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Egypt 2014

Egypt 2014. I will make Egyptian fight against Egyptian— brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, city against city, province against province. The Egyptians will lose heart and I will confuse their plans…. There is nothing Egypt can do. All are helpless.

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Egypt 2014

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  1. Egypt 2014

  2. I will make Egyptian fight against Egyptian— brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, city against city, province against province. The Egyptians will lose heart and I will confuse their plans…. There is nothing Egypt can do. All are helpless. This is precisely what is happening NOW. Egypt: 11 deaths at Muslim Brotherhood protests BBConline, January 3, 2014 Eleven people have died in clashes between police and Muslim Brotherhood demonstrators across Egypt, the health ministry says. The Muslim Brotherhood put the death toll at 17. Dozens of people, including police, have been wounded. The deaths were reported in the capital Cairo and the cities of Alexandria, Fayoum and Ismailia. Authorities have recently intensified a crackdown on the movement, which has been declared a terrorist group. In Friday's violence, police fought with demonstrators, some throwing stones and fireworks and setting police vehicles on fire, in several districts in the capital. Authorities said 122 protesters had been arrested. The health ministry said 52 people had been wounded in the clashes, with several people reported injured by birdshot in Alexandria. The latest clashes come a day after two people were killed in violence at an Islamist demonstration in the northern coastal city. Supporters of the Brotherhood's ousted President Morsi have held frequent protests since July. EVENT COMMENT A revolution in Egypt back in 2011 removed President Mubarak from power. Mr Morsi then became Egypt’s first democratically elected president in 2012. In July 2013 following another revolution Mr Morsi was removed from power and the Muslim brotherhood has now been declared an illegal organisation. It is incredible how the words of Isaiah 19 are being fulfilled before our eyes. This chapter is not taken out of context. Isaiah 19 is part of a section which describes 10 tribulations or burdens on 10 different nations. These tribulations had ancient fulfilments but they are being played out in great detail NOW. The first burden is in Isaiah 13 and the last is in chapter 23. Ch 24 concludes with worldwide judgement. BIBLE QUOTE (Isaiah 19:2-3 NLT)

  3. I will make Egyptian fight against Egyptian— brother against brother, neighbor against neighbor, city against city, province against province The Egyptians will lose heart, and I will confuse their plans. Four bombs strike central Cairo Daily Telegraph, January 23, 2014 Cairo was struck by four blasts including a suicide car bomb on Friday morning, leaving six dead and prompting fears of a descent into prolonged Islamist terror. Angry crowds gathered at the scene of the first explosion, outside the main police headquarters in the city's Downtown, and attacked foreign journalists trying to report on the scene. They chanted anti-Islamist slogans, including "The people call for the execution of the [Muslim] Brotherhood”. The bombers struck despite a security crackdown in advance of protests expected on Saturday to mark the third anniversary of the start of the January 25 revolution in 2011, which led to the downfall of ex-President Hosni Mubarak 18 days later. The first explosion happened shortly before 6.30am, and was loud enough to send shock waves through homes two miles away. Witnesses at the scene said that at least three corpses were immediately taken to the nearby Ahmed Maher hospital, along with scores of injuries. EVENT COMMENT Isaiah 19 speaks of the events we are witnessing right now in Egypt. Egyptian fighting Egyptian. Isaiah 19 is not plucked out of context and applied to modern day events. Isaiah 19 is part of a series of 10 chapters in Isaiah that are specifically about the last days. They deal with 10 burdens (or tribulations) that affect 10 nations at the time of the end. Some of the nations mentioned in these 10 tribulations are Iraq, Syria, Egypt, Iran, Israel, Palestinians etc. Each nation has its own identified problem that affects not only the nation itself but also the surrounding nations as well. They are tribulations for the world. To find out more about these tribulations and how they applied during 2013 watch a YouTube video produced by the WWW team. CLICK HERE to watch… BIBLE QUOTE (Isaiah 19:2 NLT)

  4. He [the king of the north / Russia] will conquer many countries, and even Egypt will not escape. He will gain control over the gold, silver, and treasures of Egypt, and the Libyans and Ethiopians will be his servants. Putin backs Egypt Sisi's 'run' for Egyptian presidency Daily Telegraph, February 13, 2014 EVENT Russia’s President Vladimir Putin has made a startling intervention in Egypt’s political turmoil by backing its defence minister for the presidency, before an election has even been declared. Whether the minister, the newly promoted Field Marshal Abdulfattah el-Sisi, will stand for president in elections scheduled for later this year is the biggest talking point in Egyptian politics, with elements of a personality cult already forming around him. His aides have consistently denied reports that he has already made a decision, but Mr Putin chose to ignore that while welcoming him on a visit to Moscow. “I know that you have made a decision to run for president,” Mr Putin said. “That’s a very responsible decision: to undertake such a mission for the fate of the Egyptian people. On my own part, and on behalf of the Russian people, I wish you success.” COMMENT The political turmoil in Egypt continues and now Putin has got involved. It is very unusual for a candidate to be so publicly backed by a foreign country, particularly when he has not even announced his candidature! 40 years ago the Egyptian president Anwar Sadat ended military cooperation with Russia and lined up with America. Egypt’s close ties to America have lasted ever since. That is until recently. Egypt is looking to Russia as Egypt has lost trust in America. Russia is keen to take advantage of America’s unpopularity. Russia and Egypt are about to do a $2bn arms deal it is reported. The Bible tells us that Russia is interested in Egypt. In Daniel 11 we read that the king of the north (Russia) comes down through Israel into Egypt. In fact we read that when he gets into Egypt he completely takes over and controls the whole wealth of the country. But it is an invasion. Russia conquers Egypt. So although Russia appears friendly to Egypt, Putin’s true future intentions are to rule over it and subdue it… BIBLE QUOTE (Daniel 11:42 – 43 NLT)

  5. The officials of Zoan have become fools, the leaders of Memphis are deceived; the cornerstones of her peoples have led Egypt astray. The Lord has poured into them a spirit of foolishness; they make Egypt stagger in all that she does, as a drunkard staggers around in his vomit. There is nothing Egypt can do— Egypt sentences 529 Morsi supporters to death Daily Telegraph, March 24, 2014 Egypt’s judges have risked new international outrage by sentencing to death 529 people accused of rioting after a single, two-session trial that ended on Monday. The judge, in the city of Minya, refused to allow the defence to complete their cases or even admit the defendants’ families or lawyers to court for the verdict, they claimed afterwards. The sentence, if it is carried out, will be the biggest mass execution from a single case in history. Legal experts say it is likely to be either overturned on appeal – rejected by the Grand Mufti, to whom all death penalties are referred – or commuted by the president, not least because of the international consequences of such an event. But it brought widespread condemnation from inside the country and abroad. Amnesty International described it as “grotesque”. “Many will question whether Egypt’s criminal justice system has indeed anything to do with justice,” Hassiba Hadj Sahraoui, its deputy Middle East director, said. EVENT he COMMENT Egypt’s political turmoil continues. The United States expressed shock Monday after an Egyptian court handed down death sentences against 529 supporters of Egypt's deposed president Mohamed Morsi after a two-day trial. The largest mass sentencing in the country's history was related to the death of a policeman and other violence in the aftermath of the clearing of two squares last August. The Bible in a section in Isaiah speaks of 10 national nightmares that come upon 10 different nations before the day of the Lord comes. One of those nations described is Egypt. In Isaiah 19 we read of the burden (tribulation) of Egypt. It describes Egyptian fighting Egyptian. Brother against brother. It says there will be a perverse spirit in Egypt. It says a cruel lord will rule over them. They will act as fools. We see this happening… BIBLE QUOTE (Isaiah 19:13-14)

  6. and I will bring thee forth, and all thine army, horses and horsemen, all of them clothed with all sorts of armour, even a great company with bucklers and shields, all of them handling swords: Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them; all of them with shield and helmet: Egypt ‘launched air strikes against Libyan Islamists’ Daily Telegraph, August 25, 2014 Egypt and the United Arab Emirates have been accused of launching air strikes against Islamist targets in Libya – a move which would prove to be a major regional escalation in what is fast becoming a battle between the Arab old guard and the rampant forces of political Islam. A day after Islamist militias captured Tripoli airport and set up a confrontation with the new secular-leaning parliament, reports emerged that fighter jets dispatched by Egypt and the UAE had launched at least two strikes in the Libyan capital over the past week. Militiamen from the port city of Misurata, who now appear to be firmly in control of the Libyan capital, accused Cairo of launching the air strikes against their positions before they seized control of Tripoli airport. Meanwhile there were allegations that Egypt and the UAE carried out the strikes without the consent of the United States – despite both countries being firm allies of the White House. EVENT COMMENT Last weekend Islamist militias seized Libya’s international airport, amid chaotic scenes that marked a major victory in their increasingly violent struggle to take political and military control of the country. The Libyan capital has in recent months become the battleground of a brutal contest for power between a myriad armed factions from rival cities and tribes, but which can be broadly divided between Islamists and those of more secular and nationalist bent. The Islamists appear to be winning. It’s yet another country falling into the hand of extremist Islamists. Egypt and UAE have launched their own airstrikes this week – which in itself is highly unusual. Especially to act without reference to America. The Bible speaks of Libya joining forces with Russia and Iran and invading Israel. We can see events in Libya moving towards this outcome… BIBLE QUOTE (Ezekiel 38:4-5)

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