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Encoding Data Into the IIMS

Encoding Data Into the IIMS. Ways of Encoding Assigning Record Numbers. Approaches. 1. Populate first the IIMS Regions subcategories because they are linked to the succeeding tables 2. Within the subcategory, populate the tables from left to right. Approaches.

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Encoding Data Into the IIMS

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  1. Encoding Data Into the IIMS Ways of Encoding Assigning Record Numbers

  2. Approaches 1. Populate first the IIMS Regions subcategories because they are linked to the succeeding tables 2. Within the subcategory, populate the tables from left to right

  3. Approaches 3. Make sure you have the standard drop down menus and inventory list. To change or add items to the drop down list, go to File menu > Preference > Dropdown. Otherwise, type the new inventory item to the inventory table. 4. Do not use COMMAS (,) , because you will be exporting to CSV (comma delimited values). CSV uses comma to define values into columns. The result is shown below: Castillejos Zambales Castillejos,Zambales

  4. 3 Ways of Encoding 1. IIMS Form -Click Insert Record button (+ sign) to add new record -Populate the required fields -Encode other available data -Click Check button (√) to post edit or save the changes.

  5. 3 Ways of Encoding 1. IIMS Form

  6. 3 Ways of Encoding 2. Populating the IIMS Table -Click the View Table button and select name of the table that you want to populate -Click Edit button to start editing -Click on the cell to edit existing record OR -Click Insert Record button (+ sign) to add new record -Encode the data then click √ Check button to save. When using this option, make sure to put the appropriate record number. Unlike when using encoding form, the record number is not automatically generated.

  7. 3 Ways of Encoding 2. Populating the IIMS Table

  8. 3 Ways of Encoding 3. Encoding in CSV Table in Excel -Open table via View Table button -Click Export button and save CSV -Encode in the CSV file -Make sure Record Number is unique (1st column) SITE_NO is 2 (2nd column), & Linking # is correct -Do not use COMMA

  9. 3 Ways of Encoding 3. Importing CSV Table

  10. Assigning Record Numbers Using Phil. Standard Geographic Code (PSGC) as Unique ID of each Record A geographic code has nine digits. It consists of the following: • First 2 digits (including zero) – region • Next 2 digits- province • Next 2 digits – municipality/city • Next 3-digits -barangay Examples: Region 7 : 070000000 Siquijor: 076100000 LGU Alcoy: 072202000 Daan-Lungsod: 072202002 SOURCE: http://www.nscb.gov.ph/activestats/psgc/default.asp

  11. Assigning Record Numbers Duplicate Record Number = Error

  12. IIMS Regions Category-Regions/Sites Sites SITE_NO is always 2 Province For PROVINCE_NO, use the 9 digit PSGC Table Name: PROVINCE Cebu 072200000 => 72200000 NOTE: IIMS automatically drops the zero from the left as shown above.

  13. IIMS Regions Category-Regions/Sites Municipality For CITY_MUN_NO, use 9 digit PSGC Table Name: MUNCITY Alcoy 072202000 => 72202000 Barangay For BARANGAY_NO, use the 9 digit PSGC Table Name: COMMUNITY DaanLungsod 072202002 => 72202002 NOTE: IIMS automatically drops the zero from the left as shown above.

  14. IIMS Regions Category-Watershed Watershed UseWatershed Name as WATERSHED_ID (i.e. Bicol watershed) Table Name: WTRSHED Sub-watershed Use the NWRB Code Given: 2001 Cagayan ----->watershed 2014 Ilagan (001) SUBWATERSHED_NO  2014

  15. IIMS Regions Category-Watershed Sub-watershed 2) If subwatershed is not listed & is within the: Region, use 2 digit Region Code & Record # 7&1 = 71 1st record 7&2 = 72 2nd record 7&10 = 710 10th record Province, use the 4 digit Prov Code & Record# Cebu 0722 & 1 = 7221 1st record 0722 & 2 = 7222 2nd record 0722 & 10 = 72210 10th record Table Name: WTRSHEDS

  16. IIMS Regions Category-Watershed Sub-watershed 2) If subwatershed is not listed & is within the: LGU, use the 6 digit LGU Code & Record # Alcoy 072202 & 1 = 722021 1st record 072202 & 2 = 722022 2nd record 072202 & 10 = 7220210 10th record 3) Encode 3rd level tier sub-watershed into the Sub-watershed table Given: 2015 Abuan (2014) Abuan SUBWATERSHED_NO  2015 Table Name: WTRSHEDS

  17. IIMS Regions Category-Watershed Sub-watershed 4) If no sub-watershed for a given watershed, copy the watershed entry, derive the SUBWATERSHED_NO 2001 Cagayan SUBWATERSHED_NO 1st record 2001 & 1 = 20011 --- Cagayan Sub-watershed 2nd record 2001 & 2 = 20012 9th record 2001 & 9 = 20019 10th record 2001 & 10=200110 Table Name: WTRSHEDS

  18. IIMS Regions Category-Watershed Land/Water Use/Cover Derive CTUSE_NO from SUBWATERSHED_NO Given: Ilagan Sub-watershed & SUBWATERSHED_NO  2014 CTUSE_NO 1st record 20141 2nd record 20142 10th record 201410 Table Name: CTUSE

  19. IIMS Regions-Bodies of Water Bodies of Water Derive WATERBODIES_NO from SUBWATERSHED_NO where body of water originates If you can’t determine which sub-watershed, use the: SITE_NO 2 if body of water covers 2 or more Regions; 2 digit Region Code & affix Record #, if body of water covers 2 or more Provinces within a Region; 4 digit Prov. Code & Record # , if body of water covers 2 or more LGUs within the Province (ex. Masbate Pass—5411 & 1); 6 digit LGU Code & Record #, if within an LGU Table Name : BODWATER

  20. IIMS Regions Category-Geospatial Lines and Polygons (Table Name: GEOSEGS) Derive LOC_SEG_NO from WATERBODIES_NO OR use 6 digit code of LGU surveyed & affix Record # Masbate Pass PCRA Site WATERBODIES_NO  54101 LOC_SEG_NO  541011 1st record  5410110 10th record Alcoy PCRA Site CITY_MUN_NO  072202000 LOC_SEG_NO  722021 1st record  7220210 10th record

  21. IIMS Regions Category-Geospatial Points Derive POINT_NO from LOC_SEG_NO & affix Record # Alcoy PCRA Sites LOC_SEG_NO  722021 POINT_NO  7220211 1st record POINT_NO  7220212 2nd record POINT_NO 7220213 3rd record POINT_NO 72202110 10th record Table Name: GEOPNTS

  22. IIMS Regions Category-Maps Depending on the coverage, use Region (2), Province (4), OR LGU (6) codes and append Record # LGU Alcantara072201000 722011 Siquijor076100000 7611 Dalaguete 072222000 722221 Brgy. Casay 072222008 722220081 Brgy. Daan-Lungsod 072202002 722020021 Use LGU Code for local MPA maps/survey maps Use Region/Province code for NIPAS MPA maps NOTE: IIMS automatically drops the zero from the left as shown above.

  23. Biological Resources Category Species List Species list per ecosystem are to be provided to standardize the list. Record # starts at 200001 200002 200012 If species is not yet listed, verify if it has been added by other teams through IIMS Forum/email (cmmocentral@yahoo.com) . Add it to the list (View Table) and continue the Record #. Add the local name in the Description Table: BFISH, BCORAL, BAQUA, BSWEED, BSGRASS, BWFLOR, BWFAUN, BFORST, BFFLOR, BFFAUN

  24. Biological Resources Category Survey Inventory Survey No. is derived from WATERBODIES_NO if offshore or 6 digit LGU Code if inland & append Record # Tables: BREEF, BCFISH, BSWEEDLO, BSGRASLO, BBENTH, BWETL Survey Data Survey Data No. is derived from Survey No. Tables: BREEFSV, BCORALSV, BCFISHSV, BAQUASV, BSWEEDSV, BSGRASSV, BBENTHSV, BWFLORSV, BWFAUNSV, BFORSTSV, BFFLORSV, BFFAUNSV

  25. Social and Economic Category All subcategory except Foreshore Development Use the 6 digit LGU code & append the Record # Alcoy 072202 & 1 => 72202 Fisheries Fisheries Inventory FISHERS_NO - to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code Commercial Fish Value by Species FISH_VALUE_NO – to be derived from FISHERS_NO Tables: SEFISHER, SEFISHCV

  26. Social and Economic Category Fisheries Gear Inventory- starts from 200001 (table to be provided) Effort/Value by Gear Type GEAR_SURVEY_NO – to be derived from FISHERS_NO Tables:SEGEAR, SEGEARSV Boat Inventory- starts from 200001 (to be given) Effort/Value by Vessel Type BOAT_SURVEY_NO – to be derived from FISHERS_NO Tables:SEVES, SEVESSV

  27. Social and Economic Category Fisheries Seaweed Value by Species SEAWEED_VAL_NO – to be derived from FISHERS_NO Tables: SESEAWD Fishing Port Inventory FISH_PORT_NO- to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code Commercial Value by Ports FISH_PORT_PRF_NO – to be derived from FISH_PORT_NO Tables: SEFPRT, SEFPRTCV

  28. Social and Economic Category Aquaculture Aquaculture Site Inventory FARMSITENO- to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code then append Record # Commercial Value by Type of Farm and Species AQUAVALUENO – from 6 digit LGU Code then append Record # Tables: SEAQUA, SEAQUAV

  29. Social and Economic Category Agriculture Agriculture Crop Farm Inventory AGRIFARMSITENO- to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code then append Record # Agriculture Crop Production AGRIFARMPRODNO – to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code then append Record # Tables: SEAGRI, SEAGRIPR

  30. Social and Economic Category Agriculture Animal Farm Inventory PLTRYLSTOCKFARMNO- to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code then append Record # Agriculture Crop Production AGRIFARMPRODNO – to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code then append Record # Tables: SEAPOLS, SEAPOLSPR

  31. Social and Economic Category Wetlands PACBRAMA, Mangrove Areas Wetlands Name Use as unique record identifier Survey No. and Survey Data Same rule applies mentioned at the start of slide for Biological Resources Survey No. is derived from WATERBODIES_NO if offshore/coastal (mangrove species along Manila Bay) & append Record # OR use the 6 digit LGU Code if inland (LGU part of a forest where survey is done) & append Record # Survey Data No. is derived from Survey No.

  32. Social and Economic Category Forestry Forestry Sector Inventory FORESTRYSITENO- to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code then append Record # Forestry Products FORESTRYPRODUCTNO – to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code then append Record # Tables: SEFST, SEFSTPR

  33. Social and Economic Category Mining Mining and Quarrying Sector Inventory MININGSITENO- to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code then append Record # Mining and Quarrying Sector Production MININGPRODUCTIONNO – to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code then append Record # Tables: SEMINE, SEFSTPR

  34. Social and Economic Category Port Port Inventory PORT_NO- to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code then append Record # Cargo and Passenger Statistics PORTSTATISTICSNO – to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code then append Record # Tables: SEPORT, SEIMPEX

  35. Social and Economic Category Port Shipping Statistics SHIP_ACTIVITY_NO- to be derived from PORT_NO SHP_ACTIVITY_VESSEL_NO-to be derived from SHIP_ACTIVITY_NO Tables: SESHIPAC, SESHIPAV Port Reception Facility Profile RECEPTIONFACILITYNO – to be derived from PORT_NO Tables: SEPRFP

  36. Social and Economic Category Port Terminal Inventory TERMINAL_NO- to be derived from LGU Code SHP_ACTIVITY_VESSEL_NO - to be derived from SHIP_ACTIVITY_NO Terminal Import/Export Volumes TERMINALSTATISTICSNO – to be derived from TERMINAL_NO Tables: SETERM, SETERMIE

  37. Social and Economic Category Inventory of Industries Manufacturing Sector Inventory MANUFACTURINGNO- to be derived from LGU Code, append record # Manufacturing Sector Production MANUFACTURINGPRODUCTNO – to be derived from LGU Code, append record # Tables: SEIND, SEINDPR

  38. Social and Economic Category Tourism Tourism Inventory TOURISMNO- to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code , append record # Tourism Volume and Revenues TOURISTVOLNREVNO – to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code , append record # Tourist Profile TOURISTPROFILENO- to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code , append record # Tables: SETOUR, SETOURVR, SETOUR

  39. Social and Economic Category Commercial/Institutional Commercial Establishment COMMESTABLISHMENTNO- to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code , append record # Major Institution MAJORINSTITUTIONNO – to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code , append record # Tables: SECOMMES, SEMJRINS

  40. Social and Economic Category Utilities Record #s are to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code SUPPLY_REC_NO- to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code , append record # Reclamation Project RECLAIMNO- to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code , append record # PURPOSENO- to be derived from RECLAIMNO , append record # MUNNO- to be derived from RECLAIMNO , append record # Tables: SERCLAM, SERCLAMP, SERCLAMM

  41. Social and Economic Category Foreshore Development Inventory SEFD_NO - to be derived from 9 digit Barangay Code , append record # Values of Services SEFDV_NO - to be derived from 9 digit Brgy. Code, then append Record # , append record # Tables: SEFD, SEFDV

  42. Demographic Category Census, Employment, Malnutrition Record #sto be derived from 9 digit Barangay Code, append record # Income, Education, Waterborne Diseases, Religion, Vital Health Statistics Record # are to be derived from 6 digit LGU Code , append record # Poverty Record # are to be derived from 4 digit Provincial Code , append record #

  43. Governance Category Government Agencies National agencies record #s starts with 200001 & continuous sequentially (200002, 200003, 200010) Provincial agency- use 4 digit Province Code, append record # Municipal agency-use 6 digit LGU Code, append record # All records linked to GOVAG shall follow the numbering of agency. 200001 => 2000011 => 2000012 7221 => 72211 => 72212 722021 => 7220211

  44. Governance Category Coordinating Mechanism Record #s are to be derived from 4 digit Provincial Code, append record #. Sectors and Plans Record #s are to be derived from the Provincial Code where the office of the sector is located OR the province, municipality or barangay being described in the plan. Linked tables would follow the Sector No. and Plan No.

  45. Pollution Sources Category Land-based Category Industry, Hazardous Wastes Record #s are to be derived from the MANUFACTURING_NO. Sludge Treatment and Disposal System, Solid Waste, Animal Waste, Disposal Sites Record #s are to be derived from the 6 digit LGU Code (CITY_MUN_NO). Except for: Industry Pollution Profile-derive from INDUSTRY_NO Municipal Wastewater Profile-derive from the 6 digit LGU Code

  46. Pollution Sources Category Water-based Category Oil Type record # starts at 2001 and continues sequentially 2002, 2003, …, 2010 Oil Spills, Chemical Spills and Offshore Explorations Record #s are to be derived from the WATERBODIES_NO then append record #

  47. Water Resources Sources Category Infrastructure Record #s are to be derived from the 6 digit LGU Code, append record # Water Supply and Sanitation Water Distributor Record #s are to be derived from LGU code, where the municipality address of the distributor is Water Use Permit Record #s are to be derived from DISTR_NO, append record #

  48. Environmental Quality Category Body of Water Use Station ID as the number Record #s for observations are to be derived from WATERBODIES_NO, append record # Tables: WQOBS, SQOBS, TAOBS Records linked to the Observation (above tables) will follow the numbering of the OBSERVATION_NO Criteria/Standard Record #s starts with 2001 and continues sequentially

  49. Environmental Quality Category Groundwater Groundwater Water Station Use Station ID as the number Observation Record #s are to be derived from 9 digit Barangay Code where the sampling was taken, then append record #

  50. Environmental Quality Category Groundwater Water Quality, Inorganic Pollutants & Organic Compounds Record #s are to be derived from OBSERVATION_NO, append record # Criteria/Standard Record #s starts with 2001 and continues sequentially

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