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The Capacity Development approaches of GIZ in the energy sector

The Capacity Development approaches of GIZ in the energy sector. Clemens Findeisen. UNIDO Vienna Energy Forum 2017. Energy at GIZ Capacity Development and Skills for Energy Conclusion. Non-profit federal enterprise

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The Capacity Development approaches of GIZ in the energy sector

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  1. The Capacity Development approaches of GIZ in the energy sector Clemens Findeisen UNIDO Vienna Energy Forum 2017

  2. Energy at GIZ Capacity Development and Skills for Energy Conclusion

  3. Non-profit federal enterprise • > 35 years, GIZ supports the German Government in achieving its objectives in the field of international cooperation for sustainable development • Main commissioning party: the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) • Commissioned by well over 300 public and private-sector bodies in Germany and abroad • Active in Germany and in over 130 countries throughout the world • > 17,000 employees; Turnover in 2015 over 2,14 billion €

  4. GIZ Energy Projects in 2015 • GIZ worldwide • energy projects: app. 180 • Volume: 629 Mio€ • Africa: 30 % • Asia: 27 % • Europe: 12 % • Latin America: 18 % • MENA region: 6 % • Trans-regional: 7 % • Topics • Basic energysupply • RenewableEnergies • Energyefficiency • International energypolicy GIZ Services in the Energy Sector • Increase of capacity and competence • Creation of cost-effective pre-conditions • Support a multi-stakeholder dialogue • Technical advisory services Current projects

  5. Energy at GIZ Capacity Development and Skills for Energy Conclusion

  6. “Capacity development. Strengthening partner – developing potentials” is our principle for a holistic competency progress. GIZ assumes this to be the key for sustainable development.” Capacity Development Butterfly

  7. Cooperation between Brazil and Germany - Program for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency “Energy systems of the Future” Objective: Increased participation of renewable energies and energy efficiency in the energy matrix CoordinatingPartner: MME (BrazilianMinistryof Mining andEnergy) Project Components Technical andVocational Ed. and Training Dissemination Regulation Energyplanning EPE ANEEL SENAI, MEC Several

  8. TVET Component - Objective and Success Factors The basis for technical and vocational education and training in the area of Renewable Energy (RE) and Energy Efficiency (EE) is established in line with the demands of the sector. • Development of quality-assured education and training courses in line with the demand of the Brazilian RE and EE sector • Appropriate balance of practice and theory (approx. 50:50) – trainings involving companies • Inclusion of international and German experiences

  9. Success Factors 1 Closely linked to industry needs ABINEE (June 2015): Workshop of the PV group to discuss qualified workforce demand in the sector 2 National level coordination/TVET standards MEC – Ministry of Education: Committee to promote TVET in Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency with Federal Institutes for Education, Science and Technology SENAI DN: Development of national occupational standards for “Energy Managers for the Industry and Building sector” together with private sector 3 Training of Teachers and Instructors Tailor-made training units applying a theoretical and practical approach to prepare instructors to offer the new training coursesSENAI / GIZ – Train the Trainer – November 2015 PV installations 4: Public Private Partnerships Cooperation of Brazilian and / or German companies with training institutions to implement training centers and to realize training coursesBenefit to the company: Qualified staff; contact to target groups, amongst others 11

  10. German and Brazilian Government agreed in 2011 to cooperate for biogas to energy promotion • 5 years Initiative (2013 – 2017) • Brazilian Ministry of Cities is Coordinating Counterpart for DKTI Biogas

  11. Starting Point of GIZ/KfW project: Cities ministry did´t work on biogas Capacity development and buildingon all levels (private, public, academic) CD on specific topics like fertiliserregulation, tender, biomethane, etc. Example: Training forEnvironmental Permit Authorities Publications: http://www.cidades.gov.br/saneamento-cidades/probiogas/publicacoes Challenges in the area of capacity development in biogas in Brasil: - Still missing know-how on biogas in financial institutions- Very few national highly compentent biogas project developers

  12. Brasil: 2,8 MW, organic waste from fruit and vegetable markets (and supermarkets and restaurants); sewage sludge Fotos: AAT Biogas Technology

  13. Energising Development activities worldwide

  14. Capacity Development at EnDev • Awareness CreationamongstSuppliersandConsumers(Dissemination ofinformationandknowledge; awarenessraisingandsensitization) • Technical andVocational Trainings forManufacturers(Build-upoftechnicalknow-howandmechanicalskills) • Professional Trainings forVendorsandEntrepreneurs(Development ofbusinessmodels; enhancementofmanagerialandmarketanalysisskills; tutorizing in businessadministration) • Capacity Building forLocal Banks (Buildupofmarketknow-howandriskmanagementtools) • Training of Academic Staff (Curricula Development, Tutorizing in marketanalysistoolsandpriovisionofteachingmaterials)

  15. devleloPPP.de Climate partnerships with the private sectorhttps://www.deginvest.de/International-financing/DEG/Unser-Angebot/Förderprogramme/Klimapartnerschaften/ Incentives (grants) for projects – Capacity building

  16. Energy at GIZ Capacity Development and Skills for Energy Conclusion

  17. Conclusion Renewablesare a jobcreator Capacity Development is a must in all projects – becauseofitsimportanceandcomplexity a strategyandtoolsareneeded Skills forenergy: Longtermmultistakeholderapproachratherthanisolatedshortterm initiatives Existing international standards need to be adapted nationally Standardized Technical and Vocational Education training is needed, and skills development for different educational levels 4 exit factors (closely linked to industry needs, national level coordination/standards, training of teachers and instructors, Public Private Partnerships)

  18. Thank you very much Clemens Findeisen clemens.findeisen@giz.de

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