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European Transparency Regulation (ETR/ERGEG) – Industry Briefing (30-Oct-2014 session)

Get updates on the European Transparency Regulation (ETR/ERGEG) during the industry briefing session on October 30, 2014. Topics include submission methods, proposed design changes, testing updates, key MP queries, and future plans.

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European Transparency Regulation (ETR/ERGEG) – Industry Briefing (30-Oct-2014 session)

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Presentation Transcript

  1. European Transparency Regulation (ETR / ERGEG) – Industry briefing (30-Oct-2014 session) – tcon Author: NG ETR team Last Updated: 30-Oct-2014 (V0.2)

  2. Some ground rules • Login to the “live meeting” session as “name (company)”. For example: • Melanie (NG) • Do not use the “live meeting” audio. Please dial in separately using the conference details in the appointment. • When you have a query, use the dialog box to raise your hand. The presenter will stop at the appropriate moment and ask the person to speak. • When speaking, please announce yourself “name (company)”. Sorry for this. Due to the expected large number of attendees, it is essential to follow this. ETR Industry briefing v0.2 (30-Oct-14)

  3. Agenda Stats on MP submission methods Proposed MODIS Design Change on Ack/Nack discussion Testing update Update on key MP queries Looking ahead Any other business ETR Industry briefing v0.2 (30-Oct-14)

  4. Stats on MP submission methods (as at 29-Oct-14) Notes: • Total of 53 EIC parties. • 1 EIC party has selected “all methods”. • 1 EIC party has selected 2 separate methods. • Some EIC parties selected “web services over leased lines” method have also indicated their preferred alternative methods of either “sFTP” or “Login”. This is not included in the above stats. ETR Industry briefing v0.2 (30-Oct-14)

  5. Proposed Design change for Ack/Nack (return messages) • NG assessment completed. Proposal attached below: • In summary: • Propose that MPs to fetch Ack/NAck (return) message from NG. • Due to short notice of the change, NG will provide support to send Ack/NAck to MPs post ETR go-live until the end of February 2015. ETR Industry briefing v0.2 (30-Oct-14)

  6. Testing update MODIS being tested internally Network for sFTP is ready and currently being tested by early adopter MPs MP sample files are being processed manually ELEXON providing support for sample file testing ETR Industry briefing v0.1b (30-Oct-14) 6

  7. Update on key MP queries so far (1) • Taking note of the recent feedback, Isaac Wilks has been appointed as the ETR project Communication officer. The contact email address to use is .box.ETR_project@nationalgrid.com • Responsibilities: • Be the single point of contact for external stakeholders. • Monitor ETR project email for queries via the box email (.box.ETR_project@nationalgrid.com) • Log, assign, chase and close out queries • Bring common queries (and associated response) to MP t-cons to share Note: All ETR testing related queries will now go to the ETR project email, but can be copied to the ETR Test email (IS.IntegrationTesting@nationalgrid.com). ETR Industry briefing v0.2 (30-Oct-14)

  8. Update on key MP queries so far (2) • Stats gathered since inception (20-Oct-14) as at 28-Oct-14: • 11 queries raised, 5 closed. • Key queries and responses: ETR Industry briefing v0.2 (30-Oct-14)

  9. Looking ahead • Due to additional technical issues at the current time the “web services” interface is unlikely to be ready for ETR go-live • A separate development has initiated a contingency solution. This solution requires MPs to: • Send their reports to NG via the sFTP route ETR Industry briefing v0.2 (30-Oct-14)

  10. Looking ahead • Continuing: Process MP sample reports onto ENTSOe platform via Elexon and provide feedback to MPs. • TBC: Release of MODIS to allow external user access. • w/c 01/12/14 (was 18/11): MODIS system rollout to Production. Note that Elexon system will not be available in the first 2 weeks of December 2014 to prepare for system go-live on 16/12/14. • 16/12/14 to 04/01/15: Day 1 data load period to be organised in batches. • Key risk(s) and issue(s): • Risk: Unable to provide external users access to MODIS due to technical difficulties in integrating NG security layer with the MODIS application • Mitigation: Alternative method being investigated. Initial testing expected Friday (31/10). • Risk: Unable to provide feedback on MP sample reports • Mitigation: Use of manual flow (via email) to NG Teat team. This is now possible since 17/10 when the pre-reg Master config file was successfully loaded in EMFIP (data used is aligned with LIO spreadsheet with a few exceptions). • Risk: MODIS not ready in time for go-live • Mitigation: Contingency plan being drawn up. Contingency solution requires MPs to submit reports via sFTP route. ETR Industry briefing v0.2 (30-Oct-14)

  11. Updates on key actions: ETR Industry briefing v0.2 (30-Oct-14)

  12. End Last slide

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