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Sahib Tuhinji Sahibee Ajabb Dithi Suua Panna Boree Pataar Mein Pathar Taari Tun

Sahib Tuhinji Sahibee Ajabb Dithi Suua Panna Boree Pataar Mein Pathar Taari Tun Je Razii Thi Muu Te Meri-Aayee Maan Lahaan. Kiya Rhijaya Tokhe Kiya Parchaya Dus Ko Daaun Ya Thia Momin Paak Nimaazi Jehemey Jaanib Tu Thia Raazi Jaan Jhoraya Kinha Sararo Nimaaya Dus Ko Daaun.

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Sahib Tuhinji Sahibee Ajabb Dithi Suua Panna Boree Pataar Mein Pathar Taari Tun

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Sahib TuhinjiSahibeeAjabbDithiSuua PannaBoreePataarMein PatharTaariTun Je RaziiThiMuu TeMeri-AayeeMaanLahaan

  2. KiyaRhijayaTokheKiyaParchaya DusKoDaaun YaThiaMominPaakNimaazi JehemeyJaanibTuThiaRaazi JaanJhorayaKinhaSararoNimaaya DusKoDaaun

  3. KiyaRhijayaTokheKiyaParchaya DusKoDaaun YaThia Hindu, Puja ButhKhaaney KashiDwaarey Ganga Ishnaaney JanioPaayaKinhaTilakuLagaaya DusKoDaaun

  4. KiyaRhijayaTokheKiyaParchaya DusKoDaaun YaThiaNaachua, PaayaPeshawaazi DhukarDhamcharSaaziAwaazi PhereriPaaiyaKinha Cher Chimkaaya DusKoDaaun

  5. KiyaRhijayaTokheKiyaParchaya DusKoDaaun Acha Ta Piyaaral, KaryuParchaao SaanSuleiman Jo KaryuSarchaao LaayikNaiyaPoibheKuhinjeriAaiya DusKoDaun

  6. KiyaRhijayaTokheKiyaParchaya DusKoDaaun * * *

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