a parent and it also has zero or more children. root level 0 level 1 internal nodes level 2 parent and child level 3 leaves

  4. Binary Trees • A binary tree is one that each node has at most 2 children

  5. 14 10 16 8 12 15 18 9 7 11 13 Binary Trees: Definitions • Nodes in trees can contain keys (letters, numbers, etc) • Complete binary tree: the one where leaves are only in last two bottom levels with bottom one placed as far left as possible

  6. Binary Trees: Array Representation • Complete Binary Trees can be represented in memory with the use of an array A so that all nodes can be accessed in O(1) time: • Label nodes sequentially top-to-bottom and left-to-right • Left child of A[i] is at position A[2i] • Right child of A[i] is at position A[2i + 1] • Parent of A[i] is at A[i/2]

  7. 14 10 16 8 12 15 18 9 7 11 13 Binary Trees: Array Representation 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 9 10 8 11 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 14 10 16 8 12 15 18 7 9 11 13 Array A:

  8. Binary Trees: Pointer Representation • To freely move up and down the tree we need pointers to parent (NIL for root) and pointers to children (NIL for leaves) typedef tree_node { int key; struct tree_node *parent; struct tree_node *left, *right; }

  9. Tree Traversal: InOrder • InOrder is easily described recursively: • Visit left subtree (if there is one) In Order • Visit root • Visit right subtree (if there is one) In Order

  10. Tree Traversal: PreOrder • Another common traversal is PreOrder. • It goes as deep as possible (visiting as it goes) then left to right. • More precisely (recursively): • Visit root • Visit left subtree in PreOrder • Visit right subtree in PreOrder

  11. Tree Traversal: Non-recursive PreOrder can also be implemented with a stack, without recursion: Stack S push root onto S repeat until S is empty v = pop S if v is not NULL visit v push v’s right child onto S push v’s left child onto S

  12. Tree Traversal: PostOrder • PostOrder traversal also goes as deep as possible, but only visits • internal nodes during backtracking. • More precisely (recursive): • Visit left subtree in PostOrder • Visit right subtree in PostOrder • Visit root

  13. Tree Traversal: LevelOrder • LevelOrder visits nodes level by level from root node: • Can be implemented easily with a queue (how??) • We will learn this is called Breadth First Search in the data • structure called graphs later in 242

  14. Binary Search Trees • A Binary Search Tree (BST) is a binary tree with the following properties: • The key of a node is always greater than the keys of the nodes in its left subtree • The key of a node is always smaller than the keys of the nodes in its right subtree

  15. 14 10 16 8 11 15 18 14 10 16 8 11 15 Binary Search Trees: Examples root root C A D root

  16. Binary Search Trees • BST is a tree with the following BST property: key.left < key.parent < key.right NOTE! When nodes of a BST are traversed by Inorder traversal the keys appear in sorted order: inorder(root) { inorder(root.left) print(root.key) inorder(root.right) }

  17. 14 10 16 8 11 15 18 Binary Search Trees: Inorder Example: Inorder visits and prints: print(8) print(10) print(11) print(14) print(15) print(16) print(18)

  18. P L R Searching for a key in a BST Picture BST’s Parent and Left/Right subtrees as follows: Problem: how do you search BST for node with key x ?

  19. search(root, x) compare x to key of root: - if x = key return - if x < key => search in L - if x > key => search in R search L or R in the exact same way Example: 14 10 16 8 11 15 Searching for a key in a BST x=8 is ??? X=17 is ???

  20. Searching for a key in a BST searchBST(root, key) /* found init to false */ if root=nil return if root.key=key then found=true return root else if key < root.key then searchBST(root.L, key) else searchBST(root.R, key) How can you rewrite searchBST non-recursively?

  21. How to insert a new key? The same procedure used for search also applies: Determine the location by searching. Search will fail. Insert new key where the search failed. Example: Inserting a new key in a BST 10 8 Insert 4? 4 3 9 2 5

  22. C C A Building a BST Build a BST from a sequence of nodes read one a time Example: Inserting C A B L M (in this order!) 1) Insert C 2) Insert A

  23. B B B L M C C C L A A A Building a BST 3) Insert B 5) Insert M 4) Insert L

  24. B L A B M C C A L M Building a BST Is there a unique BST for letters A B C L M ? NO!Different input sequences result in different trees Inserting: A B C L M Inserting: C A B L M

  25. Given a BST can you output its keys in sorted order? Visit keys with Inorder: - visit left - print root - visit right How can you find the minimum? How can you find the maximum? B L M C A Sorting with a BST Example: Inorder visit prints: A B C L M

  26. Deleting from a BST To delete node with key x first you need to search for it. Once found, apply one of the following three cases CASE A: x is a leaf p p q q x r r delete x BST property maintained

  27. r r x q q delete x L L Deleting from a BST cont. Case B: x is interior with only one subtree BST property maintained

  28. r delete x r s W Z q t BST property maintained Deleting from a BST cont. Case C: x is interior with two subtrees r x delete x q r W Z t s

  29. W Deleting from a BST cont. Case C cont: … or you can also do it like this • q < x < r • Q is smaller than the smaller element in Z • R is larger than the largest element in W r q t r Z Can you see other possible ways ? s

  30. Complexity of Searching with BST • What is the complexity of searchBST ? • It depends on: • the key x • The other data • The shape of the tree (full, arbitrary) Complexity Analysis: We are interested in best case, worst case and average case

  31. Complexity of Searching with BST level 0 level 1 level 2 level 3 (1+3=4) height (or depth) of tree = 1 + maximum_level

  32. Complexity of Searching with BST If all nodes in the tree exist then it is called a full BST If all levels are full except for the last level then it is called minimum-level BST

  33. Complexity of Searching with BST h Theorem: A full BST of height h has 2 - 1 nodes Proof: Use induction Inductive Basis: A tree of height 1 has one node (root) Inductive Hypothesis: Assume that a tree of height h has 2 - 1 nodes h

  34. L R h+1 h Complexity of Searching with BST Inductive step: Connect two trees of height h to make one of height h+1. You need to add one more node for the new root root By inductive hypothesis the new number of nodes is (2 - 1) + (2 -1) + 1 = 2 - 1 ……proved! h h h+1

  35. Complexity of Searching with BST Theorem:For a minimum level tree of height h: 2 - 1 < # of nodes < 2 - 1 h - 1 h Corollary: The tree with the smallest height with n # of nodes it has a height of h = 1 + log n n WHY? 2

  36. Complexity of Searching with BST Therefore, for a full BST with N nodes the following holds for searchBST: best time analysis ………… O(1) worst time analysis ………… O(log N) average case analysis ………… ??? We need to find what the average is!!

  37. Complexity of Searching with BST • To define what average means you need to: • Find out all possibilities and … • Determine the probability of each possibility … • that is, you need to find the expected value: Possible values for the number of steps j are 1, 2, …, h as we assume that key search value is equally to occur

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